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Smaugfuss 1.9 do_practice Bug??

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Posted by Robert Powell   Australia  (367 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Tue 24 Jun 2014 06:58 AM (UTC)
There seems to be an issue with do_practice in smaugfuss 1.9. I am not sure what is happening here, but you can see from the output that something is amiss.

Immortal Char at a practice mob

  aggressive style [100%]             climb [100%]              cook [100%]
   defensive style [100%]               dig [100%]   enhanced damage [100%]
     evasive style [100%]              kick [100%]             mount [100%]
             parry [100%]            rescue [100%]            search [100%]
     second attack [100%]    standard style [100%]
         bludgeons [100%]     flexible arms [100%]       long blades [100%]
          pugilism [100%]      short blades [100%]     talonous arms [100%]
            common [100%]           dwarven [100%]            elvish [100%]
              gith [100%]            goblin [100%]          halfling [100%]
              ogre [100%]            orcish [100%]             pixie [100%]
          trollese [100%]
You have 8 practice sessions left.
  Skill and Spell List                                                          

Immortal char not at a pract mob, truncated for the line limit in the forums

m 109mv 2400/370741350xp>          reserved [  0%]     acetum primus [100%]        acid blast [100%]
       acid breath [100%]          acidmist [100%]          acidshot [100%]
         alertness [100%]      animate dead [100%]   antimagic shell [100%]
       aqua breath [100%]             armor [100%]       astral walk [100%]
   unravel defense [100%]            uplift [100%]          valiance [100%]
       venomshield [100%]         venomshot [100%]     ventriloquate [100%]
            weaken [100%]       winter mist [100%]    word of recall [100%]
  Wrath of Dominus [100%]
(C)ontinue, (N)on-stop, (R)efresh, (B)ack, (Q)uit: [C]  -----------------------------------[Skills]-----------------------------------
  aggressive style [100%]               aid [100%]          backstab [100%]
              bash [100%]           berserk [100%]     berserk style [100%]
              bite [100%]             blitz [100%]          bloodlet [100%]
             swipe [100%]              tail [100%]              tend [100%]
      third attack [100%]             track [100%]            trance [100%]
            tumble [100%]          uppercut [100%]             vault [100%]
     vomica pravus [100%]
(C)ontinue, (N)on-stop, (R)efresh, (B)ack, (Q)uit: [C]  -----------------------------------[Weapons]-----------------------------------
         bludgeons [100%]     flexible arms [100%]       long blades [100%]
   missile weapons [100%]          pugilism [100%]      short blades [100%]
     talonous arms [100%]
            common [100%]           dwarven [100%]            elvish [100%]
              gith [100%]            goblin [100%]          halfling [100%]
              ogre [100%]            orcish [100%]             pixie [100%]
          trollese [100%]
You have 8 practice sessions left.
  Skill and Spell List                                                      

When a player character tries to practice at a practice mob, it displays a number of skills that the character does not have access to and are 20+ levels higher than the character.

This is the stock code, it is over my head what is happening, but the none should be at the bottom and the Skill and Spell list at the top.

Any help would be great, I tried to register on SmaugMuds but their website is broken and I cannot get authenticated.

Just a guy having a bit of fun. Nothing more, nothing less, I do not need I WIN to feel validated.
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Posted by Robert Powell   Australia  (367 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #1 on Tue 24 Jun 2014 06:59 AM (UTC)

void do_practice( CHAR_DATA* ch, const char* argument)
   CHAR_DATA *mob;
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   int sn;

   if( IS_NPC( ch ) )

   for( mob = ch->in_room->first_person; mob; mob = mob->next_in_room )
      if( IS_NPC( mob ) && xIS_SET( mob->act, ACT_PRACTICE ) )

   if( argument[0] == '' )
      int col;
      short lasttype, cnt;
      bool is_ok;

      col = cnt = 0;
      lasttype = SKILL_SPELL;
      set_pager_color( AT_MAGIC, ch );

      for( sn = 0; sn < num_skills; ++sn )
         const SKILLTYPE *skill;
         int normalSn;

         // the first num_sorted_skills are sorted by type, so we don't want
         // to index into skill_table -- that is sorted alphabetically -- so
         // we need to do the following dance to check if we are in the
         // sorted section or the unsorted section.
         if( sn < num_sorted_skills )
            skill = skill_table_bytype[sn];

            // we are looping over the skills sorted by type.
            // So, we need to get the normal sn as well.
            normalSn = skill_lookup( skill->name );
            skill = skill_table[sn];
            normalSn = sn;

         if( !skill || !skill->name || skill->name[0] == '' )

         if( strcmp( skill->name, "reserved" ) == 0 && ( IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) || CAN_CAST( ch ) ) )
            if( col % 3 != 0 )
               send_to_pager( "rn", ch );
            set_pager_color( AT_MAGIC, ch );
            send_to_pager_color( " ----------------------------------[&CSpells&B]----------------------------------rn",
                                 ch );
            col = 0;

         if( skill->type != lasttype )
            if( !cnt )
               send_to_pager( "                                   (none)rn", ch );
            else if( col % 3 != 0 )
               send_to_pager( "rn", ch );
            set_pager_color( AT_MAGIC, ch );
            pager_printf_color( ch,
                                " ----------------------------------&C%ss&B----------------------------------rn",
                                skill_tname[skill->type] );
            col = cnt = 0;
         lasttype = skill->type;

         if( !IS_IMMORTAL( ch )
             && ( skill->guild != CLASS_NONE && ( !IS_GUILDED( ch ) || ( ch->pcdata->clan->Class != skill->guild ) ) ) )

         if( mob )
            if( skill->skill_level[mob->Class] > mob->level && skill->race_level[mob->race] > mob->level )
            is_ok = FALSE;

            if( ch->level >= skill->skill_level[ch->Class] )
               is_ok = TRUE;
            if( ch->level >= skill->race_level[ch->race] )
               is_ok = TRUE;

            if( !is_ok )

         if( ch->pcdata->learned[sn] <= 0 && SPELL_FLAG( skill, SF_SECRETSKILL ) )

         set_pager_color( AT_MAGIC, ch );
         pager_printf( ch, "%20.20s", skill->name );
         if( ch->pcdata->learned[normalSn] > 0 )
            set_pager_color( AT_SCORE, ch );
         pager_printf( ch, " %3d%% ", ch->pcdata->learned[normalSn] );
         if( ++col % 3 == 0 )
            send_to_pager( "rn", ch );

      if( col % 3 != 0 )
         send_to_pager( "rn", ch );
      set_pager_color( AT_MAGIC, ch );
      pager_printf( ch, "You have %d practice sessions left.rn", ch->practice );

Just a guy having a bit of fun. Nothing more, nothing less, I do not need I WIN to feel validated.
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Posted by Robert Powell   Australia  (367 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #2 on Tue 24 Jun 2014 07:00 AM (UTC)

      int adept;
      bool can_prac = TRUE;

      if( !IS_AWAKE( ch ) )
         send_to_char( "In your dreams, or what?rn", ch );

      if( !mob )
         send_to_char( "You can't do that here.rn", ch );

      if( ch->practice <= 0 )
         act( AT_TELL, "$n tells you 'You must earn some more practice sessions.'", mob, NULL, ch, TO_VICT );

      sn = skill_lookup( argument );

      if( can_prac && ( ( sn == -1 ) || ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->level < skill_table[sn]->skill_level[ch->Class]
                                          && ch->level < skill_table[sn]->race_level[ch->race] ) ) )
         act( AT_TELL, "$n tells you 'You're not ready to learn that yet...'", mob, NULL, ch, TO_VICT );

      if( is_name( skill_tname[skill_table[sn]->type], CANT_PRAC ) )
         act( AT_TELL, "$n tells you 'I do not know how to teach that.'", mob, NULL, ch, TO_VICT );

       * Skill requires a special teacher
      if( skill_table[sn]->teachers && skill_table[sn]->teachers[0] != '' )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%d", mob->pIndexData->vnum );
         if( !is_name( buf, skill_table[sn]->teachers ) )
            act( AT_TELL, "$n tells you, 'I know not know how to teach that.'", mob, NULL, ch, TO_VICT );

 * Guild checks - right now, cant practice guild skills - done on 
 * induct/outcast
	if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && !IS_GUILDED(ch)
	&&    skill_table[sn]->guild != CLASS_NONE)
	    act( AT_TELL, "$n tells you 'Only guild members can use that..'"
		mob, NULL, ch, TO_VICT );

	if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && skill_table[sn]->guild != CLASS_NONE 
	     && ch->pcdata->clan->class != skill_table[sn]->guild )
	    act( AT_TELL, "$n tells you 'That can not be used by your guild.'"
		mob, NULL, ch, TO_VICT );
      if( !IS_NPC( ch ) && skill_table[sn]->guild != CLASS_NONE )
         act( AT_TELL, "$n tells you 'That is only for members of guilds...'", mob, NULL, ch, TO_VICT );

       * Disabled for now
       if ( mob->level < skill_table[sn]->skill_level[ch->class]
       ||   mob->level < skill_table[sn]->skill_level[mob->class] )
       act( AT_TELL, "$n tells you 'You must seek another to teach you that...'",
       mob, NULL, ch, TO_VICT );

      adept = ( int )( class_table[ch->Class]->skill_adept * 0.6 );

      if( ch->pcdata->learned[sn] >= adept )
         snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "$n tells you, 'I've taught you everything I can about %s.'",
                   skill_table[sn]->name );
         act( AT_TELL, buf, mob, NULL, ch, TO_VICT );
         act( AT_TELL, "$n tells you, 'You'll have to practice it on your own now...'", mob, NULL, ch, TO_VICT );
         ch->pcdata->learned[sn] += int_app[get_curr_int( ch )].learn;
         act( AT_ACTION, "You practice $T.", ch, NULL, skill_table[sn]->name, TO_CHAR );
         act( AT_ACTION, "$n practices $T.", ch, NULL, skill_table[sn]->name, TO_ROOM );
         if( ch->pcdata->learned[sn] >= adept )
            ch->pcdata->learned[sn] = adept;
            act( AT_TELL, "$n tells you. 'You'll have to practice it on your own now...'", mob, NULL, ch, TO_VICT );

Just a guy having a bit of fun. Nothing more, nothing less, I do not need I WIN to feel validated.
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Posted by Robert Powell   Australia  (367 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #3 on Tue 24 Jun 2014 07:02 AM (UTC)
Sorry for the multi posts, :) I am in verbose mode :)

Just a guy having a bit of fun. Nothing more, nothing less, I do not need I WIN to feel validated.
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Posted by Robert Powell   Australia  (367 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #4 on Tue 24 Jun 2014 10:33 AM (UTC)

Amended on Tue 24 Jun 2014 10:35 AM (UTC) by Robert Powell

Ok, fixed the layout issue, dont know what I did there, but I still have the issue of skills showing that should not be, IE 2nd attack showing for a L2 warrior.

    aggressive style   0%                climb   0%                 cook   0% 
     defensive style   0%                  dig   0%      enhanced damage  90% 
       evasive style   0%                 kick   0%                mount   0% 
               parry  48%               rescue   0%               search   0% 
       second attack   0%       standard style   0% 
           bludgeons   0%        flexible arms   0%          long blades  50% 
            pugilism   0%         short blades   0%        talonous arms   0% 
              common 100%              dwarven   0%               elvish   0% 
                gith   0%               goblin   0%             halfling   0% 
                ogre   0%               orcish   0%                pixie   0% 
            trollese   0% 
You have 7 practice sessions left.

<134hp 100m 500mv> 
--[Tommi       the Recruit             ]--------------------------------------
 Level: 2    Clan : Human      Items: 0 (max 5) 
 Years: 0    Class: Warrior    Weight: 13 (max 250) 
 STR : 18(18) HitRoll: 4     Armor: 91 
 INT : 13(13) DamRoll: 4     Align: 0    
 WIS : 13(13) 
 DEX : 13(13) Quest: 0 points. 
 CON : 12(12) PRACT:   7 
 LCK : 12(12) EXP : 3,047        TNL : 6,153        
 CHA : 13(13) GOLD : 534         
-[Health Status]----------------------------------------------------------------
 HP : 134   of   134 
 Mana: 100   of   100 
 Move: 500   of   500 
-[Play Data]--------------------------------------------------------------------
 Played: -34 hours
 Log In: Tue Jun 24 14:57:52 2014
 Saved : no save this session
 Time : Tue Jun 24 15:31:52 2014
-[Fight Data]-------------------------------------------------------------------
 Pkills: 0   Pdeaths: 0   Illegal Pkills: 0  
 MKills: 4      Mdeaths: 0     
 Wimpy : 0      Style : 6,153      
 -[Magical Tattoo's]------------------------------------------------------------

Just a guy having a bit of fun. Nothing more, nothing less, I do not need I WIN to feel validated.
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