Hey. Using v3.75. I have a sub that is run when the world is opened (Shift+Ctrl+6 and in the 'World Events' input boxes) ..when the world is opened it calls a sub called, wait for it, 'world_open'. The sub is used to generate and resize some notepad windows, resize the main MC window, and resize the world window. This is the sub:
sub world_open
MoveMainWindow -1, -1, 1024, 741
world.SendToNotepad "STATUS", "status window generated.."
NotepadFont "STATUS", "WhiteRabbit", 9, 0, 0
NotepadColour "STATUS", "#FAEBD7", "#000000"
MoveNotepadWindow "STATUS", 690, 0, 322, 335
world.SendToNotepad "GROUPSTATUS", "group status window generated.."
NotepadFont "GROUPSTATUS", "WhiteRabbit", 9, 0, 0
NotepadColour "GROUPSTATUS", "#FAEBD7", "#000000"
MoveNotepadWindow "GROUPSTATUS", 690, 335, 322, 198
world.SendToNotepad "TELLS", "tells window generated.."
NotepadFont "TELLS", "Verdana", 8, 0, 0
NotepadColour "TELLS", "#FAEBD7", "#000000"
MoveNotepadWindow "TELLS", 690, 533, 322, 140
MoveWorldWindow 0, 0, 690, 673
end sub
Everything works except the resize of the world window itself.. it retains whatever size it was at last time it was closed, and the above sub does not alter it..
If I create another sub on world connect instead of world open, for example:
sub world_resize
MoveWorldWindow 0, 0, 690, 673
end sub
that works, but I want to use that world connect option for something else. I even tried adding a world.DoAfterSpecial into the world_open sub above, eg:
world.DoAfterSpecial 1, "world_resize", 12
but nothing.. it seems world.DoAfterSpecial only runs when connected to a world.. any suggestions?