| To simplify answering this I made a new plugin that lets you display messages from any script (including the main world file, or another plugin).
To save and install the Messages_Window plugin do this:
- Copy between the lines below (to the Clipboard)
- Open a text editor (such as Notepad) and paste the plugin into it
- Save to disk on your PC, preferably in your plugins directory, as Messages_Window.xml
- Go to the MUSHclient File menu -> Plugins
- Click "Add"
- Choose the file Messages_Window.xml (which you just saved in step 3) as a plugin
- Click "Close"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>
author="Nick Gammon"
purpose="Shows messages in a miniwindow"
date_written="2010-08-24 10:30"
date_modified="2010-08-24 13:30"
<description trim="y">
Call from scripts to display information messages.
Note a message (starts a new line):
CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgNote", "test note")
CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgNote", "test note", "yellow") -- yellow text
CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgNote", "test note", "yellow", "white") -- yellow on white
Tell a message in the default text colour (stays on same line):
CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgTell", "test tell")
CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgTell", "test tell", "yellow") -- yellow text
CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgTell", "test tell", "yellow", "white") -- yellow on white
Clear the message window:
CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgClear")
Hide the message window:
CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgHide")
Show the message window:
CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgShow")
Change the message window title:
CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgTitle", "Combat text")
<!-- Script -->
-- configuration
-- number of lines to show
local MAX_LINES = 20
-- font
local FONT_NAME = "Dina"
local FONT_SIZE = 8
-- where to put the window
local WINDOW_POSITION = miniwin.pos_top_right
-- colours
local WINDOW_TITLE_COLOUR = "white"
local WINDOW_TITLE_BACKGROUND = "darkgoldenrod"
local NOTE_COLOUR = "Cyan"
-- window title
local title = "Messages"
-- offset of text from edge
local TEXT_INSET = 5
-- where to store the message lines
local lines = {} -- table of recent message lines
local styles = {} -- current line
-- display one line
local function show_line (n, styles)
local left = TEXT_INSET
local top = (n - 1) * font_height + TEXT_INSET
-- display each style, including the appropriate background under it
for _, v in ipairs (styles) do
local width = WindowTextWidth (win, "f", v.text) -- get width of text
local right = left + width -- work out RH side
local bottom = top + font_height -- work out bottom
WindowRectOp (win, miniwin.rect_fill, left, top, right, bottom,
ColourNameToRGB (v.backcolour or WINDOW_BACKGROUND_COLOUR)) -- draw background
WindowText (win, "f", v.text, left, top, window_width - TEXT_INSET, 0,
ColourNameToRGB (v.textcolour or NOTE_COLOUR)) -- draw text
left = left + width -- advance horizontally
end -- for each style run
end -- Display_Line
local function add_line (line)
-- remove first line if filled up
if #lines >= MAX_LINES then
table.remove (lines, 1)
end -- if
-- add new line
table.insert (lines, line)
end -- add_line
-- here on output to display
local function redraw_all ()
-- blank existing window contents
WindowRectOp (win, miniwin.rect_fill, 0, 0, 0, 0, ColourNameToRGB (WINDOW_BACKGROUND_COLOUR))
-- draw drag bar rectangle
WindowRectOp (win, miniwin.rect_fill, 0, 0, 0, font_height, ColourNameToRGB (WINDOW_TITLE_BACKGROUND))
local sz = WindowTextWidth (win, "fb", title)
WindowText (win, "fb", title, (window_width - sz) / 2, 0, window_width - TEXT_INSET, 0,
-- display all lines
for k, v in ipairs (lines) do
show_line (k + 1, v)
end -- for
Redraw ()
end -- end redraw_all
local function warning (msg)
ColourNote ("white", "red", msg)
end -- warning
-- hide window on removal
function OnPluginClose ()
WindowShow (win, false) -- hide it
end -- OnPluginClose
-- hide window on disable
function OnPluginDisable ()
WindowShow (win, false) -- hide it
end -- OnPluginDisable
-- show window on enable
function OnPluginEnable ()
if #lines > 0 then
WindowShow (win, true) -- show it
end -- if
end -- OnPluginEnable
function OnPluginSaveState ()
-- save window current location for next time
movewindow.save_state (win)
end -- function OnPluginSaveState
-- eg. CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgNote", "test note")
-- CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgNote", "test note", "yellow") -- yellow text
-- CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgNote", "test note", "yellow", "white") -- yellow on white
-- Note a line (starts a new line afterwards). Text colour and background colour are optional.
function MsgNote (text, textcolour, backcolour)
-- add this style (if any text)
if text then
if type (text) ~= "string" then
warning ("First argument to MsgNote must be message text (string)")
end -- if
table.insert (styles, { text = text, textcolour = textcolour, backcolour = backcolour } )
end -- if
-- add all styles to this line
add_line (styles)
-- start new line
styles = {}
-- display existing lines
redraw_all ()
WindowShow (win, true) -- show it
end -- MsgNote
-- eg. CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgTell", "test note")
-- CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgTell", "test note", "yellow") -- yellow text
-- CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgTell", "test note", "yellow", "white") -- yellow on white
-- Tell a line (does not start a new line). Text colour and background colour are optional.
function MsgTell (text, textcolour, backcolour)
if type (text) ~= "string" then
warning ("First argument to MsgTell must be message text (string)")
end -- if
-- add this style
table.insert (styles, { text = text, textcolour = textcolour, backcolour = backcolour } )
end -- MsgTell
-- eg. CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgClear")
function MsgClear ()
lines = {}
styles = {}
-- display blank window
redraw_all ()
end -- MsgClear
-- eg. CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgHide")
function MsgHide ()
WindowShow (win, false) -- hide it
end -- MsgHide
-- eg. CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgShow")
function MsgShow ()
WindowShow (win, true) -- show it
redraw_all ()
end -- MsgShow
-- eg. CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgTitle", "Combat Messages")
function MsgTitle (new_title)
if type (new_title) ~= "string" then
warning ("First argument to MsgTitle must be window title (string)")
end -- if
title = new_title
redraw_all ()
end -- MsgTitle
-- startup stuff - create window, find font characteristics
win = GetPluginID () -- get a unique name
-- make the window
WindowCreate (win, 0, 0, 1, 1, WINDOW_POSITION, 0, 0) -- create window
fonts = utils.getfontfamilies ()
if not fonts.Dina then
AddFont (GetInfo (66) .. "\\Dina.fon")
end -- if Dina not installed
-- grab a font
WindowFont (win, "f", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE) -- define font
WindowFont (win, "fb", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, true) -- define font
-- work out how high and wide it is
font_height = WindowFontInfo (win, "f", 1) -- height of the font
wrap_column = GetOption ("wrap_column")
window_width = (wrap_column * WindowFontInfo (win, "f", 6)) + (TEXT_INSET * 2)
window_height = (MAX_LINES + 1) * font_height + TEXT_INSET * 2 -- one more line for title
require "movewindow" -- load the movewindow.lua module
-- install the window movement handler, get back the window position
windowinfo = movewindow.install (win, WINDOW_POSITION)
-- remake the window with the correct width
WindowCreate (win,
window_width, window_height,
-- add the drag handler so they can move the window around
movewindow.add_drag_handler (win, 0, 0, 0, font_height)
[EDIT] Amended to make a bit simpler.
The above plugin shows 20 lines of recent messages (you can change the 20 in the plugin) which then scroll off and disappear. You can drag the window around by the title bar.
You need MUSHclient 4.55 or more recent, see here for recent releases:
In the case of your trigger (it would help to see the whole thing) ...
For advice on how to copy aliases, timers or triggers from within MUSHclient, and paste them into a forum message, please see Copying XML.
You can do something like this, if you install the above plugin:
CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgNote","---- %3 ---- has aggro from %1")
Or you can simplify things a little bit by putting these functions in your script file (if you are using one)
function MsgNote (text, textcolour, backcolour)
CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgNote", text, textcolour, backcolour)
end -- Msg_Note
function MsgTell (text, textcolour, backcolour)
CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgTell", text, textcolour, backcolour)
end -- Msg_Tell
function MsgTitle (new_title)
CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgTitle", new_title)
end -- MsgTitle
function MsgClear (text)
CallPlugin ("126d9061f9758498c878a204", "MsgClear")
end -- MsgClear
With those "stub" routines in your script file, you could just do this:
MsgNote ("---- %3 ---- has agro from %1")
The difference between "Note" and "Tell" is like in normal MUSHclient scripting - MsgTell leaves the text on the same line, and the MsgNote starts a new line.
[EDIT] Changed 15 September 2010 to load the Dina font, and then load it into the miniwindow. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |