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Posted by
| Zeno
USA (2,871 posts) Bio
| Tue 24 Aug 2004 05:23 AM (UTC) |
| Everytime I open MC, all the alias/trigger/macro tables fold up. Thats the best I can explain it.
Here's a screenshot:
Its annoying. I have to drag the bars open again everytime. Why is this happening? |
Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Tue 24 Aug 2004 10:55 PM (UTC) |
| That's odd. It stores the width of the columns in the Registry (and also their positions, you can drag them into a different order).
Sounds like it is getting corrupted somehow. Try uninstalling MUSHclient (which will clear out the entries in the Registry) and re-installing. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Zeno
USA (2,871 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Tue 14 Sep 2004 10:47 AM (UTC) Amended on Tue 14 Sep 2004 10:54 AM (UTC) by Zeno
| I reinstalled it at the time you told me to, and I fixed it. But now its doing the same thing, except its only one worlds aliases columns. I never touch the positions. Any idea why it keeps doing this? The world happens to be my own MUD, which I keep open nearly 24/7.
I find my computer fairly stable compared to ones I've used in the past. I'm using Windows XP, but not SP2. This happens to be the only world in the Startup list. |
Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #3 on Tue 14 Sep 2004 09:13 PM (UTC) |
| This is the registry key it uses, and the data from my own version, which seems OK:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Gammon Software Solutions\MUSHclient\World Configuration]
"timer list Col 0 Width"=dword:00000046
"timer list Col 0 Order"=dword:00000000
"timer list Col 1 Width"=dword:00000028
"timer list Col 1 Order"=dword:00000001
"timer list Col 2 Width"=dword:00000064
"timer list Col 2 Order"=dword:00000002
"timer list Col 3 Width"=dword:00000032
"timer list Col 3 Order"=dword:00000003
"timer list Col 4 Width"=dword:00000032
"timer list Col 4 Order"=dword:00000004
"timer list Sort Sequence"=dword:00000000
"timer list Sort Reverse"=dword:00000000
"trigger list Col 0 Width"=dword:00000064
"trigger list Col 0 Order"=dword:00000000
"trigger list Col 1 Width"=dword:00000028
"trigger list Col 1 Order"=dword:00000001
"trigger list Col 2 Width"=dword:000000f0
"trigger list Col 2 Order"=dword:00000002
"trigger list Col 3 Width"=dword:00000032
"trigger list Col 3 Order"=dword:00000003
"trigger list Col 4 Width"=dword:00000032
"trigger list Col 4 Order"=dword:00000004
"trigger list Sort Sequence"=dword:00000000
"trigger list Sort Reverse"=dword:00000000
"alias list Col 0 Width"=dword:000000a0
"alias list Col 0 Order"=dword:00000000
"alias list Col 1 Width"=dword:00000028
"alias list Col 1 Order"=dword:00000001
"alias list Col 2 Width"=dword:00000096
"alias list Col 2 Order"=dword:00000002
"alias list Col 3 Width"=dword:00000032
"alias list Col 3 Order"=dword:00000003
"alias list Col 4 Width"=dword:00000032
"alias list Col 4 Order"=dword:00000004
"alias list Sort Sequence"=dword:00000001
"alias list Sort Reverse"=dword:00000000
"Macro List Col 0 Width"=dword:00000064
"Macro List Col 0 Order"=dword:00000000
"Macro List Col 1 Width"=dword:000000b4
"Macro List Col 1 Order"=dword:00000001
"Macro List Col 2 Width"=dword:00000044
"Macro List Col 2 Order"=dword:00000002
"Macro List Sort Sequence"=dword:00000000
"Macro List Sort Reverse"=dword:00000000
"variable list Col 0 Width"=dword:00000096
"variable list Col 0 Order"=dword:00000000
"variable list Col 1 Width"=dword:000000c8
"variable list Col 1 Order"=dword:00000001
"variable list Sort Sequence"=dword:00000000
"variable list Sort Reverse"=dword:00000000
"Plugins List Col 0 Width"=dword:00000032
"Plugins List Col 0 Order"=dword:00000000
"Plugins List Col 1 Width"=dword:00000082
"Plugins List Col 1 Order"=dword:00000001
"Plugins List Col 2 Width"=dword:00000037
"Plugins List Col 2 Order"=dword:00000002
"Plugins List Col 3 Width"=dword:00000037
"Plugins List Col 3 Order"=dword:00000003
"Plugins List Col 4 Width"=dword:00000050
"Plugins List Col 4 Order"=dword:00000004
"Plugins List Sort Sequence"=dword:00000000
"Plugins List Sort Reverse"=dword:00000000
"Chat List Col 0 Width"=dword:0000005a
"Chat List Col 0 Order"=dword:00000000
"Chat List Col 1 Width"=dword:00000042
"Chat List Col 1 Order"=dword:00000001
"Chat List Col 2 Width"=dword:00000051
"Chat List Col 2 Order"=dword:00000002
"Chat List Col 3 Width"=dword:00000051
"Chat List Col 3 Order"=dword:00000003
"Chat List Col 4 Width"=dword:00000037
"Chat List Col 4 Order"=dword:00000004
"Chat List Col 5 Width"=dword:00000032
"Chat List Col 5 Order"=dword:00000005
"Chat List Sort Sequence"=dword:00000000
"Chat List Sort Reverse"=dword:00000000
First I would use RegEdit to see if, after closing MUSHclient, it has saved the wrong data (eg. they are all zero or something).
Then I would try maybe importing the above into the Registry to see if it corrects it. eg. save between the lines as test.reg or similar, and then double-clicking it to import it.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Zeno
USA (2,871 posts) Bio
| Reply #4 on Tue 18 Jan 2005 01:24 AM (UTC) |
| Argh, it's happening again. I just tried an update too, it didn't fix it. "Macro List Col 0 Order" is 0. But that's it, and the Macro section is the part where the width is small. Is there anyway to reset this without reinstalling it each time? |
Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #5 on Thu 20 Jan 2005 10:30 PM (UTC) |
| Can't really explain that. Check out the current values in RegEdit. I don't think reinstalling will achieve anything. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Poromenos
Greece (1,037 posts) Bio
| Reply #6 on Fri 21 Jan 2005 12:44 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 21 Jan 2005 12:45 PM (UTC) by Poromenos
| It's not a solution, but you can click in the window and press Ctrl-+ (keypad plus) and the bars will open to their required length automatically. Beats dragging them... |
Vidi, Vici, Veni. Read it! | Top |
Posted by
| Faux
United Kingdom (77 posts) Bio
| Reply #7 on Sat 22 Jan 2005 06:01 AM (UTC) |
| Hmm, come to think of it, my toolbars sometimes forget where they're supposed to be. But definitely not every load.
| [] [] [] [] ... | [] [] [] [] ... | [1][2][3].. | |
goes to:
| [] [] [] [] ... | |
| [] [] [] [] [] [] ... | |
| [1][2][3].. | |
Faux, from Discworld. Feel free to come talk to me =) | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #8 on Tue 25 Jan 2005 02:50 AM (UTC) |
| Some kind of problem reading the registry. That's Windows for you. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Shadowfyr
USA (1,790 posts) Bio
| Reply #9 on Tue 25 Jan 2005 05:05 PM (UTC) |
| Yep. As I argued before Nick. If you want something to work reliably under Windows, don't store the information in the registry. I don't care what MS says about how great it is... lol | Top |
Posted by
| Poromenos
Greece (1,037 posts) Bio
| Reply #10 on Tue 25 Jan 2005 05:12 PM (UTC) |
| I agree with that... |
Vidi, Vici, Veni. Read it! | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #11 on Wed 26 Jan 2005 01:23 AM (UTC) |
| I was planning to get rid of the registry entries, but the question is where does this "configuration file" go? Put its location in the Registry? A bit of a chicken and egg problem. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Flannel
USA (1,230 posts) Bio
| Reply #12 on Wed 26 Jan 2005 03:34 AM (UTC) |
| Wouldnt it make sense to just check default locations in succession? IE the 'start in' folder (provided by a shortcut), world folder, executable directory.
Just have some set order of precidence (just like dlls). |
Messiah of Rose
Eternity's Trials.
Clones are people two. | Top |
Posted by
| Shadowfyr
USA (1,790 posts) Bio
| Reply #13 on Wed 26 Jan 2005 04:20 AM (UTC) Amended on Wed 26 Jan 2005 04:22 AM (UTC) by Shadowfyr
| Most programs that used ini file looked first in the location it started from. This though is a potential nightmare, since Windows isn't too smart about setting the shortcuts 'start' location to the same as the executable. It can end up being dumped where the shortcut is, the desktop or damn near anyplace else. There is code to check either the 'real' location starts from or the 'assumed' location (as returned by a badly configured link). The problem is most people end up using the later. It should be possible to set a fixed location. Besides, even if you had to store that in the registry the first time you install, that is one things that can go wrong, not 50 simultaniously, as things are now. That has to be an improvement.
Programs used ini files for years before the registry was created and you can still run most of them even under XP, so the means to do it is still there and likely will still be in later versions of Windows. Its just finding the 'right' code to get the real executable location that is an issue. | Top |
Posted by
| David Haley
USA (3,881 posts) Bio
| Reply #14 on Wed 26 Jan 2005 04:55 AM (UTC) |
Quote: Its just finding the 'right' code to get the real executable location that is an issue. That shouldn't be too hard. Just look at the command line - isn't the first argument there the exact filename of the executable being run? |
David Haley aka Ksilyan
Head Programmer,
Legends of the Darkstone | Top |
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