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 Entire forum ➜ Dawn of Time

Dawn of Time server topics.

Note: Dawn of Time seems to have gone quiet. The main website doesn't have anything much since 2009, and the forums seem to have only occasional activity.

You can probably consider this codebase as unsupported at present.

For more information about the Dawn of Time server, see The Dawn of Time - Mud Codebase

There is now an official Dawn Of Time forum. You may get a faster response by posting to that.

Topic Description Posts Views
Administration Administration of Dawn of Time 311 1,266,696
Configuration How to configure Dawn of Time 206 820,242
Installing/compiling the server How to install and compile Dawn of Time 284 1,006,927
New Dawn Muds Announcements Announcements of new Dawn based muds 18 140,844
Playing Playing Dawn of Time 35 155,993
What is Dawn of Time (Dawn)? Description of the Dawn code base 21 173,783

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