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➜ SMAUG coding
➜ SWRiP area transfer
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Posted by
| Midnightsun
(4 posts) Bio
| Thu 26 Feb 2009 10:19 AM (UTC) |
| Hi guys,
I've managed to compile SWRiP 2.00 and everything seems rosey. Only problem I have is transferring area files is not working.
I managed to get one area to transfer (Dagobah) from the SWFUSS codebase by copying the area file and amending the area.lst. This has been the exception to the rule however.
Following that same process with any other area is causing the mud to not boot up. I checked the logs and assume it's a vnum issue but I have no idea how to fix it. I'll post the log below. I would appreciate any pointers as this is my first attempt at coding. Also, please note that although space.are gives errors, it does not prevent the mud booting like kashyyyk's do.
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: [*****] BOOT: ---------------------[ Boot Log ]--------------------
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: Loading commands
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: Loading sysdata configuration...
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: Loading socials
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: Loading skill table
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: Sorting skill table...
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: Loading herb table
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: Making wizlist
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: Initializing request pipe
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: Initializing random number generator
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: Setting time and weather
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: Assigning gsn's
ASSIGN_GSN: Skill makehulltracker not found.
ASSIGN_GSN: Skill makeinternaltracker not found.
ASSIGN_GSN: Skill makemissile not found.
ASSIGN_GSN: Skill shieldwork not found.
ASSIGN_GSN: Skill feed not found.
ASSIGN_GSN: Skill bite not found.
ASSIGN_GSN: Skill claw not found.
ASSIGN_GSN: Skill sting not found.
ASSIGN_GSN: Skill tail not found.
ASSIGN_GSN: Skill study not found.
ASSIGN_GSN: Skill brew not found.
ASSIGN_GSN: Skill slice not found.
ASSIGN_GSN: Skill chill touch not found.
ASSIGN_GSN: Skill curse not found.
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: Reading in area files...
limbo.are : Rooms: 1 - 45 Objs: 2 - 99 Mobs: 1 - 98
newacad.are : Rooms: 10300 - 10430 Objs: 10300 - 10499 Mobs: 10340 - 10499
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: [*****] FILE: space.are LINE: 9717
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: [*****] BUG: Get_obj_index: bad vnum 2700.
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: [*****] BOOT: Load_resets: space.are (1) 'O': object 2700 doesn't exist.
space.are : Rooms: 32000 - 32499 Objs: 32000 - 32499 Mobs: 32000 - 32499
omni_complex : Rooms: 100 - 150 Objs: 100 - 150 Mobs: 0 - 0
templaterooms.are: Rooms: 2700 - 3197 Objs: 2700 - 2700 Mobs: 0 - 0
dagobah : Rooms: 8200 - 8290 Objs: 0 - 0 Mobs: 0 - 0
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: [*****] FILE: kashyyyk LINE: 295
Thu Feb 26 10:46:13 2009 :: [*****] BUG: Load_rooms: vnum 28602 has flag 'R' not 'DES'.
| Top |
Posted by
| Zeno
USA (2,871 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Thu 26 Feb 2009 07:40 PM (UTC) |
| Can you show us those lines? |
Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy | Top |
Posted by
| Midnightsun
(4 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Sun 08 Mar 2009 11:38 AM (UTC) |
| OK chaps,
Here's space.are 9717 (as well as a few lines either side. The line with the asterix is actually 9717 - I put that in and it's not actually in the file). It's actually just an empty line with a ~
0 -1 32303
0 -1 32301
0 -1 32300
Tiny Hangar~
0 612368392 1
And here's the one from kashyyyk. Same deal again with the asterix.
65536 -1 28603
*R M 0 28604 6 28602
R M 0 28604 6 28602
R M 0 28604 6 28602
R M 0 28604 6 28602
R M 0 28604 6 28602
R M 0 28604 6 28602
Hopefully that means something to someone. Thanks for the help.
| Top |
Posted by
| Cbond
USA (19 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Wed 15 Apr 2009 09:54 AM (UTC) |
| My suggestion would be to open up newacad.are and take a look at how the rooms are saved to the area file. The R M 0 28604 6 28602 is a reference to the rooms resets, i.e. R<eset> M<ob> 28604<which mob vnum> 6<how many> 28602<what room>. I think... :)
Anyways the issue appears to be that SWRiP 2.0 does not have the area reset fix that SWRFUSS does, so it's expecting resets to be at the bottom of the file under a #RESETS section and NOT with the rooms. The resets fix makes it so resets are nested under the specific room they apply too. I'd wager my left sock that you'll find that #RESETS section towards the bottom of newacad.are. Same thing with limbo.are.
One thing you could do is either A) add the reset fix to the code so it won't have an issue with room resets being saved in that room. Or B) go through the areas you're trying to port over and go through all the rooms, cutting the resets from each room and putting them under a #RESETS section towards the bottom, making sure that everything looks like it does in newacad.are as far as the rooms are concerened.
For space.c I suspect that if you went into your templaterooms.are area file you'll find an object with vnum 2700 in there and space.are is trying to use that object in it. The issue there is that templaterooms.are hasn't been loaded into the game yet so the game doesn't know it exists and therefore where to find it. Try changing the area load order so templaterooms.are is loading in before space.are and see if that doesn't remove that particular error message. | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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