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Mini-window for public chatter

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Posted by Leonhardt   (24 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Wed 10 Nov 2010 04:07 AM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 10 Nov 2010 04:09 AM (UTC) by Leonhardt

I play a mud called Ansalon and I need help making a mini-window that the OOC,Tells and Says can go into for easy access while im in fights and such. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated as im very new to scripting.

Im using MushClient 4.58 not sure if this matter but thought I would add it just in case.
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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,000 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Wed 10 Nov 2010 11:16 PM (UTC)
Fiendish did a scrolling chat window for Aardwolf which you could adapt:


Alternatively, look at this thread:


In there is a plugin (Messages_Window) which lets you send coloured text from a script (eg. a trigger) and have it scroll by in a miniwindow).

The Messages_Window plugin has the disadvantage that it doesn't scroll back, but for just keeping an eye on chats that could be adequate.

Fiendish's window however has scroll bars I think.

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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Posted by Leonhardt   (24 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #2 on Fri 12 Nov 2010 06:54 PM (UTC)
I cant seem to get either of these to work for me as I said im really new to this whole scripting thing it took me 3 weeks to get your inventory window up and running. Would it be possible for you to post the working file for that fiendish one so I can just download the whole thing and paste it into my plugin folder?
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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,000 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #3 on Fri 12 Nov 2010 07:05 PM (UTC)
Well, to save creating a character on Ansalon can you at least paste a few lines of the sort of chatter you want captured?

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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Posted by Leonhardt   (24 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #4 on Fri 12 Nov 2010 07:45 PM (UTC)
You say 'testing testing 123'
You tell Emilio 'testing testing 123'
You OOC 'testing testing 123'

These are the types of chatter Say,Tell and OOC.
Im wanting them to pop up in a miniwindow because while im playing the text sometimes flys by so fast I cant see when someone is trying to communicate.
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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,000 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #5 on Fri 12 Nov 2010 08:47 PM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 05 Jan 2011 12:26 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

OK well I adapated Fiendish's plugin to make it work with non-Aardwolf MUDs.

Template:saveplugin=Chat_Capture_Miniwindow To save and install the Chat_Capture_Miniwindow plugin do this:
  1. Copy between the lines below (to the Clipboard)
  2. Open a text editor (such as Notepad) and paste the plugin into it
  3. Save to disk on your PC, preferably in your plugins directory, as Chat_Capture_Miniwindow.xml
  4. Go to the MUSHclient File menu -> Plugins
  5. Click "Add"
  6. Choose the file Chat_Capture_Miniwindow.xml (which you just saved in step 3) as a plugin
  7. Click "Close"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>

<!-- Bits of this plugin and ideas were borrowed and remixed from the MUSHclient community. http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/?id=9385 and others. -->
<!-- Modifications for Aardwolf and extra awesome sauce added by Fiendish with help from Orogan -->
<!-- Adapated by Nick Gammon for Smaug and similar MUDs -->

    purpose="Move chats to a miniwindow"
<description trim="y">

  chats echo on    : echo chats in main window
  chats echo off   : do not echo chats
  chats show       : show chats window
  chats hide       : hide chats window
  LH-click a line to copy it to the clipboard
  RH-click main window to see menu of options
  Click title bar to drag window.

    match="You say '*'"

    match="You tell * '*'"

    match="You OOC '*'"

    match="^chats echo( on| off)?$"

    match="chats show"

    match="chats hide"


require "movewindow"  -- load the movewindow.lua module
require "copytable"

MAX_LINES = 10000 -- how many lines to store in scrollback

-- date_format = "[%d %b %H:%M:%S] "        -- [30 Aug 13:29:49]   date and time 24 hour
-- date_format = "[%d %b %I:%M:%S%p] "  -- [30 Aug 01:20:12PM]     date and time 12 hour
-- date_format = "[%H:%M:%S] "          -- [13:29:08]          time 24 hour
-- date_format = "[%X] "                  -- [1:22:06 PM]            time 12 hour


-- doing it this way makes them default to true the first time around
timestamp = not (GetVariable("timestamp") == "false")
echo = not (GetVariable("echo") == "false")

date_format = GetVariable("date_format")
WINDOW_WIDTH = tonumber(GetVariable("WINDOW_WIDTH"))
WINDOW_HEIGHT = tonumber(GetVariable("WINDOW_HEIGHT"))

-- offset of text from edge

-- where to store the chat line
lines = {}  -- table of recent chat lines
rawlines = {}

lineStart = ""
lineEnd = ""

theme = {
    WINDOW_BACKGROUND = ColourNameToRGB ("#000000"), -- for miniwindow body
    WINDOW_BORDER = ColourNameToRGB("#E8E8E8"), -- for miniwindow body
    HIGHLIGHT=ColourNameToRGB("#FFFFFF"), -- for 3D surfaces
    FACE=ColourNameToRGB("#D4D0C8"), -- for 3D surfaces
    INNERSHADOW=ColourNameToRGB("#808080"), -- for 3D surfaces
    OUTERSHADOW = ColourNameToRGB("#404040"), -- for 3D surfaces
    BACK_FACE = ColourNameToRGB ("#E8E8E8"), -- for contrasting details
    DETAIL = ColourNameToRGB ("#000000"), -- for contrasting details

    TITLE_HEIGHT = 17, -- for miniwindow title area
    SUBTITLE_HEIGHT = 17, -- for miniwindow title area
    TITLE_FONT_NAME = "Dina", -- for miniwindow title area
    TITLE_FONT_SIZE = 8 -- for miniwindow title area
}  -- end theme table

-- replacement for WindowRectOp action 5, which allows for a 3D look while maintaining color theme
-- Requires global theme.HIGHLIGHT, theme.FACE, theme.INNERSHADOW, and theme.OUTERSHADOW rgb colors to be set.
function DrawThemed3DRect(Window, left, top, right, bottom)
    WindowRectOp(Window, miniwin.rect_fill, left, top, right, bottom, theme.FACE)
    WindowLine(Window, left, top, right, top, theme.HIGHLIGHT, 
                miniwin.pen_solid + miniwin.pen_endcap_flat, 1)
    WindowLine(Window, left, top, left, bottom, theme.HIGHLIGHT, 
                miniwin.pen_solid + miniwin.pen_endcap_flat, 1)
    WindowLine(Window, left, bottom-2, right, bottom-2, theme.INNERSHADOW, 
                miniwin.pen_solid + miniwin.pen_endcap_flat, 1)
    WindowLine(Window, right-2, top, right-2, bottom-2, theme.INNERSHADOW, 
                miniwin.pen_solid + miniwin.pen_endcap_flat, 1)
    WindowLine(Window, left, bottom-1, right, bottom-1, theme.OUTERSHADOW, 
                miniwin.pen_solid + miniwin.pen_endcap_flat, 1)
    WindowLine(Window, right-1, top, right-1, bottom-1, theme.OUTERSHADOW, 
                miniwin.pen_solid + miniwin.pen_endcap_flat, 1)    

function DrawThemedResizeTag(Window, x1, y1, size)
    local x2, y2 = x1+size, y1+size
    DrawThemed3DRect(Window, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    local m = 2
    local n = 2
    while (x1+m+2 <= x2-3 and y1+n+1 <= y2-4) do
        WindowLine(Window, x1+m+1, y2-4, x2-3, y1+n, theme.HIGHLIGHT, 
                    miniwin.pen_solid, 1)
        WindowLine(Window, x1+m+2, y2-4, x2-3, y1+n+1, theme.INNERSHADOW, 
                    miniwin.pen_solid, 1)
        m = m+3
        n = n+3
end  -- function DrawThemedResizeTag

Win = GetPluginID()
font_height = ""
line_height = ""
windowinfo = ""
startx = ""
starty = ""

function ResizeMoveCallback()
    posx, posy = WindowInfo (Win, 17), WindowInfo (Win, 18)
    if (WindowTextWidth(Win, "titlefont"..Win, "WWWCOMMUNICATION")+2*SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH <= WINDOW_WIDTH+posx-startx) then
        WINDOW_WIDTH = WINDOW_WIDTH+posx-startx
        startx = posx
    end  -- if
    if (3*SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH+10+line_height+theme.TITLE_HEIGHT <= WINDOW_HEIGHT+posy-starty) then
        WINDOW_HEIGHT = WINDOW_HEIGHT+posy-starty
        starty = posy
    end -- if
end -- function ResizeMoveCallback

function ResizeReleaseCallback()
    WINDOW_HEIGHT = theme.TITLE_HEIGHT+(line_height*(WINDOW_LINES-1))+3
end  -- ResizeReleaseCallback

function OnPluginInstall()
    -- Dummy window to get font characteristics
    check (WindowCreate (Win, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, theme.WINDOW_BACKGROUND) )
    check (WindowFont(Win, "bodyfont"..Win, BODY_FONT_NAME, BODY_FONT_SIZE))
    check (WindowFont(Win, "titlefont"..Win, theme.TITLE_FONT_NAME, theme.TITLE_FONT_SIZE))
    font_height = WindowFontInfo (Win, "bodyfont"..Win, 1) -  WindowFontInfo (Win, "bodyfont"..Win, 4) + 1
    line_height = font_height+1
    font_width = WindowTextWidth (Win, "bodyfont"..Win, "W")
    -- install the window movement handler, get back the window position
    windowinfo = movewindow.install (Win, miniwin.pos_top_right, miniwin.create_absolute_location, true)

    -- check for Echo/Timestamp/date_format/window size (in pixels) variables, if not there, set them
    if date_format == nil then
        date_format = "[%d %b %H:%M:%S] "
    end -- if
    if WINDOW_WIDTH == nil then
        WINDOW_WIDTH = (font_width*80)+SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH -- 80 columns
    if WINDOW_HEIGHT == nil then
        WINDOW_HEIGHT = theme.TITLE_HEIGHT+(line_height*6)+2 -- 6 lines
    end -- if
    OnPluginEnable ()  -- do initialization stuff
end -- function OnPluginInstall

function init(firstTime)
    -- how many lines and columns will fit?
    WINDOW_LINES = math.ceil((WINDOW_HEIGHT-theme.TITLE_HEIGHT)/line_height)

    if firstTime then
        WindowCreate(Win, windowinfo.window_left, windowinfo.window_top, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, windowinfo.window_mode, windowinfo.window_flags, theme.WINDOW_BACKGROUND)

        -- catch for right-click menu and line selection
        WindowAddHotspot(Win, "textarea", 0, theme.TITLE_HEIGHT, WINDOW_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH,0, 
            "", "", "MouseDown", "CancelMouseDown", "MouseUp", "", 
            miniwin.cursor_ibeam, 0)
        -- add the drag handler so they can move the window around
        movewindow.add_drag_handler (Win, 0, 0, 0, theme.TITLE_HEIGHT)
        -- scroll bar up/down buttons
            "MouseOver", "CancelMouseOver", "MouseDown", "CancelMouseDown", "MouseUp", "", 
            miniwin.cursor_hand, 0)
            "MouseOver", "CancelMouseOver", "MouseDown", "CancelMouseDown", "MouseUp", "", 
            miniwin.cursor_hand, 0)

        -- add the resize widget hotspot
            "MouseOver", "CancelMouseOver", "MouseDown", "CancelMouseDown", "MouseUp", "", 
            miniwin.cursor_nw_se_arrow, 0)
        WindowDragHandler(Win, "resizer", "ResizeMoveCallback", "ResizeReleaseCallback", 0)    
        WindowMoveHotspot(Win, "textarea", 0, theme.TITLE_HEIGHT, WINDOW_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, 0)
    end -- if
    WindowShow(Win, true)
    if (firstTime == true) then
        lines = {}
        for _,styles in ipairs(rawlines) do 
        end  -- for each line
    end -- if

    lineStart = math.max(1, #lines-WINDOW_LINES+2)
    lineEnd = math.max(1, #lines)
end  -- function init

function OnPluginClose ()
    -- if enabled
    if GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID(), 17) then
    end -- if enabled
end -- function OnPluginClose

function OnPluginEnable ()
    WindowShow (Win, true)
end -- function OnPluginEnable

function OnPluginSaveState ()
    -- save window current location for next time  
    SetVariable ("enabled", tostring (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID(), 17)))
    movewindow.save_state (Win)
    -- save echo/timestamp status
    SetVariable ("echo", tostring (echo))
    SetVariable ("timestamp", tostring (timestamp))
    SetVariable("date_format", date_format)
end -- function OnPluginSaveState

function OnPluginDisable ()
    WindowShow( Win, false )
end -- function OnPluginDisable

-- display one line
function Display_Line (line, styles)
  local left    = TEXT_INSET
  local top     = theme.TITLE_HEIGHT + (line * line_height) + 1
  local bottom  = top + line_height
  local font    = "bodyfont" .. Win

  if backfill then
      WindowRectOp (Win, miniwin.rect_fill, 1, top, WINDOW_WIDTH - SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, bottom, ColourNameToRGB("#333333"))
  end -- backfill
  if (styles) then
    for _, style in ipairs (styles) do
      local width = WindowTextWidth (Win, font, style.text) -- get width of text
      local right = left + width
      WindowRectOp (Win, miniwin.rect_fill, left, top, right, bottom, style.backcolour)  -- draw background
      WindowText (Win, font, style.text, left, top, 0, 0, style.textcolour)  -- draw text
      left = left + width  -- advance horizontally
    end -- for each style run        
  end -- if  styles
end -- Display_Line

-- display all visible lines
function writeLines()
    for count = lineStart, lineEnd do
        Display_Line( count-lineStart, lines[count][1], false )
    end  -- for each line

end  -- function writeLines

-- clear and redraw
function refresh()
    WindowRectOp(Win, miniwin.rect_fill, 0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, theme.WINDOW_BACKGROUND)
end  -- function refresh

barPos = ""
barSize = ""
totalSteps = ""

function drawStuff()
    -- draw border
    WindowRectOp (Win, miniwin.rect_frame, 0, 0, 0, 0, theme.WINDOW_BORDER)
    -- Title bar
    DrawThemed3DRect(Win, 0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, theme.TITLE_HEIGHT)

    -- Title text
    WindowText(Win, "titlefont"..Win, "COMMUNICATION", ((WINDOW_WIDTH)-(7.5*line_height))/2, (theme.TITLE_HEIGHT-line_height)/2, WINDOW_WIDTH, theme.TITLE_HEIGHT, theme.DETAIL, false)

    if #lines >= 1 then
    end -- if
    -- Scrollbar base
    WindowRectOp(Win, miniwin.rect_fill, WINDOW_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, theme.TITLE_HEIGHT, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, theme.BACK_FACE) -- scroll bar background
    WindowRectOp(Win, miniwin.rect_frame, WINDOW_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH+1, SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH+theme.TITLE_HEIGHT+1, WINDOW_WIDTH-1, WINDOW_HEIGHT-(2*SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH)-1, theme.DETAIL) -- scroll bar background inset rectangle
    -- draw triangle in up button
    points = string.format ("%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i", (WINDOW_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH)+2, theme.TITLE_HEIGHT+8,(WINDOW_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH)+6, theme.TITLE_HEIGHT+4,(WINDOW_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH)+10, theme.TITLE_HEIGHT+8)
    WindowPolygon (Win, points,
        theme.DETAIL, miniwin.pen_solid, 1,   -- pen (solid, width 1)
        theme.DETAIL, miniwin.brush_solid, --brush (solid)
        true, --close
        false)  --alt fill

    -- draw triangle in down button    
    WindowPolygon (Win, points,
        theme.DETAIL, miniwin.pen_solid, 1,   -- pen (solid, width 1)
        theme.DETAIL, miniwin.brush_solid, --brush (solid)
        true, --close
        false) --alt fill
    -- The scrollbar position indicator
    totalSteps = #lines
    if (totalSteps <= WINDOW_LINES-1) then totalSteps = 1 end
    if (not dragscrolling) then
        stepNum = lineStart-1
        barPos = SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH +theme.TITLE_HEIGHT+ ((SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT/totalSteps) * stepNum)
        barSize = (SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT/math.max(WINDOW_LINES-1,totalSteps)) * (WINDOW_LINES-1)
        if barSize < 10 then
            barSize = 10
        if barPos+barSize > SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH+theme.TITLE_HEIGHT+SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT then
            barPos = SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH+theme.TITLE_HEIGHT+SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT - barSize
        WindowAddHotspot(Win, "scroller", (WINDOW_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH), barPos, WINDOW_WIDTH, barPos+barSize, 
                        "MouseOver", "CancelMouseOver", "MouseDown", "CancelMouseDown", "MouseUp", "", 
                        miniwin.cursor_hand, 0)
        WindowDragHandler(Win, "scroller", "ScrollerMoveCallback", "ScrollerReleaseCallback", 0)
    end  -- if
    DrawThemed3DRect(Win, WINDOW_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, barPos, WINDOW_WIDTH, barPos+barSize)
    -- resizer tag
end  -- function drawStuff

function ScrollerMoveCallback(flags, hotspot_id)
    mouseposy = WindowInfo(Win, 18)
    windowtop = WindowInfo(Win, 2)
    barPos = math.max(mouseposy-windowtop+clickdelta, SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH+theme.TITLE_HEIGHT)
    if barPos > WINDOW_HEIGHT-(SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH*2)-barSize then
        barPos = WINDOW_HEIGHT-(SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH*2)-barSize
        lineStart = math.max(1,#lines-WINDOW_LINES+2)
        lineEnd = #lines
        lineStart = math.floor((barPos-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH-theme.TITLE_HEIGHT)/(SCROLL_BAR_HEIGHT/totalSteps)+1)
        lineEnd = math.min(lineStart + WINDOW_LINES-2, #lines)
    end -- if
end  -- function ScrollerMoveCallback

function ScrollerReleaseCallback(flags, hotspot_id)
    dragscrolling = false
end  -- function ScrollerReleaseCallback

function fillBuffer(rawstyles)
    local avail = 0
    local line_styles
    local beginning = true
    -- keep pulling out styles and trying to fit them on the current line
    local styles = copytable.deep (rawstyles)
    local remove = table.remove
    local insert = table.insert
    while #styles > 0 do
        if avail <= 0 then -- no room available? start new line
            -- remove first line if filled up
            if #lines >= MAX_LINES then
                remove (lines, 1)
            end -- if 
            avail = WINDOW_WIDTH - (TEXT_INSET * 2) - 9
            line_styles = {}
            add_line( line_styles, beginning )
            beginning = false
        end -- line full

        -- get next style, work out how long it is
        local style = remove (styles, 1)
        local width = WindowTextWidth (Win, "bodyfont"..Win, style.text)

        -- if it fits, copy whole style in
        if width <= avail then
            insert (line_styles, style)
            avail = avail - width
        else -- otherwise, have to split style   
            -- look for trailing space (work backwards). remember where space is
            local col = style.length - 1
            local split_col
            -- keep going until out of columns
            while col > 1 do
                width = WindowTextWidth (Win, "bodyfont"..Win, style.text:sub (1, col)) 
                if width <= avail then
                    if not split_col then
                        split_col = col  -- in case no space found, this is where we can split
                    end -- if
                    -- see if space here
                    if style.text:sub (col, col) == " " then
                        split_col = col
                    end -- if space
                end -- if will now fit
                col = col - 1
            end -- while
            -- if we found a place to split, use old style, and make it shorter. Also make a copy and put the rest in that
            if split_col then
                insert (line_styles, style)
                local style_copy = copytable.shallow (style)
                style.text = style.text:sub (1, split_col)
                style.length = split_col 
                style_copy.text = style_copy.text:sub (split_col + 1)
                style_copy.length = #style_copy.text
                insert (styles, 1, style_copy)
            elseif next (line_styles) == nil then
                insert (line_styles, style)
                insert (styles, 1, style)
            end -- if    
            avail = 0  -- now we need to wrap     
        end -- if could not fit whole thing in
    end -- while we still have styles over
end  -- function fillBuffer

-- Main capture routine
function chats (name, line, wildcards, styles)
    -- echo in this world as well if the user wants
    if echo then
        for _, v in ipairs (styles) do
            ColourTell (RGBColourToName (v.textcolour),RGBColourToName (v.backcolour),v.text)
        end -- for each style run
        Note ("")  -- wrap up line
    end -- echo wanted

    -- inject timestamp if wanted
    if timestamp then
        local tstamp = os.date (date_format)
        table.insert (styles, 1, {
          text = tstamp,
          textcolour  = ColourNameToRGB (TIMESTAMP_TEXT_COLOUR),
          backcolour = ColourNameToRGB (TIMESTAMP_BACK_COLOUR),
          length = string.len (tstamp),
          style = 0,
        } )
    end -- if
    -- store the raw lines for use during resizing
    if #rawlines >= MAX_LINES then
        table.remove(rawlines, 1)
    table.insert(rawlines, styles)
    refresh( )
end -- function chats 

function add_line ( line, is_beginning_of_message )
    -- add new line
    table.insert (lines, {line, false} )
    lines[#lines][2] = is_beginning_of_message

    -- advance the count
    if #lines >= WINDOW_LINES then
        lineStart = lineStart + 1
    end -- if
    if #lines > 1 then
        lineEnd = lineEnd + 1
    end -- if
end -- function add_line

keepscrolling = false
require "wait"

function scrollbar(calledBy)
    wait.make (function()
        while keepscrolling == true do
            if calledBy == "up" then
                if (lineStart > 1) then
                    lineStart = lineStart - 1
                    lineEnd = lineEnd - 1
                    WindowRectOp(Win, miniwin.rect_draw_edge, (WINDOW_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH), theme.TITLE_HEIGHT, 0, theme.TITLE_HEIGHT+SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, 
                        miniwin.rect_edge_sunken,  miniwin.rect_edge_at_all + miniwin.rect_option_fill_middle) -- up arrow pushed
                    points = string.format ("%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i", (WINDOW_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH)+3, theme.TITLE_HEIGHT+9,(WINDOW_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH)+7, theme.TITLE_HEIGHT+5,(WINDOW_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH)+11, theme.TITLE_HEIGHT+9)
                    WindowPolygon (Win, points,
                        theme.DETAIL, miniwin.pen_solid, 1, -- pen (solid, width 1)
                        theme.DETAIL, miniwin.brush_solid, -- brush (solid)
                        true, -- close
                        false) -- alt fill
                    keepscrolling = false
            elseif calledBy == "down" then
                if (lineEnd < #lines) then
                    lineStart = lineStart + 1
                    lineEnd = lineEnd + 1
                WindowRectOp(Win, miniwin.rect_draw_edge, (WINDOW_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH), WINDOW_HEIGHT-(SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH*2), 0, WINDOW_HEIGHT-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH-1, 
                    miniwin.rect_edge_sunken,  miniwin.rect_edge_at_all + miniwin.rect_option_fill_middle) -- down arrow pushed
                WindowPolygon (Win, points,
                    theme.DETAIL, miniwin.pen_solid, 1, -- pen (solid, width 1)
                    theme.DETAIL, miniwin.brush_solid, -- brush (solid)
                    true, -- close
                    false) -- alt fill
                    keepscrolling = false
            end -- if
        end -- while keepscrolling
    end)  -- wait.make
end  -- function scrollbar

function GetLineText (styles)
  local t = {}
  for _, style in ipairs (styles) do
    table.insert (t, style.text)
  end -- for
  return table.concat (t)
end -- function GetLineText

function GetAllBufferedMessages()
    local t = {}
    for _,styles in ipairs(rawlines) do
      table.insert (t, GetLineText (styles))
    end -- for
end -- function GetAllBufferedMessages

function GetBufferedMessage(xpos, ypos)
    windowline = math.floor(((ypos-theme.TITLE_HEIGHT)/line_height)+1)-1
    text = ""
    if (#lines > windowline) then
        local line = windowline+lineStart
        -- go to beginning of message
        while lines[line][2] ~= true and line > 1 do
            line = line - 1
        end -- while
        -- first line
        local styles = copytable.deep(lines[line][1])
        if (line-lineStart+1 > 0) then
            Display_Line (line-lineStart, styles, true)
        end -- if
        text = GetLineText (styles)
        -- remaining lines
        line = line + 1
        while line <= #lines and lines[line][2] ~= true do
            local styles = copytable.deep(lines[line][1])
            if (line-lineStart+1 > 0 and line-lineStart < WINDOW_LINES) then
                Display_Line (line-lineStart, styles, true)
            text = text.. GetLineText (styles)
            line = line + 1
        end -- while
    end -- if
end  -- function GetBufferedMessage

function MouseOver(flags, hotspot_id)
    keepscrolling = false
end  -- function MouseOver

function CancelMouseOver(flags, hotspot_id)
    keepscrolling = false
end  -- function CancelMouseOver

function MouseDown(flags, hotspot_id)
    if (hotspot_id == "resizer") then
        startx, starty = WindowInfo (Win, 17), WindowInfo (Win, 18)
    elseif (hotspot_id == "scroller") then
        clickdelta = WindowHotspotInfo(Win, "scroller", 2)-WindowInfo (Win, 15)
        dragscrolling = true
    elseif (hotspot_id == "textarea" and flags == miniwin.hotspot_got_lh_mouse) then
        GetBufferedMessage(WindowInfo(Win, 14), WindowInfo(Win,15))
        keepscrolling = true
    end -- if
end  -- function MouseDown

function CancelMouseDown(flags, hotspot_id)
    keepscrolling = false
end  -- function CancelMouseDown

function MouseUp(flags, hotspot_id)
    if (hotspot_id == "textarea" and flags == miniwin.hotspot_got_rh_mouse) then
        -- build menu for current state
    end -- if
    keepscrolling = false
end  -- function MouseUp

function chat_echo (name, line, wildcards)
    if wildcards [1] == false then
      echo = not echo  -- toggle
      echo = wildcards [1]:lower () == " on"
    end -- if

    if echo then
        ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Echoing chats in main window ENABLED.")
        ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Echoing chats in main window DISABLED.")
    end -- if
end -- function chat_echo

function chat_show (name, line, wildcards)
   WindowShow( Win, true )
   ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Chats window now shown. Type 'chats hide' to hide it.")
end -- function chat_show

function chat_hide (name, line, wildcards)
   WindowShow( Win, false )
   ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Chats window now hidden. Type 'chats show' to see it again.")
end -- function chat_hide

-- right click menu
function right_click_menu ()
    menustring ="Copy All To Clipboard|Change Font|Turn Echo "
    if echo then
        menustring = menustring .. "Off"
        menustring = menustring .. "On"
    end -- if
    menustring = menustring.."|>Timestamp|No Timestamps|30 Aug 13:29:49|30 Aug 01:20:12PM|13:29:08|1:22:06 PM"
    result = WindowMenu (Win, 
        WindowInfo (Win, 14),  -- x position
        WindowInfo (Win, 15),   -- y position
        menustring) -- content
    if result == "Copy All To Clipboard" then
        ColourNote ("yellow", "", "All buffered messages copied to clipboard.")
    elseif result == "Change Font" then
        wanted_font = utils.fontpicker (BODY_FONT_NAME, BODY_FONT_SIZE) --font dialog
        if wanted_font then
            BODY_FONT_NAME = wanted_font.name
            BODY_FONT_SIZE = wanted_font.size
            SetVariable ("bodyfont", BODY_FONT_NAME)
            SetVariable ("font_size", BODY_FONT_SIZE)
    elseif result == "Turn Echo Off" then
        echo = false
        ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Echoing chats in main window DISABLED.")
    elseif result == "Turn Echo On" then
        echo = true
        ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Echoing chats in main window ENABLED.")
    elseif result == "No Timestamps" then
        timestamp = false
        ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Timestamps in communication window DISABLED.")
    elseif result == "30 Aug 13:29:49" then
        timestamp = true
        date_format = "[%d %b %H:%M:%S] "
        ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Timestamps in communication window ENABLED using format like '30 Aug 13:29:49'.")
    elseif result == "30 Aug 01:20:12PM" then
        timestamp = true
        date_format = "[%d %b %I:%M:%S%p] "
        ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Timestamps in communication window ENABLED using format like '30 Aug 01:20:12PM'.")
    elseif result == "13:29:08" then
        timestamp = true
        date_format = "[%H:%M:%S] "
        ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Timestamps in communication window ENABLED using format like '13:29:08'.")
    elseif result == "1:22:06 PM" then
        timestamp = true
        date_format = "[%I:%M:%S%p] "
        ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Timestamps in communication window ENABLED using format like '1:22:06 PM'.")
    end -- if
end -- function right_click_menu

You may need to adapt or add to the triggers (lines in bold) to make it match your particular MUD. It should work on the test lines Leonhardt posted.

[EDIT] Modified to version 2 to clean up the code a bit.

Version 2.2 - modified to require version 4.52 of MUSHclient.

Version 2.3 - modified to add "chats show" and "chats hide" aliases.

Version 2.4 - modified to show background colours as well in chat window, and have timestamp in white on black.

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,000 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #6 on Fri 12 Nov 2010 08:51 PM (UTC)
This is what the window looks like:

You can:

  • Move it by dragging the title bar

  • Resize it

  • RH-click to bring up a menu of options

  • LH-click to copy one line of chat to the clipboard

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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Posted by Fiendish   USA  (2,517 posts)  [Biography] bio   Global Moderator
Date Reply #7 on Sat 13 Nov 2010 03:37 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 13 Nov 2010 04:16 AM (UTC) by Fiendish

It looks like a caveat with this version is that if you use the copy functions you won't be getting color codes. Yes? Also, I don't see anything in bold. Maybe it's my browser, though.

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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,000 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #8 on Sat 13 Nov 2010 04:14 AM (UTC)
Oops, I improved it again, and left out the bold codes. Put back now.

Yes, the colour codes were Aardwolf-specific, so this version just copies the text.

Fiendish, in your version you were prepending the plugin ID to the variables. Why do that? The variables are local to the plugin anyway, that just seems to make it wordier than it has to be.

Also I cleaned up some of the WindowXXX operations to put in the new symbolic constants, rather than 2 for "fill rectangle" and so on.

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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Posted by Fiendish   USA  (2,517 posts)  [Biography] bio   Global Moderator
Date Reply #9 on Sat 13 Nov 2010 04:17 AM (UTC)
Nick Gammon said:
Fiendish, in your version you were prepending the plugin ID to the variables. Why do that? The variables are local to the plugin anyway, that just seems to make it wordier than it has to be.

Because I'd been away from writing plugins for too long and forgot details like that. :)
In one of the next versions I'll probably undo that particular change.

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Posted by Leonhardt   (24 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #10 on Sat 13 Nov 2010 02:04 PM (UTC)
I did like you said but I keep getting this error message.

Run-time error
Plugin: Chat_Capture_Miniwindow (called from world: Ansalon)
Function/Sub: OnPluginInstall called by Plugin Chat_Capture_Miniwindow
Reason: Executing plugin Chat_Capture_Miniwindow sub OnPluginInstall
[string "Plugin"]:58: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'pen_endcap_flat' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[string "Plugin"]:58: in function 'DrawThemed3DRect'
[string "Plugin"]:250: in function 'drawStuff'
[string "Plugin"]:238: in function 'refresh'
[string "Plugin"]:184: in function 'init'
[string "Plugin"]:134: in function <[string "Plugin"]:112>
Error context in script:
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Posted by Fiendish   USA  (2,517 posts)  [Biography] bio   Global Moderator
Date Reply #11 on Sat 13 Nov 2010 05:10 PM (UTC)
Leonhardt said:

I did like you said but I keep getting this error message.

Run-time error
Plugin: Chat_Capture_Miniwindow (called from world: Ansalon)
Function/Sub: OnPluginInstall called by Plugin Chat_Capture_Miniwindow
Reason: Executing plugin Chat_Capture_Miniwindow sub OnPluginInstall
[string "Plugin"]:58: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'pen_endcap_flat' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[string "Plugin"]:58: in function 'DrawThemed3DRect'
[string "Plugin"]:250: in function 'drawStuff'
[string "Plugin"]:238: in function 'refresh'
[string "Plugin"]:184: in function 'init'
[string "Plugin"]:134: in function <[string "Plugin"]:112>
Error context in script:

That's because Nick made your version of MUSHclient obsolete by replacing some numbers with some newfangled keywords that I've never heard of. Try getting the latest MUSHclient installer. :)

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Posted by Leonhardt   (24 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #12 on Sat 13 Nov 2010 05:57 PM (UTC)
ok its working now but I moved it up too high and cant get to the top of the miniwindow to move it around anymore what should I do? I tried removing the plugin and re-installing it but it still shows up at the top where I cant get to the bar where you move it around the screen.
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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,000 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #13 on Sat 13 Nov 2010 06:51 PM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 13 Nov 2010 06:52 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

The remembering of window positions shouldn't do that, but since it has ...

  • Close the world so the plugin is not in use.

  • Look in your worlds/plugins/state folder for a file with "565dae21eb816a2fdb8d50f9" in the name.

    In my case the file was "3bcfeeb548c77aa15ae19061-565dae21eb816a2fdb8d50f9-state.xml" but yours will have a different front part, as that is the world "id".

  • If you edit that file with Notepad you will see something like this in it:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE muclient>
    <!-- Saved on Saturday, November 13, 2010, 6:18 PM -->
    <!-- MuClient version 4.69 -->
    <!-- Written by Nick Gammon -->
    <!-- Home Page: http://www.mushclient.com/ -->
    <!-- Plugin state saved. Plugin: "Chat_Capture_Miniwindow". World: "SmaugFUSS". -->
    <!-- variables -->
       date_saved="2010-11-13 18:18:14"
      <variable name="WINDOW_HEIGHT">296</variable>
      <variable name="WINDOW_WIDTH">460</variable>
      <variable name="bodyfont">Dina</variable>
      <variable name="date_format">[%d %b %I:%M:%S%p] </variable>
      <variable name="echo">true</variable>
      <variable name="enabled">true</variable>
      <variable name="font_size">8</variable>
      <variable name="mw_565dae21eb816a2fdb8d50f9_windowflags">2</variable>
      <variable name="mw_565dae21eb816a2fdb8d50f9_windowmode">0</variable>
      <variable name="mw_565dae21eb816a2fdb8d50f9_windowx">883</variable>
      <variable name="mw_565dae21eb816a2fdb8d50f9_windowy">680</variable>
      <variable name="timestamp">true</variable>

  • You can just simply delete the file, to go back to default positions, or remove the lines which specify the "windowx" and "windowy" positions (in my case they are 883 and 680) and then save the file.

  • Start MUSHclient again and the chats should be back to default positions.

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,000 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #14 on Sat 13 Nov 2010 07:12 PM (UTC)
Fiendish said:

That's because Nick made your version of MUSHclient obsolete by replacing some numbers with some newfangled keywords that I've never heard of. Try getting the latest MUSHclient installer. :)

Strangely, you required 4.51, whereas I added that stuff in 4.52. Missed by one version!

I've updated the plugin to require 4.52.

Also, I think the problem with positioning might have been that you asked for absolute window positions in the movewindow.install line, which I don't think is really wanted, because absolute positions really only apply once they have dragged the window from its default position. I changed that bit.

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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