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 Entire forum ➜ Dawn of Time ➜ Administration ➜ Getting started as a DoT admin

Getting started as a DoT admin

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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Fri 18 Jan 2002 09:12 PM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 19 Jan 2002 03:58 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Wizard commands

(You can abbreviate "wizhelp" to "wiz", and "commands" to "comm").

wizhelp check <--- filters on 'check'
wizhelp 96 <--- filter by level
commands olc <--- OLC commands


scroll 0 <--- turn paging off
help <--- get help
hotreboot confirm <--- install new object/area files
reboot <--- reboot mud
shutdown <--- shutdown mud
pipe command <--- execute an OS command, eg. pipe ls
wiznetdefault confirm <--- get wizard notifications
prompt all <--- use big prompt

Seeing things better

holylist <--- see imm things you can use, eg. holyname

holyname <--- see player names
holyvnum <--- see room etc. vnums
holyspeech <--- hear all languages
holywalk <--- you can walk anywhere, eg. through locked doors

name_only_4known <--- show names only for known players


iwhere <--- where immortals are
mwhere <--- where mortals are
who <--- who is on
laston <player> <--- last time player was on
lastoncouncil <--- show who is in what council - also imm security levels
lastoncouncil <name> <council> <--- toggle council flag for immortal
sock <--- list player connections
pinfo <--- player info - who is on, who is fighting etc.
cwhere <--- where are corpses?

score <player>
stat <player>
charinfo <player>

Player management

"<player>" in these examples is the name of the <player> in question, or "self" for yourself.

advance <player> 101 <--- advances to this level (eg. 101)
trust <player> 0 <--- uses level for trust
noble <player> <--- make a noble
set char <player> newimmortal 1 <--- make an immortal
log <player> <--- and turn character logging back off

set char <player> maxhp 1000 <--- give <player> 1000 max hp
restore <player> <--- go to the max

set char <player> <--- see list of things you can set
force <player> <command> <--- force a <player> to do a command

Getting corpses

at <roomvnum> get corpse
at <roomvnum> drop corpse

Moving around

goto <player>
goto <vnum> <--- go to room vnum
alist <--- see areas
area <--- see areas from players' point of view
exitlist <--- list rooms/portals leading into current area
rlist <filter> <--- see rooms in area, rlist, or 'rlist plaza'
rinfo <--- shows race info INCLUDING recall vnum


vnum sword <--- shows vnums of swords
load obj <vnum> <--- load an object and put in inventory
owhere <name> <--- show where objects are, eg. owhere fish
olist <--- see objects in area


set skill self all grant <--- get all skills
set skill player 'acid blast' 74 <--- give player this skill at 74%
spells <--- show spells
skills <--- show skills
practice <--- show practice sessions
sshow <spellname>
funclist spell_true_sight <--- show spells that use a function

sedit <spellname>

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Goryan   (1 post)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Tue 23 Apr 2002 01:45 PM (UTC)
Ok I only have one really simple question about admin.
How do I change the login screen so it has my Asci art and Mud title?
I know with circle it was just a text file that the mud loaded but I cant seem to find anything remotely like this within Dawn.
Any help would be greatly appriecated.

Posted by Astin   USA  (34 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Tue 23 Apr 2002 04:34 PM (UTC)

Amended on Tue 23 Apr 2002 06:59 PM (UTC) by Kalahn

You need to edit help greeting then hotreboot.

hedit greeting
hot confirm

That should do it :) to change the MuD name itself so it appears as your MuD name when you type mudstat and save etc. you need to edit the gameset:

gameedit confirm
name <insert name>

That should do it :)

-- Astin

ICQ: 161947723
YIM: Astinof
AIM: Aerostatal

Posted by Mark James   Australia  (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Thu 02 May 2002 05:08 PM (UTC)
Just a small message to ask for a tiny bit of help that might keep me sane.
I noticed in the help file that there is a reference to CONVERT_GOLD CONVERT_SILVER. Im figured this perhaps ran on a mprog but couldnt the mprog in any of the default areas and so had an attempt at creating it. Lets just say this didnt go really well. (rubs his head where he headbutted his monitor repeatedly).
So my question is does anyone feel super generous and would like to post the code here for me? I know its a big ask and usually Id battle against the mprog code but this little code has got me stumped.
Oh well help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Mark
(falls asleep on keyboard after battle against mpedit zz-ZZ-zz-ZZ)

Posted by Kalahn   United Kingdom  (138 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Thu 02 May 2002 10:06 PM (UTC)
If a mob has the changer act flag set, then when you give it money it will change it for you.

This can be set using:
medit <mobvnum>
act changer

To test:
load mob <mobvnum>
give <mob> 50 silver

When you look at the mob, it should say something like:

a tiny halfling fellow [3021,100] appears to be willing to exchange your silver coins for gold.

To see this mob, goto room 3017 in the dawn area set.

- Kal :)

Developer of the Dawn of Time codebase

Posted by Mark James   Australia  (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #5 on Fri 03 May 2002 12:04 AM (UTC)
To see this mob, goto room 3017 in the dawn area set.

Ok this is probably why I cant find it.
I havent seen anywhere to download an area set for D.O.T
I've searched the web and looked all over the Official D.O.T page. So Im under the assumation that either its within a file on the downloads or someone stole it from your site. :)
(feels silly asking for more help but having the area file for the 3000 area would probably help.) :)
Oh and thanks for the info above!
(mark slaps himself for overlooking that in Medit)

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #6 on Fri 03 May 2002 01:37 AM (UTC)

The area files Kalahn mentioned can be downloaded from

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Xavaier   USA  (26 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #7 on Sat 04 May 2002 07:39 PM (UTC)
I would like to figure out a way to change the Gold and Silver to 1 currency called "Gil" is this possible?

Posted by Daos   USA  (42 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #8 on Sun 05 May 2002 05:39 AM (UTC)
Yes it is possible, however, there is a lot of code restructuring involved. You will generally have to go through all the OLC source files, change the encumberance code, change the autobalance code for mobs, change the update_data based around shopkeepers and the flag "changer", etc, etc.

In all honesty, I really don't recommend it unless you sincerely have the time it would take to reshape a good portion of the dawn code to recognize gil over gold & silver.

- Daos

Posted by Kerenos   (8 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #9 on Sun 05 May 2002 08:44 AM (UTC)
Yup yup, Daos is right here, there are over 200 references to gold and silver in the code. You'd have to go through them all and rework it to your currency. Also, having 1 currency type will make players eventually have substantial coins, which can really detriment their encumberance. You may opt to change the actual in-game references of gold and silver to Gil and mini-Gil :) That would give your world a little bit of a customized feel.


Posted by Xavaier   USA  (26 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #10 on Sun 05 May 2002 08:10 PM (UTC)
I know on several other code bases there is a command that will temporarily (depending on the time set by the immortal) Hell, or Jail a PC. Is there a function like that in Dawn? I haven't seen anything in the help files about it.
I appreciate your response to my other question guys :) Kinda think I'll leave it alone for now :P


Posted by Xavaier   USA  (26 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #11 on Sun 05 May 2002 09:10 PM (UTC)
Also, (sorry about the seperate posts)
I had seen on other Dawn muds, the Gocial command
where you can do Global socials to any player in the game and it echos to the entire game.. is that stock? if not, where can I get the code to add it?

Posted by Kalahn   United Kingdom  (138 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #12 on Tue 07 May 2002 09:04 PM (UTC)

I know on several other code bases there is a command that will temporarily (depending on the time set by the immortal) Hell, or Jail a PC. Is there a function like that in Dawn? I haven't seen anything in the help files about it.
I appreciate your response to my other question guys :) Kinda think I'll leave it alone for now :P

In the latest public version, you can transfer players to room 299 (if one exists - room vnum is customizeable in gameedit also). This is a jail type room... should be marked as ooc. The code will not allow a player to delete in this room either.

In the next release of the code which is pretty much ready for release - I just need to clean up the areas and helps that ship with it. There is a dedicated jail command... the jail room has a nopublic channels flag and simular no delete rules.


Also, (sorry about the seperate posts)
I had seen on other Dawn muds, the Gocial command
where you can do Global socials to any player in the game and it echos to the entire game.. is that stock? if not, where can I get the code to add it?

Just prefix the social command with 'gs' (global social).
e.g. 'gs smile'.

I think I will move away from this command in the future, instead make it if you prefix what you say on any public channel with a !, it will treat the text which follows as a social/emote. That way you can do socials on any channel... this is not implemented yet though.

Hope this answers your questions,

- Kal

p.s. feel free to start new topics in new messages.

Developer of the Dawn of Time codebase

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