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➜ MUSHclient
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➜ Scrambled xml files after editing
Scrambled xml files after editing
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Posted by
| forral
USA (79 posts) Bio
| Wed 25 Jul 2012 04:51 PM (UTC) |
| Hi all,
Haven't had to post in a while. I recently downloaded an updated list of plugins for the MUD I play (Materia Magica) and some of the plugin names were convoluted and confusing (meh_prompt instead of 'Abridged Prompt' or 'Extended Prompt'), etc. So, I went on the simple mission of just editing the instances of the Plugin name within the .xml files. I have Notepad++ installed (FOSS editor, absolutely awesome) and I edited most of the files using Windows' built-in notepad, and just checked the syntax by opening them in Notepad++.
After editing all the files, some of them started scrambling. What I mean by that is instead of everything being spaced out and in an order the client can interpret, all the lines jumbled up into one big mess.
I'm not sure how it happened and I will attempt to take steps to re-create it as much as possible, but does anyone have any insight as to how/why this happened, and how I can potentially restore the files without manually going through and spacing everything out?
I've found scrambled plugins before, and opening them with a syntax-highlighting editor like Notepad++ has done wonders in readability, but these scrambled files are showing up scrambled even in Notepad++.
If I have the forum permissions to do so, I will upload a small plugin to demonstrate what I am talking about. | Top |
Posted by
| Worstje
Netherlands (899 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Thu 26 Jul 2012 10:00 AM (UTC) |
| MUSHclient does not write to plugins, save for the initial plugin creation wizard. It only reads them, and as such cannot be responsible for garbling plugins in the manner you say. :)
Perhaps you hit some keys in Notepad++ to do this? Perhaps converted the file to Linux line-endings, just to venture a guess? | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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