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Help recreate this map

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Posted by Natasi   (79 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Tue 29 Aug 2006 02:43 AM (UTC)

Amended on Tue 29 Aug 2006 02:45 AM (UTC) by Natasi

I'm trying to figure out how it would be possible to make it where I could call up a little map like this of the area I am in. The Astric would of course be where your charachter is and the map itself based on the area you're in.

/--Balach Swamp.-------------------------------v3837--\
                     / | \   /   \ | \                
                  [ ]-[ ]-[ ]     [ ]                 
                   |     /   \   /                    
              [ ]-[ ]-[ ]     [ ]                     
             /   \ | \ |         \                    
                  [ ]-[ ]     [ ]-[ ]                 
                     \ |     /       \   /            
                      [ ] [ ]         [ ]             
                     /   \ |                          
\--Time: 213 usec-------------------------------------/
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Posted by ErockMahan   (81 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #1 on Tue 16 Jan 2007 09:09 PM (UTC)
While this isn't EXACTLY what you're probably hoping for, I have a couple of ideas that are better than nothing:

If every room has a unique identifier (room name, description, etc.), then there is a simple workaround. If not, skip to the bottom.

Create a trigger based on each unique identifier that will re-draw a version of the map that you have created yourself in a notepad (see "appendtonotepad") called "map" or something.

To do this, you're going to have to write many individual triggers, each of which will activate on the unique identifier. What each trigger will DO is erase whatever you had in the notepad first (this will avoid clutter), then append something similar to the text you provided in your post, adjusted accordingly for your actual position. In the end, you will have a working "map" that will show exactly where are as you move through the area.

Without unique identifers (rare, but I know it happens), you can set up a trigger to append the first letter of whatever direction you went (n,s,e,w) to a notepad. This won't look pretty or anything, but it will be a way for you to monitor where you've been.
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