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How to show the current exits on your status line

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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (22,975 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Sat 26 Apr 2008 12:40 AM (UTC)

It can be handy to see what the current exits from your room are, even though the room description (and list of exits) might have scrolled off the screen during some lengthy chats.

To do this, let's look at an example MUD, where the exits line looks like this:

Example exits line

To get the exact format right, Shift+Double-Click on the "exits" line to select it, and then Right-Click to bring up the context menu. Select "copy" from that:

Copy the exits line

Open the world configuration dialog, and select "triggers" (Shift+Ctrl+8 is one way of doing this). Then click "Add" to add a new trigger:

Add a trigger

Paste in the copied Exits line, and then replace the actual exits with an asterisk (as the exits will be different each time). We also need to send "%0" (the entire matching line) to the Status line, like this:

Configure exits trigger

We can click OK to save the trigger, and "Close" to close the Triggers configuration list. Now we can test it by doing a "look". You can see that the Exits line also appears in the Status bar at the bottom of the screen, ready to be consulted at any time. As you move from room to room the status line updates.

Exits in status line

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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