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Posted by
| David Berthiaume
(202 posts) Bio
| Fri 16 Sep 2005 09:47 AM (UTC) |
| One thing I'd like to do is when I call an alias, I want it to world.note the time it was called at on the screen.
Basically, I'm trying to figure out how many casts per hour I'm doing, I calculated it out by the numbers, but it doesn't add up. So I want to see how long of a time, exact time(or as close to it as I can get) it takes to cast 3600 spells, according to my math, that should be 6 hours of spell casting, but I know that's not right because of other factors. from 3600 to 1700 only took 2 hours... It's wierd. Anyways, Yeah, that's what I'd like to do.
How do I Note it to the output window? | Top |
Posted by
| Ked
Russia (524 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Fri 16 Sep 2005 02:20 PM (UTC) |
| Set the alias to send to scripting, put a Note as the first line of the sent text, and a Send to actually send what you need the alias to do. | Top |
Posted by
| Flannel
USA (1,230 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Fri 16 Sep 2005 06:11 PM (UTC) |
| You can also time it without having to clog your screen, either with scripting (and saving the time, then subtracting it from a later time to get the difference), or if you have a large buffer, and don't mind doing the math in your head (which it appears youll be doing with the notes anyway), hover over the line with the mouse, and you'll get a timestamp for that line, just make sure your buffer is big enough for the hour, and you'll be set, no extra work needed. |
Messiah of Rose
Eternity's Trials.
Clones are people two. | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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