Thank you for the link. I had read that, and unfortunately, something I am doing isn't working. I know I am not parsing the code correctly, because I do not know how to do it. In addition, when I opened the world, the RoD Chats opened automatically -- for some reason, this is not the case anymore. I will paste the code I have tried to derive in entirety, but I would like to stipulate what I would like to be in the other window.
When I page (communicate across MUSH, as in whisper) someone, I get echo that reads:
You paged Tony with 'hello!'.
When they page me, I get echo that reads:
Tony pages: hello!
When I page-emote, I get echo that reads:
Long distance to Tony: Chris waves!
When they page-emote me, I get echo that reads:
From afar, Tony waves!
On this particular MUSH, we use a channel system. When we talk on it, it will read:
[Vampire] Chris waves!
We talk out of character a lot during scenes. When this happens, it will read:
<OOC> Chris waves!
In all of these listed events, I would like for these to show up in the RoD Window, or window that is not the main window. The below code has been edited (incorrectly) by me. Please let me know how to fix it? In addition, I messed something up, because now it is not even opening up the RoD Chats window like it used to. Thank you, again, for all your help.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>
<!-- Saved on Saturday, June 30, 2007, 10:48 -->
<!-- MuClient version 4.13 -->
<!-- Plugin "Chat_Redirector" generated by Plugin Wizard -->
Edit plugin and change "chat_world" variable to be the name of the
world you want chats to go to.
author="Nick Gammon"
purpose="Redirects chat messages to another world"
date_written="2007-06-30 10:45:35"
<description trim="y">
Redirects chats to the specified world.
Add or modify "chat" triggers to capture different sorts of message.
Change the variable "chat_world" to be the name of the world chats are to go to.
<!-- Triggers -->
match="^<OOC> ^[A-Za-z]+ \'(.*?)\'$"
match="^From afar, ^[A-Za-z]+ \'(.*?)\'$"
match="^[Vampire] ^[A-Za-z]+ \'(.*?)\'$"
match="^Long distance to ^[A-Za-z]+ \'(.*?)\'$"
<!-- Script -->
chat_world = "RoD Chats"
local first_time = true
function redirect (name, line, wildcards, styles)
-- try to find "chat" world
local w = GetWorld (chat_world) -- get "chat" world
-- if not found, try to open it
if first_time and not w then
local filename = GetInfo (67) .. chat_world .. ".mcl"
Open (filename)
w = GetWorld (chat_world) -- try again
if not w then
ColourNote ("white", "red", "Can't open chat world file: " .. filename)
first_time = false -- don't repeatedly show failure message
end -- can't find world
end -- can't find world first time around
if w then -- if present
for _, v in ipairs (styles) do
w:ColourTell (RGBColourToName (v.textcolour),
RGBColourToName (v.backcolour),
end -- for each style run
w:Note ("") -- wrap up line
end -- world found
end -- function redirect