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MUSHclient generic graphical mapper module
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Posted by
| AniaLilles
(3 posts) Bio
| Reply #180 on Sat 29 Oct 2011 11:29 PM (UTC) |
| Ah so this still needs to be adapted per game?
Hehe was hoping this would do for all games I have, at once, as I play 4-5 that do not have maps readily available and are the ones I want to play heavily.
Maybe Geas?
I don't want to take a lot of your time though:(....I would like to learn how to do it.
I got stuck at trying to figure out what to do with the Lua. And how do I download the raw source? Heh.
| Top |
Posted by
| Crular
(12 posts) Bio
| Reply #181 on Sun 30 Oct 2011 10:35 PM (UTC) |
| Has anyone ever tried to adapt this to the MUD Xyllomer?
The biggest problem I see for this MUD is, that the exits aren't very consistent. Additionally to the normal directions (north, west, east, south, up, down, nw, ne, se, sw) there are sometimes non-standard ones (e.g. in, out, northup, northwestdown, northright, etc.).
Is it possible at all to adapt this mapper to Xyllomer? Would try it myself, but I am absolutely lost when it comes to programming. The IP of the MUD is Port 3000.
Would be awesome if someone capable could take a look.
| Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #182 on Sun 30 Oct 2011 11:13 PM (UTC) |
| I had a look at Geas. Unfortunately it isn't easy to see the difference between room names / descriptions and other information (it's almost all white and indented the same way).
If there is some option you can turn on in-game (eg. compass, minimap, room number) that would help. It needs to be something you can detect fairly easily in a trigger or two.
As for Xyllomer and Ateraan (further back) it would help to post an example of what you see when you walk around. Of course, someone may have done it already and that would be great. But if not, it might make it easier to advise how simple it would be to do.
I don't see a huge issue with non-standard exits. Sure they might not show up on the map, but the bulk would, which would be better than nothing. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Crular
(12 posts) Bio
| Reply #183 on Sun 30 Oct 2011 11:23 PM (UTC) |
| No problem, here is an example:
From this large room, twisting passages lead into odd directions. Walls, floor
and ceiling are made of smooth black rock and covered with engravings. It is
apparent that special care has been taken to decorate this room. Still, the
walls appear to be crooked, and none of the corners are properly orthagonal.
Archways lead north, south, east and west.
A chalk circle has been drawn on the ground.
There are four obvious exits: north, east, south, west.
There are four additional exits: northeastup, northwestdown, southeastup,
southwestdown. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #184 on Mon 31 Oct 2011 02:07 AM (UTC) |
| OK, well here's the problem. How do I know this is the start of a room description? Take as an example from Geas:
Not a room description:
The wilderness is often a good source of food. Keep your eyes open for
edible mushrooms, bushes with berries, fruit trees, and other likely snacks.
Meanwhile, trees like this one carry fruit which can provide a tasty snack.
However, as you can see with <look at apple>, the fruit is dangling too
high to reach. To get it, first you must <climb tree>.
look at apple
A room description:
The Golden Dragon Inn is famous all over the continent of Forostar, for it
is the most popular meeting point of adventurers and traders alike. Members
of nearly all cultures, races and professions can be found among the
customers, but the omnipresent patrols of the cityguard prevent serious
fighting and ensure the relative safety of the visitors. The entire room is
covered with tables and chairs and provides the guests with a possibility
to sit down and relax over an ale and a card game. One of the corners is
dominated by a large fireplace and to the northern wall, behind the wooden
bar, someone has fixed a sign with the prices listed on it. A flight of
stairs leads up to the guest rooms.
There are two obvious exits: south, up.
Now I'll grant that in this case the room description is indented one space. But so is this:
The apple tree is gnarled with age. Its thick trunk attests to long years
undisturbed in this clearing. You notice a deep hole has been bored into
the trunk, perhaps by animals. Several ripe red apples dangle from its
The tree isn't damaged at all.
To be able to auto-detect rooms, and tell room A from room B, we need to be able to interpret incoming text and decide that we have changed rooms, and what the new room is.
Now if you can devise a trigger (or set of triggers) that can tell the difference between general chat/information and rooms, well you have the problem solved.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Crular
(12 posts) Bio
| Reply #185 on Mon 31 Oct 2011 06:48 AM (UTC) |
| Well, the room description ends, when the line with the exits
begins. That line always begins with "There is/are one/two obvious exit(s): directions."
Or isn't that how it works? | Top |
Posted by
| Twisol
USA (2,257 posts) Bio
| Reply #186 on Mon 31 Oct 2011 06:50 AM (UTC) |
| The issue at hand is that you get the exits line after the description. It's certainly possible to solve, but most (all?) triggering to date has been from top to bottom. Basically to do this, you need to buffer up all of the lines until the prompt, then travel backwards and see if anything matches. |
'Soludra' on Achaea
GitHub: | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #187 on Mon 31 Oct 2011 07:13 AM (UTC) |
Crular said:
Well, the room description ends, when the line with the exits begins.
Yes, but where does it start?
Given that there are likely to be, from time to time, words starting in capitals, at the start of a line, it isn't obvious where the room description starts. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Crular
(12 posts) Bio
| Reply #188 on Mon 31 Oct 2011 07:48 AM (UTC) |
| Ah ok, now I get the problem. I copied a quick run through three rooms, maybe with that it is easier to see, if it is easily doable or not at all.
This is a small, cubic room, only dimly lit. The room's only feature is a
window on the south wall, through which you can see several rows of shelves
that hold an assortment of items. A thin man briefly looks up at you from
behind the window, but quickly returns to a book that he reads by
candlelight. You can get a ritual blade here. Somehow, you find it odd that
he doesn't worry about his shop being stolen from... An archway leads north.
There are two obvious exits: north, east.
A group of four skeletons arrives.
A group of seven ghouls arrives.
A group of six zombies arrives.
Grahil[neuter imp] flaps in.
From this large room, twisting passages lead into odd directions. Walls, floor
and ceiling are made of smooth black rock and covered with engravings. It is
apparent that special care has been taken to decorate this room. Still, the
walls appear to be crooked, and none of the corners are properly orthagonal.
Archways lead north, south, east and west.
A chalk circle has been drawn on the ground.
There are four obvious exits: north, east, south, west.
There are four additional exits: northeastup, northwestdown, southeastup,
Two waterskins, some waterskins and a chalk circle.
A group of four skeletons arrives.
A group of seven ghouls arrives.
A group of six zombies arrives.
Grahil[neuter imp] flaps in.
You are standing at the bottom of a stairwell, looking into a torchlit
chamber. This appears to be apart of the passages one expects to find
beneath a century-old graveyard. Eerie echoes haunt this place, and you do
not think that you are the one who caused them. On the floor in front of you
is a strange symbol in black. It looks as if somebody burned it into the
floor. An archway leads south.
There are two obvious exits: south, up.
A group of four skeletons arrives.
A group of seven ghouls arrives.
A group of six zombies arrives.
Grahil[neuter imp] flaps in.
H:80%/M:20%/F:1%/B:> | Top |
Posted by
| JamesBalfour
(1 post) Bio
| Reply #189 on Thu 03 Nov 2011 07:04 AM (UTC) |
| Nice thread. The issue at hand is that you get the exits line after the description. | Top |
Posted by
| Crular
(12 posts) Bio
| Reply #190 on Fri 04 Nov 2011 09:43 AM (UTC) |
| Ok, after reading tons of helpfiles with what has changed over the last years in the MUD, I stumbled upon the possibility to enable room headers. Do you think it is now possible, that the mapper works in Xyllomer?
[Tilverton Graveyard][Exits: n, s][COORDS: 41.7n, 28.7w]
You are on the old graveyard of Tilverton. The path leads north and south
through an area that once probably reserved for the richer families of the
town. The graves are large and the destruction even more thorough than in
the other areas. I seems that special care was taken to soil the gravestones
because they once were particularly beautiful.
There are two obvious exits: north, south.
A southeastern grave and a dark mist.
Grahil[neuter imp] flaps in.
A group of twelve ghouls arrives.
A horned grey-skinned neuter demon arrives.
A group of nine skeletons arrives.
A group of six zombies arrives.
A disc hovers in.
H:100%/M:70%/F:2%/B:>[Graveyard][Exits: n, s][COORDS: 41.8n, 28.7w]
You are on the old graveyard of Tilverton. This area seems to be the graveyard
of the rich. The graves are large, but the once beautiful gravestones were
given even worse treatment than those in other parts of the graveyard.
There are two obvious exits: north, south.
A northeastern grave and a dark mist.
Two skeletons.
Grahil[neuter imp] flaps in.
A group of twelve ghouls arrives.
A horned grey-skinned neuter demon arrives.
A group of nine skeletons arrives.
A group of six zombies arrives.
A disc hovers in.
H:100%/M:70%/F:3%/B:>[Graveyard][Exits: e, s][COORDS: 41.9n, 28.7w]
You are on the old graveyard of Tilverton. This is the northwestern corner,
the path continues east and south. In the other directions you can see the
fence behind the nearest graves. You see that the graves here have been
There are two obvious exits: east, south.
A southwestern grave and a dark mist.
Grahil[neuter imp] flaps in.
A group of twelve ghouls arrives.
A horned grey-skinned neuter demon arrives.
A group of nine skeletons arrives.
A group of six zombies arrives.
A disc hovers in.
H:100%/M:70%/F:3%/B:>Wafts of mist float around you.
H:100%/M:70%/F:3%/B:>[Tilverton Graveyard][Exits: e, w][COORDS: 41.9n, 28.6w]
You are on the old graveyard of Tilverton, the path leading east onto a
crossing. North of you is the fence, and northeast the remains of the
chapel. The graves here have been violated with maniacal fervour.
There are two obvious exits: east, west.
A southeastern grave and a dark mist.
Two bad smelling neuter ghouls.
Grahil[neuter imp] flaps in.
A group of twelve ghouls arrives.
A horned grey-skinned neuter demon arrives.
A group of nine skeletons arrives.
A group of six zombies arrives.
A disc hovers in.
You can hear some scratching noises out of one of the nearest graves.
H:100%/M:70%/F:4%/B:>You feel the a spectral male child staring into your soul!
[Tilverton Graveyard][Exits: e, n, s, w][COORDS: 41.9n, 28.5w]
You are just south of the ruined chapel. You have just crossed through huge
imposing stone gates that lead here to a dark, evil-smelling graveyard.
Dark, gnarled trees are the only thing breaking the monotony of the lines
and rows of mouldering grave stones. A slight breeze brings the smell of
something that you would rather not see. All about you, dead grass creates
large patches of brown and black, broken only by green areas of mold. Fear
rises in the pit of your stomach, and the depth of your soul! Do you dare
There are four obvious exits: east, north, south, west.
A northeastern grave and a dark mist.
A spectral male child.
A hunchbacked dirty male human.
Grahil[neuter imp] flaps in.
A group of twelve ghouls arrives.
A horned grey-skinned neuter demon arrives.
A group of nine skeletons arrives.
A group of six zombies arrives.
A disc hovers in.
The hunchbacked dirty male human grins crookedly.
H:100%/M:70%/F:4%/B:>[Ruin][Exits: d, n, s][COORDS: 42n, 28w]
This seems once have been a small chapel of Rokoon. All the mystic items, the
altar and the shrine have been horribly desacrated. Some stairs lead down
into a crypt. To the south is a graveyard.
There are three obvious exits: down, north, south.
Grahil[neuter imp] flaps in.
A group of twelve ghouls arrives.
A horned grey-skinned neuter demon arrives.
A group of nine skeletons arrives.
A group of six zombies arrives.
A disc hovers in. | Top |
Posted by
| Twisol
USA (2,257 posts) Bio
| Reply #191 on Fri 04 Nov 2011 05:05 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 04 Nov 2011 05:10 PM (UTC) by Twisol
Crular said: Ok, after reading tons of helpfiles with what has changed over the last years in the MUD, I stumbled upon the possibility to enable room headers. Do you think it is now possible, that the mapper works in Xyllomer?
Yes! :D
([EDIT]: Looking at the bigger picture, you could just use the coordinates in the header line to identify a room. That would be much easier and probably more reliable anyways. So you can use the first regex, but add parentheses around the stuff after COORDS but before the final \] so you can pull the coordinates out.)
^\[[^\]]+\]\[Exits: [^\]]+\]\[COORDS: [^\]]+\]$
Here's a regex trigger that should match that first line. When it matches, you should enable two more triggers:
This one will match every line in the room description. Give it a lower priority (i.e. higher sequence number) than the one below.
^There are two obvious exits:
This one finds the exits line, and this is where you should disable this and the description trigger, because you know that there's no more actual description past here. It should have a higher priority (lower sequence number) than the one above because you want to shut the grab-all trigger off before it can get this line. |
'Soludra' on Achaea
GitHub: | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #192 on Fri 04 Nov 2011 08:53 PM (UTC) |
| I agree. Once you iron out the regexp to match the coordinates (which should take about 5 minutes) you could use them alone as the room "id". |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Crular
(12 posts) Bio
| Reply #193 on Sat 05 Nov 2011 04:23 PM (UTC) Amended on Sun 06 Nov 2011 01:02 AM (UTC) by Crular
| Ok, sounds good. How difficult would it be for someone like me without any programming knowledge to make the necessary changes to the mapper plugin? No chance, or as simple as changing the lines with the mentioned triggers?
| Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #194 on Sun 06 Nov 2011 01:12 AM (UTC) |
| Let me take a quick look. What is Xyllomer's details? Port and IP?
And for a novice to the MUD, how do you enable the room coordinates? |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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