Worked on this for a while. It's about time I gave something back to the community. This version of Hyperlink_URL preserves colors, and can parse more than one hyperlink per line. Would it be worth putting up in the plugins page? Regardless of that, here it is.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>
<!-- Saved on Saturday, 1 April 2006, 12:29 PM -->
<!-- MuClient version 3.73 -->
<plugin name="Hyperlink_URL" author="Sketch" id="520bc4f29806f7af0017985f" language="Lua" purpose="Makes URLs on a line into hyperlinks." date_written="2006-04-01" requires="3.72" version="1.0">
<description trim="y">
Detects text starting with HTTP:xxx and makes that part into a hyperlink.
Limits: HTTP:// and the following character must be the same color
<!-- Triggers -->
<!-- Script -->
function OnHyperlink (name, line, wildcards, styles)
hyperlinks = {}
newstyle = {}
i = 1
hyperlinkcount = 0
doingURL = 0
while i <= table.getn(styles) do -- Doesn't use pairs() because of problems with field-injection.
if doingURL == 0 then
-- **** Not a URL **** --
cut = string.find(styles[i].text, "([hHtTpPsSmMaAiIlLoO]+://[%S]*[%w#/])")
if cut == nil then -- If there's nothing to cut, copy the whole line
table.insert(newstyle, {textcolour = styles[i].textcolour
,backcolour = styles[i].backcolour
,style = styles[i].style
,text = styles[i].text})
table.insert(newstyle, {textcolour = styles[i].textcolour
,backcolour = styles[i].backcolour
,style = styles[i].style
,text = string.sub(styles[i].text, 1, cut - 1)})
table.insert(styles, i + 1, {textcolour = styles[i].textcolour
,backcolour = styles[i].backcolour
,style = styles[i].style
,text = string.sub(styles[i].text, cut)})
doingURL = 1
hyperlinkcount = hyperlinkcount + 1
end -- if
else -- **** IS a URL **** --
-- Search for a URL. If the string is completely a URL...
-- Jump to the next table field. And keep doing such.
cut, length, temp = string.find(styles[i].text, "^([%S]*[%w#/])")
if cut ~= nil then
if hyperlinks[hyperlinkcount] ~= nil then
hyperlinks[hyperlinkcount] = hyperlinks[hyperlinkcount] .. temp
hyperlinks[hyperlinkcount] = temp
end -- if
table.insert(newstyle, {textcolour = styles[i].textcolour
,backcolour = styles[i].backcolour
,style = styles[i].style
,text = string.sub(styles[i].text, 1, length)
,hypernumber = hyperlinkcount})
styles[i].text = string.sub(styles[i].text, length + 1)
if styles[i].text ~= "" then
i = i - 1 -- The first hyperlink was cut, so scan the same field for more.
doingURL = 0
doingURL = 1
doingURL = 0
i = i - 1
end -- if (cut)
end -- if (doingURL)
i = i + 1
end -- while
for x, y in pairs (newstyle) do -- x is the style number, y is the style-data table.
NoteStyle (
if y.hypernumber ~= nil then
Hyperlink(hyperlinks[y.hypernumber], y.text, "Go to " .. hyperlinks[y.hypernumber]
, RGBColourToName(y.textcolour), RGBColourToName(y.backcolour), 1)
ColourTell (RGBColourToName(y.textcolour), RGBColourToName(y.backcolour), y.text)
end -- while
Note ("") -- Insert a true newline at the end of the string.
end -- of hyperlink