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Script function


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Gets one item from the auto-map sequence


VARIANT GetMappingItem(long Item);

View list of data type meanings


Returns one item from the auto-map sequence. You supply the item number that you want.

It should be in the range zero to the value returned by GetMappingCount, minus 1. If not, a NULL variant will be returned.

The item number is zero relative, so that if you have two items in the map sequence, they will be:

0: first item
1: second item

The returned value is a single string, with the forwards and reverse direction separated by a slash. For example:


VBscript example

world.note world.GetMappingItem (0)

Jscript example


PerlScript example


Python example


Lua example


Lua notes

Lua returns nil where applicable instead of an "empty variant" or "null variant".

Return value

If the item number is less than zero, or greater than, or equal to, the number returned by GetMappingCount, then a NULL variant will be returned.

Otherwise, the contents of the appropriate map item will be returned. The forwards and reverse direction will be separated by the "/" character.

See Also ...


Speed walking


(AddMapperComment) Adds a comment to the auto-map sequence
(AddToMapper) Adds a mapping direction to the auto-map sequence
(DeleteAllMapItems) Deletes the all items from the auto-mapper sequence.
(DeleteLastMapItem) Deletes the most recently-added item from the auto-mapper sequence.
(EnableMapping) Enables or disables the auto-mapper
(GetMappingCount) Gets a count of the number of items in the auto-map sequence
(GetMappingString) Returns the speedwalk string generated by the auto-mapper.
(Mapping) A flag to indicate whether we are mapping the world
(RemoveMapReverses) A flag to indicate whether we backtracks are removed during mapping

(Help topic: function=GetMappingItem)

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