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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Miniwindows ➜ Miniwindows for Awakened Worlds

Miniwindows for Awakened Worlds

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Posted by Crashdivide   USA  (22 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #30 on Thu 08 Jul 2010 07:35 AM (UTC)
Nevermind, I seem to have figured it all out. To create spaces in the window, is that just extra lines in the code? Or is there a tag to create link breaks? Port:4000

Posted by Crashdivide   USA  (22 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #31 on Thu 08 Jul 2010 07:38 AM (UTC)
require "wait"

wait.make (function () -- coroutine starts here

local win = GetPluginID () .. ":inventory"
local font = "f"

if not WindowInfo (win, 1) then
WindowCreate (win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0)
WindowFont (win, font, "Lucida Console", 9)
end -- if

-- request inventory

Send "inventory"

-- wait for inventory to start

local x = wait.match ("*You are carrying:", 10, trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput)

if not x then
ColourNote ("white", "blue", "No inventory received within 10 seconds")
end -- if

local inv = {}
local max_width = WindowTextWidth (win, font, "Inventory")

-- loop until end of inventory

while true do
local line, wildcards, styles = wait.match ("*", 0, trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput)

-- see if end of inventory

if line == "" then
end -- if

-- save inventory line
table.insert (inv, styles)
-- work out max width
max_width = math.max (max_width, WindowTextWidth (win, font, line))

end -- while loop

-- request inventory

Send "look in pack"

-- wait for inventory to start

local x = wait.match ("*a Blackwind(tm) R-55 M.O.R.P (used): ", 10, trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput)

if not x then
ColourNote ("white", "blue", "No inventory received within 10 seconds")
end -- if

local pack = {}
local max_width = WindowTextWidth (win, font, "a Blackwind(tm) R-55 M.O.R.P")

-- loop until end of inventory

while true do
local line, wildcards, styles = wait.match ("*", 0, trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput)

-- see if end of inventory

if line == "" then
end -- if

-- save inventory line
table.insert (pack, styles)
-- work out max width
max_width = math.max (max_width, WindowTextWidth (win, font, line))

end -- while loop

local font_height = WindowFontInfo (win, font, 1)

local window_width = max_width + 10
local window_height = font_height * (#inv + #pack + 2) + 10

-- make window correct size

WindowCreate (win, 0, 0, window_width, window_height, 6, 0, ColourNameToRGB "#000000")
WindowRectOp (win, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 15 + 0x1000)

-- heading line

WindowText (win, font, "Inventory", 5, 5, 0, 0, ColourNameToRGB "red")

-- draw each inventory line

local y = font_height * 2 + 5

for i, styles in ipairs (inv) do

local x = 5
for _, style in ipairs (styles) do
x = x + WindowText (win, font, style.text, x, y, 0, 0, style.textcolour)
end -- for
y = y + font_height

end -- for each inventory item

-- heading line

WindowText (win, font, "a Blackwind(tm) R-55 M.O.R.P", 5, y, 0, 0, ColourNameToRGB "Red")

y = y + font_height

-- draw each inventory line

for i, styles in ipairs (inv) do

local x = 5
for _, style in ipairs (styles) do
x = x + WindowText (win, font, style.text, x, y, 0, 0, style.textcolour)
end -- for
y = y + font_height

end -- for each inventory item

WindowShow (win, true)

end) -- end of coroutine

This makes the window:



Just need to figure out how to space, since it seems that the Inventory group and the Blackwind group are identical, yet there's only a space after inventory. Port:4000

Posted by Crashdivide   USA  (22 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #32 on Thu 08 Jul 2010 08:49 AM (UTC)
I decided, instead, to go with the two windows, and this is what I used:

require "wait"

wait.make (function ()  -- coroutine starts here

local win = GetPluginID () .. ":inventory"
local font = "f"

if not WindowInfo ("1", 1) then
  WindowCreate ("1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0)
  WindowFont ("1", font, "Lucida Console", 9)
end -- if

-- request inventory

Send "inventory"

-- wait for inventory to start

local x = wait.match ("*You are carrying:", 10, trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput)

if not x then
  ColourNote ("white", "blue", "No inventory received within 10 seconds")
end -- if

local inv = {}
local max_width = WindowTextWidth ("1", font, "Inventory")

-- loop until end of inventory

while true do
  local line, wildcards, styles = wait.match ("*", 0, trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput)

  -- see if end of inventory

  if line == "" then
  end -- if

  -- save inventory line
  table.insert (inv, styles)
  -- work out max width
  max_width = math.max (max_width, WindowTextWidth ("1", font, line))

end -- while loop

local font_height = WindowFontInfo ("1", font, 1)

local window_width = max_width + 10
local window_height = font_height * (#inv + 2) + 10

-- make window correct size

WindowCreate ("1", 0, 0, window_width, window_height, 6, 0, ColourNameToRGB "#000000")
WindowRectOp ("1", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 15 + 0x1000)

-- heading line

WindowText ("1", font, "Inventory", 5, 5, 0, 0, ColourNameToRGB  "red")

-- draw each inventory line

local y = font_height * 2 + 5

for i, styles in ipairs (inv) do

  local x = 5
  for _, style in ipairs (styles) do
    x = x + WindowText ("1", font, style.text, x, y, 0, 0, style.textcolour)
  end -- for
  y = y + font_height

end -- for each inventory item

if not WindowInfo ("2", 1) then
  WindowCreate ("2", 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0)
  WindowFont ("2", font, "Lucida Console", 9)
end -- if

-- request inventory

Send "look in pack"

-- wait for inventory to start

local x = wait.match ("*a Blackwind(tm) R-55 M.O.R.P (used): ", 10, trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput)

if not x then
  ColourNote ("white", "blue", "No inventory received within 10 seconds")
end -- if

local pack = {}
local max_width = WindowTextWidth ("2", font, "a Blackwind(tm) R-55 M.O.R.P")

-- loop until end of inventory

while true do
  local line, wildcards, styles = wait.match ("*", 0, trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput)

  -- see if end of inventory

  if line == "" then
  end -- if

  -- save inventory line
  table.insert (pack, styles)
  -- work out max width
  max_width = math.max (max_width, WindowTextWidth ("2", font, line))

end -- while loop

local font_height = WindowFontInfo ("2", font, 1)

local window_width = max_width + 10
local window_height = font_height * (#pack + 2) + 10

-- make window correct size

WindowCreate ("2", 0, 0, window_width, window_height, 7, 0, ColourNameToRGB "#000000")
WindowRectOp ("2", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 15 + 0x1000)

-- heading line

WindowText ("2", font, "a Blackwind(tm) R-55 M.O.R.P", 5, 5, 0, 0, ColourNameToRGB  "Red")

-- draw each inventory line

local y = font_height * 2 + 5

for i, styles in ipairs (pack) do

  local x = 5
  for _, style in ipairs (styles) do
    x = x + WindowText ("2", font, style.text, x, y, 0, 0, style.textcolour)
  end -- for
  y = y + font_height

end -- for each inventory item

WindowShow "1"
WindowShow "2"

end)   -- end of coroutine

This works great, but I want to get the second window, which is in the 7 position, right under the first window, in the 6 position. But if I set them both to 6, they overlap. Port:4000

Posted by Crashdivide   USA  (22 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #33 on Fri 09 Jul 2010 09:31 AM (UTC)
Everything seems to be working great now, I even added a few more windows, but, I have one question.

I have a window for the inventory, the pack, and spells I'm sustaining. But if there's nothing in the pack, or I'm not carrying anything, or not sustaining spells, none of the windows work until I put something in inv/pack/sustain a spell. Is there a way to fix that?

I'm using:

require "wait"

wait.make (function ()  -- coroutine starts here

local win = GetPluginID () .. ":inventory"
local font = "f"

if not WindowInfo ("1", 1) then
  WindowCreate ("1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0)
  WindowFont ("1", font, "Lucida Console", 9)
end -- if

-- request inventory

Send "inventory"

-- wait for inventory to start

local x = wait.match ("*You are carrying:", 10, trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput)

if not x then
  ColourNote ("white", "blue", "No inventory received within 10 seconds")
end -- if

local inv = {}
local max_width = WindowTextWidth ("1", font, "Inventory")

-- loop until end of inventory

while true do
  local line, wildcards, styles = wait.match ("*", 0, trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput)

  -- see if end of inventory

  if line == "" then
  end -- if

  -- save inventory line
  table.insert (inv, styles)
  -- work out max width
  max_width = math.max (max_width, WindowTextWidth ("1", font, line))

end -- while loop

local font_height = WindowFontInfo ("1", font, 1)

local window_width = max_width + 10
local window_height = font_height * (#inv + 2) + 10

-- make window correct size

WindowCreate ("1", 0, 0, window_width, window_height, 6, 0, ColourNameToRGB "#000000")
WindowRectOp ("1", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 15 + 0x1000)

-- heading line

WindowText ("1", font, "Inventory", 5, 5, 0, 0, ColourNameToRGB  "red")

-- draw each inventory line

local y = font_height * 2 + 5

for i, styles in ipairs (inv) do

  local x = 5
  for _, style in ipairs (styles) do
    x = x + WindowText ("1", font, style.text, x, y, 0, 0, style.textcolour)
  end -- for
  y = y + font_height

end -- for each inventory item

if not WindowInfo ("2", 1) then
  WindowCreate ("2", 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0)
  WindowFont ("2", font, "Lucida Console", 9)
end -- if

-- request inventory

Send "look in pack"

-- wait for inventory to start

local x = wait.match ("*a Blackhawk(TM) X-3 R.A.P.T.O.R. pack (used): ", 10, trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput)

if not x then
  ColourNote ("white", "blue", "No inventory received within 10 seconds")
end -- if

local pack = {}
local max_width = WindowTextWidth ("2", font, "a Blackhawk(TM) X-3 R.A.P.T.O.R.")

-- loop until end of inventory

while true do
  local line, wildcards, styles = wait.match ("*", 0, trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput)

  -- see if end of inventory

  if line == "" then
  end -- if

  -- save inventory line
  table.insert (pack, styles)
  -- work out max width
  max_width = math.max (max_width, WindowTextWidth ("2", font, line))

end -- while loop

local font_height = WindowFontInfo ("2", font, 1)

local window_width = max_width + 10
local window_height = font_height * (#pack + 2) + 10

-- make window correct size

WindowCreate ("2", 0, 0, window_width, window_height, 7, 0, ColourNameToRGB "#000000")
WindowRectOp ("2", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 15 + 0x1000)

-- heading line

WindowText ("2", font, "a Blackhawk(TM) X-3 R.A.P.T.O.R. pack", 5, 5, 0, 0, ColourNameToRGB  "Red")

-- draw each inventory line

local y = font_height * 2 + 5

for i, styles in ipairs (pack) do

  local x = 5
  for _, style in ipairs (styles) do
    x = x + WindowText ("2", font, style.text, x, y, 0, 0, style.textcolour)
  end -- for
  y = y + font_height

end -- for each inventory item

if not WindowInfo ("3", 1) then
  WindowCreate ("3", 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0)
  WindowFont ("3", font, "Lucida Console", 9)
end -- if

-- request inventory

Send "status"

-- wait for inventory to start

local x = wait.match ("*You are sustaining:", 10, trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput)

if not x then
  ColourNote ("white", "blue", "No inventory received within 10 seconds")
end -- if

local sus = {}
local max_width = WindowTextWidth ("3", font, "Sustained Spells")

-- loop until end of inventory

while true do
  local line, wildcards, styles = wait.match ("*", 0, trigger_flag.OmitFromOutput)

  -- see if end of inventory

  if line == "" then
  end -- if

  -- save inventory line
  table.insert (sus, styles)
  -- work out max width
  max_width = math.max (max_width, WindowTextWidth ("3", font, line))

end -- while loop

local font_height = WindowFontInfo ("3", font, 1)

local window_width = max_width + 10
local window_height = font_height * (#sus + 2) + 10

-- make window correct size

WindowCreate ("3", 0, 0, window_width, window_height, 7, 0, ColourNameToRGB "#000000")
WindowRectOp ("3", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 15 + 0x1000)

-- heading line

WindowText ("3", font, "Sustained Spells", 5, 5, 0, 0, ColourNameToRGB  "red")

-- draw each inventory line

local y = font_height * 2 + 5

for i, styles in ipairs (sus) do

  local x = 5
  for _, style in ipairs (styles) do
    x = x + WindowText ("3", font, style.text, x, y, 0, 0, style.textcolour)
  end -- for
  y = y + font_height

end -- for each inventory item

WindowShow "1"
WindowShow "2"
WindowShow "3"

end)   -- end of coroutine Port:4000

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