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➜ Linux - Using MUSH Under Wine - Problem with Notepad
Linux - Using MUSH Under Wine - Problem with Notepad
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Posted by
| forral
USA (79 posts) Bio
| Fri 09 Oct 2009 10:40 PM (UTC) |
| Hey guys,
I am trying to make the switch over to linux, and since about all I do is MUD and use the internet, it hasn't been too hard. I recently started using MUSH client and I've got most, if not all, of my aliases and macros set up but I am just missing one thing.
When trying to set up captures in MUSH, it appends the captures to a notepad file, but since Wine uses an emulated version of notepad, it always crashes out and disconnects me from my mud. Is there any alternative to point Wine/MUSH to a different file, or to tell wine to use its own notepad application rather than looking for the official windows version?
I really hope to get a response soon since this is the only thing preventing me from fully using MUSHclient with my mud. Thanks for any/all help.
L337killa07 | Top |
Posted by
| Twisol
USA (2,257 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Fri 09 Oct 2009 11:05 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 09 Oct 2009 11:15 PM (UTC) by Twisol
| You have a couple options, all pretty simple. :)
1) Run MUSHclient under Win98 emulation.
2) Go to Game -> Configure -> Scripting. Uncheck "Use inbuilt notepad to edit scripts", and optionally select your own alternative editor with Choose Editor.
It's a fairly well known problem, apparently having to do with Wine more than MUSH.
EDIT: Also, it has nothing to do with the "official Windows version" - Notepad should work perfectly fine. The problem is that MUSHclient uses its own custom in-built editor, which does something that Wine doesn't really like. If you want the specifics there are plenty of topics you can find with a forum search.
EDIT 3: Actually, it's really just #1 that you need to do. #2 only changes how MUSHclient handles /editing scripts/. |
'Soludra' on Achaea
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Posted by
| forral
USA (79 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Sat 10 Oct 2009 01:52 AM (UTC) Amended on Sat 10 Oct 2009 02:32 AM (UTC) by forral
| Wow, thank you very very much for the quick response! I was hoping not to have to wait all day!
I'm glad to see there is an option available for this. Will try it out and let you know how it goes :)
*EDIT* most excellent. I was able to load a sample file I was given with all the necessary captures I needed for my MUSH, and this method worked flawlessly. I browsed to the notepad.exe file in the Wine folder, and its working great!
Thank you very very much for your help. I think now I can fully make the switch over to MUSH | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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