If you connect to multiple worlds at once, there are some techniques you can use to manage these sessions more easily. One thing you can do is open up the Global Preferences:

Click on the General tab, and select Window Tabs to be "Top" or "Bottom". You need to restart MUSHclient for this to take effect.

After doing that, you will get tabs on each of your windows, like this:

You can click on any tab to switch to that world. The number in brackets shows how many outstanding lines are waiting for you. A line is considered "outstanding" (unviewed) if it arrived while that window was not the active window.
The next thing you can do is switch on the Activity Toolbar, like this:

This displays a box (which can be docked or positioned anywhere on the screen) with one numbered button for each active world (up to a maximum of 10 worlds). The buttons change colours depending if there are new lines available to be viewed, or if the world has closed. The numbers on the buttons give a prompt for how to quickly change to each world. Hit Ctrl+1 to switch to world #1, Ctrl+2 for world #2, and so on.

Another way of managing multiple worlds is to turn on the Activity List, from the Display menu:

This shows a larger window, which you can position where you like. Each open world has its own line showing its sequence number (again, you can press Ctrl+1 for the first world, and so on), the name of the world, how many new lines have arrived, how many lines have arrived in total, when you connected, and how long you have been connected.
You can drag any of the column headings around to resequence the order in which the information appears.

Another useful thing to do is to set up triggers that warn you audibly if something happens in a world you are not looking at right now. For example, if I wanted to know if my friend David paged me (or did something else), then a simple trigger like this might do it:

To set this up I added a new trigger, and did this to it:
- Put the word I want to watch for in the Trigger box
- Checked "ignore case" so it doesn't matter whether the name has a capital letter in it or not
- Checked "keep evaluating" so any other triggers that might have matched on this line still do
- Checked "regular expression" so the word "david" can appear anywhere on the line
- Changed the colour of the matched word to yellow to make it stand out
- Browsed for a sound to play to alert me that the trigger has fired
- Checked "only if inactive" so that the sound does not play if I am already looking at this world window.