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➜ MUSHclient
➜ Lua
➜ Newbie Scripting
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Posted by
| Katherina
(19 posts) Bio
| Fri 08 Feb 2008 02:03 AM (UTC) |
| Hi,
Sorry to bother again. I'm still pretty new to coding in mushclient at all and even newer to lua. What I am trying to do with what help files and examples I have found is write a script that will set potential afflictions.
Basically the trigger gets what the potential affliction is it will give me a symptom and I have in the trigger what it is. This world again has an extremely complex combat system so I need to optimize my code. I want to know if someone call look over what I have before I change everything to find out it's wrong or doesn't work.
In my script file there is this function:
function myafflictions (affl)
if potaffl1 == nil then
SetVariable ("potaffl1", affl)
if potaffl2 == nil then
SetVariable ("potaffl2", affl)
if potaffl3 == nil then
SetVariable ("potaffl3", affl)
if potaffl4 == nil then
SetVariable ("potaffl4", affl)
if potaffl5 == nil then
SetVariable ("potaffl5", affl)
if potaffl6 == nil then
SetVariable ("potaffl6", affl)
end -- if
end -- if
end -- if
end -- if
end -- if
end -- if
end -- function myafflictions
It's purpose is to put the affliction name into which ever variable is empty then exit.
Then my prompt trigger which this isn't fully coded yet has these lines:
if GetVariable ("illusion") == "0" and
GetVariable ("potaff1") ~= "coating" then
SetVariable ('GetVariable("potaff1")', 1)
end -- if
The trigger itself is this :
* flays the hard waxy coating from you.
in the box below:
local affl = "coating"
if GetVariable ("fighting") == "0" then
SetVariable ("fighting", "1")
Note "Fightmode ON"
end -- if
myafflictions (affl)
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Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Fri 08 Feb 2008 03:19 AM (UTC) |
| My first reaction is that you can simplify the "if" by using elseif, like this:
if potaffl1 == nil then
SetVariable ("potaffl1", affl)
elseif potaffl2 == nil then
SetVariable ("potaffl2", affl)
elseif potaffl3 == nil then
SetVariable ("potaffl3", affl)
elseif potaffl4 == nil then
SetVariable ("potaffl4", affl)
elseif potaffl5 == nil then
SetVariable ("potaffl5", affl)
elseif potaffl6 == nil then
SetVariable ("potaffl6", affl)
end -- if
By using elseif you save a whole lot of "end"s at the end, which makes it a bit easier to read.
My next reaction is that you seem to be mixing Lua variables with MUSHclient variables. Is that intentional?
In other words, do you really mean?
if GetVariable ("potaffl1") == nil then
SetVariable ("potaffl1", affl)
or maybe:
if potaffl1 == nil then
potaffl1 = affl
It seems a bit strange to combine them, unless you have a good reason.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Katherina
(19 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Fri 08 Feb 2008 03:58 AM (UTC) |
| After much hacking I figured it out before I saw this post but it isn't as efficient as what you put here.
Yes I'm setting the mush variable on purpose because that is what the curing alias uses to determine if something needs to be cured or not.
For example if the mushalias coating = 0 then it will do the steps necissary to cure it and set it to 1. In this case it is a defence. Most should default to 0 if not afflicted and 1 to afflicted.
Now that I've figured out how easy it is to make a function I am thinking of making functions for my various cures.
One for herbs, one for salves and so on.
Is it possible to call a function from a trigger and have it return a value to that trigger?
I'm presuming it would be return(value)
| Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #3 on Fri 08 Feb 2008 05:09 AM (UTC) |
| You mean, in "send to script" and have a function which does some common stuff? Yes, it could return one or more values.
function somefunction (a, b)
return a + b, a * b
end -- somefunction
That actually returns 2 values, so you could do this:
x, y = somefunction (2, 4)
print (x, y) --> 6 8
Check the Lua documentation for more details about function calls. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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