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➜ how to execute commands in "{}"s
how to execute commands in "{}"s
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Posted by
| Vls87
(3 posts) Bio
| Fri 02 Jun 2006 10:00 AM (UTC) Amended on Fri 02 Jun 2006 10:02 AM (UTC) by Vls87
| example:wipe {123;wipe {456}}
how can i execute command "wipe" using "123;wipe {456}" as a parameter.
and then,execute command "wipe" again using "456" as a parameter
ps:"{}" can be replaced by other symbols
i'm a chinese.please forgive my poor english.^_^ | Top |
Posted by
| Ked
Russia (524 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Fri 02 Jun 2006 10:17 AM (UTC) |
| You'll need to provide more details. It would be best to just describe what it is you are trying to do in the end.
From the looks of it, I get an impression that you are trying to chain two commands, but are just taking a long way around to doing it. For example, if {} symbols can change, then are you sure you need them at all? | Top |
Posted by
| Vls87
(3 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Sat 10 Jun 2006 01:12 PM (UTC) |
| for example:"b {}" is a command
this command is used to check busy.After confirm I'm not busy(this will cost some seconds),it will execute commands in "{}"
eg2:b {get flower;b {tear cloth;b {jump river}}}
"get flower" & "tear cloth" will cause busy.
firstly ,I check busy,
if not,then execute "get flower;b {tear cloth;b {jump river}}"
after "get flower",I will be busy.
Secondly , I check busy again,
if not,then execute "tear cloth;b {jump river}"
and so on... | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #3 on Tue 13 Jun 2006 02:23 AM (UTC) |
| I'm not sure what you mean by "check busy" - is that a client or server thing?
Anyway, this alias will match things in {}:
<send>%%1 = %1
%%2 = %2</send>
Assuming you do not have ";" set up as a command stack character, if I enter:
b {get flower;b {tear cloth;b {jump river}}}
It echoes:
%1 = b
%2 = get flower;b {tear cloth;b {jump river}}
Re-entering the second part (if it isn't busy, however you test that) I get:
%1 = get flower;b
%2 = tear cloth;b {jump river}
Then re-entering the second part again:
%1 = tear cloth;b
%2 = jump river
I think you would need to split up the first part at the semicolon (eg. using utils.split) so you could send each command separately.
I hope this answers your question. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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