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➜ MUSHclient
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➜ dual wield/disarm trigger
dual wield/disarm trigger
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Posted by
| PJ
USA (48 posts) Bio
| Thu 13 May 2004 05:38 PM (UTC) |
| There are many time while playing AR (a PK mud) where I have problems with having an offhand weapon disarmed and accidentally wearing something completely wrong in that hand as a result of my current trigger (get 1.;wear 1.). Often, like if I am blinded, it will have something like this come up:
You do not see that here.
You hold a purple potion in your hand.
So I figured out a way to solve this. To wield a weapon in your offhand, you must type 'dual *'. I plan to use that as an alias so that it will send to the mud 'dual *' and then activate a subscript to set an "offhand" variable to whatever I type to dual wield. Then, the trigger for having my offhand weapon disarmed will be 'get @offhand; wear @offhand'
I believe I can get close to what to do using previous pieces of my script, but I am unsure on how to have the alias send exactly what I type and want to be sure before I go and rely on it.. Any corrections? Here goes:
sub On_Dual (aliasname, full_line, wildcards)
dim dual
dual = wildcards (1)
world.setvariable "Offhand", dual
world.note "Offhand weapon set to " & dual
end sub
match="Dual *"
<send>Dual *</send>
match="* disarms you and sends your offhand weapon flying!"
<send>get @Offhand
wear @Offhand</send>
Hrmm.. Forgot to make the trigger expand variables, but other than that.. | Top |
Posted by
| Ked
Russia (524 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Thu 13 May 2004 06:04 PM (UTC) |
| I believe you can just have the alias <send>%0</send> and it'll send the exact string that the alias matched. Or you can reference the wildcards in the alias as %1, %2, %3, etc. So your
either way should work, but the latter is preferable since you might decide that having a "dw *" alias instead of "dual *" one means less typing later on. :) | Top |
Posted by
| PJ
USA (48 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Fri 14 May 2004 02:52 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 14 May 2004 02:54 PM (UTC) by PJ
| Alright, thanks. I also take it nobody saw any problem in the script so I'll go ahead and start usin it.. Dual %1.. Sounds good. | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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