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➜ MUSHclient
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➜ Plugin questions!
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Posted by
| Saross
(2 posts) Bio
| Fri 04 May 2012 07:31 PM (UTC) |
| So I have two questions. I play on a server located at (Referenced for help in troubleshooting)
I'm trying to get make MushClient more useful for me, and ironically something that can be useful for the other players.
The first question I have is this:
I found, (Somewhere on here. I lost the exact link), a plugin written by Fiendish that was named Chat_Capture_MiniWindows.xml. I modified it to point to the channels, tells, group tells and party tells that I want to pull to the Window that it creates, (and I am sure it has a few parcels of code duplicated/excessive from removing/adding things.)
Anyways my question is this, has anyone made a plugin similar to this that will pull Channels to its own Moveable Window that has each channel in its own Tab. For instance if I say something on the Auction it moves it to an Auction Tab in that window. This way it would organize each one by channel.
The Second Question I have is this:
I've been going through and trying to get the Mapper.xml and other similar plugins to work. However each one stays Stuck on the MUSHclient Mapper display. The game I play has difficult world setup for it. So in truth the the mapper program would have to be smart enough to know when it's changed Eras or gone into its own spot called OOC where each Inn is tied to. As Legendmud is based on three Eras that you can go back and forth between it makes mapping... Unique. The only thing I can think of is that it would either A.) have to have four tabs in it that are tied to know when you switch Eras by unique quest ordeals, or B.) have a mapper setup that bounces between 4 windows that each correlate between each other to show what room you are in based on the current set of "Trans" quest that was done to get to that Era or OOC.
So far from my experience I have messed with this mapper for years, I even had one that actually was "Mapping" but it duplicated heavily. Sadly I no longer have that code as it was lost on an old SSD drive. And it had no clue when a Trans quest occurred either.
The other difficult thing that correlates on the difficulty of this is that there are Several rooms that the Name, and sometimes even the description matches that I could foresee causing further issues.
Posting this for reference (Straight Look in current room):
The Jolly Beggar ***Coded in light TEAL***
The interior of this inn does not bode well for the quality of your night's
sleep. The walls are covered with old faded nautical charts in an attempt to
provide an atmosphere congenial to the people likely to stop by, but all you
can see as you turn your head from wall to wall to wall is 'here there be
dragons' over and over again. There seems to be a small kitchen, and plenty of
rooms available. A small table flanked by a couple of chairs sits to one side
of the room and a couch sits against the opposite wall. ***Coded in dark TEAL***
[Exits: e] ***Coded in White*** | Top |
Posted by
| Fiendish
USA (2,534 posts) Bio
Global Moderator |
| Reply #1 on Sat 05 May 2012 01:06 AM (UTC) |
Quote: Anyways my question is this, has anyone made a plugin similar to this that will pull Channels to its own Moveable Window that has each channel in its own Tab. For instance if I say something on the Auction it moves it to an Auction Tab in that window. This way it would organize each one by channel. I always meant to add this functionality but never did. :\ I should get on that... | | Top |
Posted by
| Saross
(2 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Sat 05 May 2012 01:16 AM (UTC) |
| Well that would be way nice and make it easier to find things from the channels you want to keep up on! I was using Mudlet (since I have a Mac as well) and someone made something similar with tabs and all.. its fairly buggy if you ask me as when you try to customize it, it suddenly breaks and starts storing everything in a couple of the tabs... | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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