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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ VBscript ➜ Script conversion! Zmud to Mushclient!

Script conversion! Zmud to Mushclient!

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Posted by Sway   (4 posts)  Bio
Date Wed 28 Jul 2004 04:40 AM (UTC)
Trying to convert this zmud script to mushclient, please help!


#VAR knighthood {} {_nodef}
#VAR dragon {} {_nodef}
#VAR valhalla {} {_nodef}
#VAR unforgiven {} {_nodef}
#VAR empire {} {_nodef}
#VAR sf {} {_nodef}
#VAR fallen {} {_nodef}
#VAR DO {} {_nodef}
#VAR timeworn {} {_nodef}

#AL {elist} {#VAR Knighthood {};#VAR Dragon {};#VAR Valhalla {};#VAR Unforgiven {};#VAR Empire {};#VAR SF {};#VAR Fallen {};
#VAR DO {};#T+ knighthood;cl 11;#WA 1000;#T- knighthood;#T+ dragon;cl 23;#WA 1000;#T- dragon;#T+ valhalla;cl 26;#WA 1000;#T- valhalla;
#T+ unforgiven;cl 46;#WA 1000;#T- unforgiven;#T+ empire;cl 59;#WA 1000;#T- empire;#T+ sf;cl 73;#WA 1000;#T- sf;#T+ fallen;cl 89;#WA 1000;#T- fallen;
#T+ DO;cl 115;#WA 1000;#T- DO;;#T+ timeworn;cl 110;#WA 1000;#T- timeworn}

#TRIGGER {You are currently in:} {#T+ Location;#WA 2000;#T- Location}

#TRIGGER {^(%w) * ~((*)~)} {#IF (%ismember( %1, @knighthood)) {#COLOR 39};#IF (%ismember( %1, @dragon)) {#COLOR 23};#IF (%ismember( %1, @valhalla)) {#COLOR 71};#IF (%ismember( %1, @unforgiven)) {#COLOR 95};#IF (%ismember( %1, @empire)) {#COLOR 95};#IF (%ismember( %1, @sf)) {#COLOR 95};#IF (%ismember( %1, @fallen)) {#COLOR 39};#IF (%ismember( %1, @DO)) {#COLOR 23};#IF (%ismember( %1, @timeworn)) {#COLOR 89}} "Location"

#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] (%w)} {#ADDI knighthood %1} "Knighthood"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] (%w)} {#ADDI dragon %1} "Dragon"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] (%w)} {#ADDI valhalla %1} "Valhalla"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] (%w)} {#ADDI unforgiven %1} "Unforgiven"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] (%w)} {#ADDI empire %1} "Empire"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] (%w)} {#ADDI sf %1} "SF"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] (%w)} {#ADDI fallen %1} "Fallen"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] (%w)} {#ADDI DO %1} "DO"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] (%w)} {#ADDI timeworn %1} "timeworn"

#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] ~*(%w)} {#ADDI knighthood %1} "Knighthood"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] ~*(%w)} {#ADDI dragon %1} "Dragon"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] ~*(%w)} {#ADDI valhalla %1} "Valhalla"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] ~*(%w)} {#ADDI unforgiven %1} "Unforgiven"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] ~*(%w)} {#ADDI empire %1} "Empire"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] ~*(%w)} {#ADDI sf %1} "SF"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] ~*(%w)} {#ADDI fallen %1} "Fallen"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] ~*(%w)} {#ADDI DO %1} "DO"
#TRIGGER {^~[*%d~] ~*(%w)} {#ADDI timeworn %1} "timeworn"


Posted by Flannel   USA  (1,230 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Wed 28 Jul 2004 08:22 AM (UTC)
Sometimes its better to just explain to us what you want done (complete with output examples so we can match), since I personally cant read Zmud code, some people can, but I wont be able to help until I get it in english, or some other real language (or some derivative thereof).

Chances are it can be streamlined for MC too. Since there are some things you need to do to work around in Zmud, that you can do easily in MC.


Messiah of Rose
Eternity's Trials.

Clones are people two.

Posted by Sway   (4 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Wed 28 Jul 2004 03:17 PM (UTC)
ok pretty much what i want it to do is make a script so that when i hit where and get this output:

You are currently in: New Rigel Realty
Visible player(s) near you:
Godric (Crystal Entrance Courtyard)
Pascal (An Elaborate Foyer)
Censored (Alyria's Little Taste of Canada)
Coldfire (Questaholics Anonymous)
Janizar (Crystal Entrance Courtyard)

I want it to show this:

-Janizar "Clan Name" (Crystal Entrance Courtyard)

/elist: would make variables knighthood, dragon, valhalla, unforgiven, empire, sf, fallen, DO, timeworn. These are clan names and this command would do clan list 11 clan list 23 clan list 26 clan list 46 clan list 59 clan list clan list 89 clan list 115 clan list 110
and would list with each player name under that clan list to it's corresponding variable, so when it does clan list 11 itll add each player name to knighthood and etc.

This is clan list output example:

Member Roster for Clan #11, Knighthood (Order):
No. Name Ranking
[ 1] Flyingnite High Priest
[ 2] Diablo High Priest
[ 3] *Yptalos High Priest
[ 4] Vlamcer High Priest
[ 5] Zar High Priestess
[ 6] *Windforce High Priest
[ 7] Ragate High Priest
[ 8] Orfeus Judicator
[ 9] Kopaka High Priest
[ 10] SanC Apostle
[ 11] Gatera Loyal Devotee
[ 12] Darrod High Priest
[ 13] *Snoogans Judicator
[ 14] Siaolex Loyal Devotee
[ 15] Sugar Loyal Devotee
[ 16] Kaelic Loyal Devotee
[ 17] Poppinfresh High Priest

I would like it to ignore the * because that just shows whether or not the player is online.

Then when i type where and it gives me the output of:
You are currently in: New Rigel Realty
Visible player(s) near you:
Godric (Crystal Entrance Courtyard)
Pascal (An Elaborate Foyer)
Censored (Alyria's Little Taste of Canada)
Coldfire (Questaholics Anonymous)
Janizar (Crystal Entrance Courtyard)

I want it to check if each player name is assigned to a variable, if so i want it to show the variable next to their name and add the dash in front of the name like this:

-Janizar "timeworn" (Crystal Entrance Courtyard)

Does this help? :)

Posted by Ked   Russia  (524 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Thu 29 Jul 2004 05:35 PM (UTC)
From what I gather, the Zmud version just leaves the clan list triggers enabled for the entire time. Though it might work, it's a pretty bad idea. It would be better to keep the triggers disabled unless they are needed, but to do that you'd need some line that could be used to disable them when the end of clan list output is reached. Is there a prompt or some standard line following:

Member Roster for Clan #11, Knighthood (Order):
No. Name Ranking
[ 1] Flyingnite High Priest
[ 2] Diablo High Priest
[ 3] *Yptalos High Priest
[ 4] Vlamcer High Priest
[ 5] Zar High Priestess
[ 6] *Windforce High Priest
[ 7] Ragate High Priest
[ 8] Orfeus Judicator
[ 9] Kopaka High Priest
[ 10] SanC Apostle
[ 11] Gatera Loyal Devotee
[ 12] Darrod High Priest
[ 13] *Snoogans Judicator
[ 14] Siaolex Loyal Devotee
[ 15] Sugar Loyal Devotee
[ 16] Kaelic Loyal Devotee
[ 17] Poppinfresh High Priest

Posted by Sway   (4 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Fri 30 Jul 2004 02:40 PM (UTC)
Nah nothing follows the clan list #.

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