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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Bug reports ➜ Crashing 4.72 on Win7 64x

Crashing 4.72 on Win7 64x

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Posted by Dontarion   USA  (62 posts)  Bio
Date Tue 17 May 2011 04:52 AM (UTC)
I've reported crashing before and I found out the cause:

On Win7 64bit after 4.5 or so it would crash but worked fine on XP. I've isolated it down to checking the bold box in change colour and style for triggers. Using any other colour and style lines works fine but if you check bold when the trigger hits it crashes MUSH.

I've been chasing this bug for a long time. Finally.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Tue 17 May 2011 08:28 AM (UTC)
Can you paste the exact problem trigger please? I have tried on Windows 7 and it doesn't crash for me.

Template:copying For advice on how to copy aliases, timers or triggers from within MUSHclient, and paste them into a forum message, please see Copying XML.

Also what font are you using? Do you have "show bold" enabled in the output configuration?

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Tue 17 May 2011 08:32 AM (UTC)

Amended on Tue 17 May 2011 08:33 AM (UTC) by Twisol

With such a weird error, it might be easiest if you can duplicate this in a new world file and paste the whole file here. (Just make sure your username/password fields are empty, because the password isn't stored terribly securely.)

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #3 on Wed 18 May 2011 02:07 AM (UTC)
I can believe that some combination of colouring/bolding etc. combined with some other option (eg. length of line, font etc.) might do it, but I really need to reproduce it so I can test it out in the debugger.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Dontarion   USA  (62 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Wed 18 May 2011 04:39 AM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 18 May 2011 04:41 AM (UTC) by Dontarion

I tested it by turning a trigger bold and making it fire then the system crashed.

Current font: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
Show: bold, italic, underline selected
Screen wrap is 92.

This crashing doesn't happen on my XP computer when the exact same files (entire MUSHclient folder) are copied from the XP machine to my Win7 computers. This is the second Win7 computer I've had crash with this issue.

Note: the bolding shows up on XP.

Just tested again: Made a brand new trigger and only selected bold. Tested it and sure enough crash.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #5 on Wed 18 May 2011 05:27 AM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 18 May 2011 06:12 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Can you paste the exact problem trigger please?

Template:copying For advice on how to copy aliases, timers or triggers from within MUSHclient, and paste them into a forum message, please see Copying XML.

Is it a lot of trouble to copy and paste the trigger? It could be some option you are using. Whether or not it is a regular expression. And so on.

I tried again, no crash. I'm not doing anything else until I get a copy of it.



Please provide a summary of your world configuration:

  • Either use the scripting Immediate window (Ctrl+I) to execute: Debug ("summary")


  • Install the Summary plugin (see "Summary" feature) and type "summary"

Then copy the resulting information from the output window, and paste into a Forum message.

You need version 4.55 onwards of MUSHclient to do this.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #6 on Wed 18 May 2011 05:30 AM (UTC)
Oh, and can you try another font please? Like Dina that comes with MUSHclient. I don't actually seem to have Bitstream Vera Sans Mono on my copy of Windows 7.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Dontarion   USA  (62 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #7 on Wed 18 May 2011 07:15 AM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 18 May 2011 07:19 AM (UTC) by Dontarion

Using courier, bitstream and arial it crashed. Using Dina, which wasn't installed when I installed MUSH, MUSHclient did not crash.

Like I have stated previously you can make a new trigger with regex and bold selected then trigger it. This will crash MUSHclient using the above non-Dina fonts.

Here is what you requested:

This is a regex trigger before it will crash me:

match="^You try to use your left hand but it is still too numb\.$"

This is the same regex trigger after selecting bold and it will/did crash me:

match="^You try to use your left hand but it is still too numb\.$"

Debug summary:

-------------- MUSHclient summary --------------

MUSHclient version: 4.72
Compiled: Feb 5 2011.
Time now: Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 12:37 AM
Operating system: Windows 7
Libraries: Lua 5.1.4, PCRE 8.10, PNG 1.4.3, SQLite3 3.7.3, Zlib 1.2.5
World name: 'Achaea', ID: e7652573ef14a7e4c5cc1e04
-- Scripting --
Script language: Lua, enabled: yes
Scripting active: yes
Script file: C:\Achaea\MUSHclient\lua\XCore\xcore.lua
Lua sandbox is 127 characters, DLL loading allowed: yes
Scripting prefix: '/'. External editor in use: NO.
Scripting for: 0.070655 seconds.
-- Triggers, aliases, timers, variables --
** Triggers: 1216 in world file, triggers enabled: yes. [Triggers]
726 enabled, 1215 regexp, 17601 attempts, 0 matched, 0.003087 seconds.
** Aliases: 362 in world file, aliases enabled: yes. [Aliases]
362 enabled, 361 regexp, 0 attempts, 0 matched, 0.000000 seconds.
** Timers: 1 in world file, timers enabled: yes. [Timers]
0 enabled, 0 fired.
Timers checked every 0.1 seconds.
** Variables: 19. [Variables]
-- MCCP --
MCCP not active.
-- Plugins (Processing order) --
ID: c1b0e1a49f23c2f789b28423, 'Antitheft', (Lua, 0.000 s) Enabled [Tr Al Va]
ID: f9a86b675c4c314dab7a7f03, 'Elixsum', (Lua, 0.000 s) Enabled [Tr Al]
ID: 2d63e3c55b2caec463c4e891, 'PromptFix', (Lua, 0.000 s) Enabled [Tr]
ID: 2d6228d611c4bb8aa0c1d903, 'Wholist', (Lua, 0.004 s) Enabled [Tr Al Va]
ID: febc349bccf426447a802e0d, 'VadiMapperMiniWindow', (Lua, 0.001 s) Enabled [Tr Al Cb]
ID: 85f72d0e263d75df7bde6f00, 'ATCP_NJG', (Lua, 0.000 s) Enabled [Cb]
ID: 3e7dedbe37e44942dd46d264, 'GMCP_handler', (Lua, 0.010 s) Enabled [Al Cb]
ID: a80b38e2f618fbda79a6440c, 'ATCP_Mapper', (Lua, 0.015 s) Enabled [Tr Al Va Cb]
ID: 4de91eaa2624f202c4bb6835, 'ChatWindow', (Lua, 0.002 s) Enabled [Tr Va Cb]
** Plugins: 9 loaded, 9 enabled.
-- Comms --
Connect phase: 0 (Closed). NAWS wanted: NO
Received: 945 bytes (0 Kb)
Sent: 290 bytes (0 Kb)
Received 5 packets, sent 5 packets.
Total lines received: 186
This connection: Sent 0 lines, received 148 lines.
Telnet (IAC) received: DO: 0, DONT: 0, WILL: 3, WONT: 0, SB: 0 [Telnet]
-- MXP --
MXP active: NO, Pueblo mode: NO, Activated: No - never
MXP tags received: 0
MXP entities received: 0
MXP errors: 0
-- Commands --
Commands in command history: 0
Speed walking enabled: yes. Speed walking prefix: #
Command stacking enabled: yes. Command stack character: ';'
Accelerators defined: 1 [Accelerators]
-- Miniwindows --
Window: 'ScrollbarWindow4de91eaa2624f202c4bb6835', at (1257,41,1579,241), shown: yes
width: 322, height: 200, position: 7, hotspots: 5, fonts: 1, images: 0
Window: 'a80b38e2f618fbda79a6440c_mapper', at (1179,282,1579,682), shown: yes
width: 400, height: 400, position: 7, hotspots: 1, fonts: 2, images: 0
Window: 'febc349bccf426447a802e0d', at (0,0,0,0), shown: NO
width: 450, height: 335, position: 6, hotspots: 0, fonts: 1, images: 0
** Miniwindows: 3 loaded, 2 shown.
-- Output window --
Output pixels: width 1579, height: 723, font width: 7, font height: 14
can show 225 characters, wrapping at column 92, height 51 lines.
Output buffer: 210 of 500000 lines.
-- Miscellaneous --
Logging: NO, tracing: NO
** SQLite3 databases: 0
Sound buffers in use: 0

---------------------- End summary ----------------------

@Twisol: Created a new world, changed the font to arial (since Dina doesn't crash), allowed bold, made one trigger and used test trigger to make it crash. The output is too large to post so here is the pastebin:

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #8 on Wed 18 May 2011 07:46 AM (UTC)
We seem to be narrowing it down to the problem being displaying bold text, in certain fonts.

Can you tell me what point size you are using please?

Also, since this doesn't seem to be that widespread, can you tell me about anything "unusual" about your display setup?

For example:

  • Have you enabled anti-aliasing?
  • Have you switched to a different theme?
  • Have you gone into the Accessibility functions (or the Display configuration) and made all the text larger?
  • Are the fonts you are using downloaded from somewhere?

Personally I usually have "show bold" deselected. As a work-around you could try that.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Dontarion   USA  (62 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #9 on Wed 18 May 2011 04:08 PM (UTC)
I haven't changed default settings with Windows: I didn't know MUSH had anti-aliasing. I've always thought this was a game side rendering feature.

The theme is the default Windows 7 theme.

I haven't used any of the accessibility features nor changed font sizes.

The font size used is generally 8 I believe but one of them started at 9 minimum.

All fonts, sans Dina, came from Microsoft Windows 7. I am liking the Dina font though.

The moment I figured out the bug I went in and replaced make bold.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #10 on Sat 04 Jun 2011 12:57 AM (UTC)
I sat down for half an hour, using MUSHclient 4.73 on Windows 7. Bold was enabled. I tried various fonts including Arial and Courier. No matter what I did, it wouldn't crash for me.

Has anyone else experienced this?

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Dontarion   USA  (62 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #11 on Sat 04 Jun 2011 10:38 AM (UTC)
This was on two seperate computers an HP Pavillion something another and a new Asus. They're both 64bit CPUs.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #12 on Sun 05 Jun 2011 02:14 AM (UTC)
Here's my test:

There is a trigger on the word "guard" which turns it to bold (and green). As you can see it fired and turned the word bold.

Dontarion said:

Using courier, bitstream and arial it crashed.

As you can see I was using Arial. As you can also see Bitstream is not on the list of fonts.

Still, apart from Dontarion, there are no other reports of this bug. If I could reproduce it I would be able to fix it (because I would know that changes I made actually did something).

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #13 on Sun 05 Jun 2011 05:35 AM (UTC)
See this:

That fellow fixed the problem by re-installing Arial font.

- Nick Gammon,

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