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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Lua ➜ Attempting to use wait to wait for a particular line and failing

Attempting to use wait to wait for a particular line and failing

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Posted by Lilija   (9 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #15 on Tue 03 Aug 2010 08:30 AM (UTC)
Hate to necro this thread, but having an issue that did't exist a few saves ago with my script. Saving as a .lua file, and importing into Mushclient. Attempting to create a function with the following code.

     function TemperStats (MaximumStat, MinimumStat, TemperStatValue, TemperStat, TemperWeaponType)
	  if (TemperStatValue \> MaximumStat or TemperStatValue \< MinimumStat) then
       ColourNote ("white", "red", TemperWeaponType .. "s have a minimum " .. TemperStat .. " of " .. MinimumStat .. " and a maximum " .. TemperStat .. " of " .. MaximumStat .. "!")
       ColourNote ("white", "green", "Tempering value for " .. TemperStat .. " is " .. TemperStatValue .. ".")
	   SetVariable ("temper_" .. TemperStat, TemperStatValue)
      end -- if
     end -- function

For some reason, the less than symbol seems to be messing the whole thing up. I previously had used \< with no issue importing, but now I'm given an error that says "Attribute name must start with letter or underscore, but starts with ")"". Suppose I could solve this issue if I were to use &lt; instead of the less than symbol, but that seems like a lot of work. Is there something completely obvious that I'm missing? I feel like that's the case.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,052 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #16 on Tue 03 Aug 2010 09:16 AM (UTC)
The syntax:

if (TemperStatValue \> MaximumStat or TemperStatValue \< MinimumStat) then

isn't valid Lua. Do you mean:

if (TemperStatValue > MaximumStat or TemperStatValue < MinimumStat) then

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Lilija   (9 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #17 on Wed 04 Aug 2010 04:12 AM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 04 Aug 2010 04:15 AM (UTC) by Lilija

Perhaps I do mean what you posted Nick. Suppose it'd be helpful if I include all of what I'm doing.

   --This allows the user to set what stats they want to temper to.  If they go beyond maximums and minimums, it will return an error.
     --Setting a local variable for the weapon type taken from the Lil_Forger_tempertype alias
	 local WeaponType
	 WeaponType = GetVariable("weapon_type")
	 --This function is used to evaluate the user's input.  It takes five arguments, the maximum, minimum and user given numbers for the particular stat, said stat, and the weapon type.  It then evaluates the relevant numbers, and if they meet the conditions sets an appropriate variable.  If they don't, it returns an error message that tells them what the minimum and maximum values for the particular stat is.

     function TemperStats (MaximumStat, MinimumStat, TemperStatValue, TemperStat, TemperWeaponType)
	  if (TemperStatValue \> MaximumStat or TemperStatValue \< MinimumStat) then
       ColourNote ("white", "red", TemperWeaponType .. "s have a minimum " .. TemperStat .. " of " .. MinimumStat .. " and a maximum " .. TemperStat .. " of " .. MaximumStat .. "!")
       ColourNote ("white", "green", "Tempering value for " .. TemperStat .. " is " .. TemperStatValue .. ".")
	   SetVariable ("temper_" .. TemperStat, TemperStatValue)
      end -- if
     end -- function
--Start of the alias's logic.
	 if string.lower("%1") == "damage" then
	  if (WeaponType == "rapier" or WeaponType == "hammer") then
	   TemperStats (180, 35, %2, "damage", WeaponType)
	   ColourNote ("white", "red", "You have to set the type of weapon you want to temper first.  Use the command [temper type X] where X is one of the types of weapons (rapier, klangaxe, katana, etc.)")
	  end -- if
	 elseif string.lower("%1") == "precision" then
	  if (WeaponType == "rapier" or WeaponType == "hammer") then
	   TemperStats (235, 85, %2, "precision", WeaponType)
	   ColourNote ("white", "red", "You have to set the type of weapon you want to temper first.  Use the command [temper type X] where X is one of the types of weapons (rapier, klangaxe, katana, etc.)")
	  end -- if
	 elseif string.lower("%1") == "speed" then
	  if (WeaponType == "rapier" or WeaponType == "hammer") then
	   TemperStats (280, 139, %2, "speed", WeaponType)
	   ColourNote ("white", "red", "You have to set the type of weapon you want to temper first.  Use the command [temper type X] without the brackets where X is one of the types of weapons (rapier, klangaxe, katana, etc.)")
	  end -- if
	 end -- if

My understanding is that if it's inside an alias/would be inside Mushclient's command box for making a new alias, the <, >, ", and other similar characters need to be escaped. What really kills me about this is that it worked just fine about a week ago, and now suddenly doesn't want to. Also, removing the \s still gives me the same error. I'm pretty sure it's just a dumb mistake on my part somewhere, so thanks in advance for being patient and showing dumb ol' me the light.

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #18 on Wed 04 Aug 2010 04:46 AM (UTC)
Yeah, just replace the <'s with &lt; (and & with &amp; if any). The problem is that the exported format is XML, and those two characters are considered special. The XML file itself doesn't care what the content it holds is, so it can't, say, give Lua special syntactic treatment.

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,052 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #19 on Wed 04 Aug 2010 05:29 AM (UTC)
I don't get this line still:

if (TemperStatValue \> MaximumStat or TemperStatValue \< MinimumStat) then

If it went in "as is" then Lua will object to the \> part - that doesn't make sense.

However the XML import is likely to complain anyway about the < not being a valid element.

Is this from an alias that already exists? I don't quite understand where the stuff you have posted comes from. If you used MUSHclient's "alias copy" then it would have converted the < into &lt;, so I am guessing you didn't do that.

Template:copying For advice on how to copy aliases, timers or triggers from within MUSHclient, and paste them into a forum message, please see Copying XML.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Lilija   (9 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #20 on Wed 04 Aug 2010 05:38 AM (UTC)
It's just a file I'm writing in Notepad++. What's funny is that the ONLY thing that causes that line to error is the < . If I remove that and the values it's comparing, the line works perfectly fine, \> and all. I'll just use &lt; , suppose my question was just more along the lines of why does escaping > seem to work and < doesn't.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,052 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #21 on Wed 04 Aug 2010 06:11 AM (UTC)
Ah OK, I start to see...

In this line:

if (TemperStatValue \> MaximumStat or TemperStatValue \< MinimumStat) then

In the Send box (which you are using) escape sequences are converted (eg. \n becomes a newline, \t becomes a tab etc.).

However an unrecognized sequence simply becomes itself, so for example \< becomes < and \> becomes >.

Thus, as far as Lua is concerned all you have done is this:

if (TemperStatValue > MaximumStat or TemperStatValue < MinimumStat) then

So the backslashes effectively do nothing (except confuse me). <grin>

Having got past the backslashes, when importing XML, the characters '&' and '<' in particular are important, because they "start" something. For example:


The '>' symbol isn't quite as important - it finishes a sequence like <alias> but on its own doesn't do a huge amount of harm.

So, the < definitely has to be turned into &lt; if you are going to import things this way.

But if you are going to edit in Notepad, you can copy and paste *directly from the Send box* and you don't need to muck around converting the < and > symbols.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #22 on Wed 04 Aug 2010 01:18 PM (UTC)
Something else you may want to try is wrapping the content in a CDATA section. A CDATA section specifically tells the parser to treat the contents as non-XML data.

    if 1 < 2 then
      Note("I can use < and & just fine here!")

You just have to be careful not to use "]]>" inside the CDATA section, because that's what ends it.

'Soludra' on Achaea


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