Hey Nick,
I've been using W7 for a few weeks now and I figured I ought to name some annoyances I have with it so far, or improvements for that matter. Some might not be as W7 centered, but all-around I'm trying to go for usability here. :)
1) Updating the open/save dialogs. They are still using the old-style, and not nearly as slick in daily use as the new windows are. (Somehow the old style is too cramped and not nearly as useful to me when browsing for files.) I think it should be simple to implement based on this link: http://windowsteamblog.com/blogs/developers/archive/2009/04/16/light-up-with-windows-7-libraries.aspx
2) Fixing the World Configuration dialog. (Yeah, I'm bringing that one up -again-. :P) Concrete annoyances I am dealing with are as follows:
2a) The left treeview with all the different pages doesn't get redrawn properly. Clicking around leaves focus rectangles, using arrows leaves everything in a permanent selected state.
2b) Since using W7, I moved my taskbar vertically since it is far more useful that way on my widescreen setup, and it simply supports that better natively speaking. But because I vertically maximize MUSHclient right next to my taskbar (shortcut: Win+Shift+UpArrow), the world configuration dialog ends up having half the stuff under my taskbar due to that window being wider than my MUSH window. I'd love it if it could either remember the last-used position, or keep the real-estate on the current screen in mind and adjust accordingly. (Yeah I have two screens too - aren't those things a pain to program against? :/) I think I don't suffer this issue with other popups due to them being smaller, but I'd love for those to get similar treatment.
3) W7 has these nice new features for the taskbar. I'd love to make use of those. (I think there is the Windows 7 Code Pack or something with the appropriate headers)
3a) Pinning MUSHclient and right-clicking supports having a Recent list in there, called Jump Lists. I'd love to see that implemented since MUSHclient already does that under the hood anyhow.
3a+) I realized while writing just now that would probably start a new instance of MUSHclient. A new global option to have stuff started that way open in an existing instance of MUSHclient would be nice as well. (Before you ask what the advantage of this over the File->Recent Files menu is, this one allows you to pin often opened files, which beats having shortcuts all over your desktop or digging for particular world files.)
3b) There are other nice APIs available for the taskbar as well. The 'Progress Bar'-button comes to mind, which could be used from a scripting environment. You could use those for lengthy operations like searching a buffer, converting the spellcheck files, etc. There's several others as well such as Icon Overlays (think of a notification image when an immortal beeps you, you are being attacked, etc. Plenty of options there.) and thumbnail support (for which I have several ideas that would be nice to have, but I won't spam them here as they can be considered nice bonuses). All of this stuff would make for awesome stuff to use while scripting.
4) I think there's still some issues remaining with the installation locations and paths as well, although I didn't write them down. Never the less, I'll mention here where I believe files should be placed.
Plugin state files: C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\MUSHclient\state or whatever you want to call it.
MUSHclient settings: C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\MUSHclient\
Default example plugins (both the current scripts and worlds\plugins directories): C:\Users\All Users\MUSHclient (Perfect choice? No. But they are default 'user files' and should thus be user accessible, and as such do not belong in AppData\Roaming. Program Files is a bad location as well due to permission issues, but it might be acceptable as long as the directory structure implies they should not be used as live files to modify, eg \PF\MUSHclient\examples\.)
Default plugin-directory: My Documents / Documents library. (Perfect choice? No. But they are user files and should thus be user accessible with notepad etc, and as such do not belong in AppData\Roaming.)
Default world-directory: See the default plugin-directory above.
5) At some point, it would be nice to move away from the old Windows .HLP format. Yes, it works, and personally I prefer it over many of those HTML help things, but it is outdated and in need of updating. To be honest, I can imagine MS not even offering the download for that program when Windows 8 rolls around.
Okay, I'm done. I hope I don't sound too demanding - I still love MUSHclient. But it simply feels clunky now that I've moved on from XP. |