Sickent said:
And incoming from the MU* is spitting gibberish to me, with exception to the loggin.
Can you copy and paste this gibberish? I don't know what you are telling me here.
I made a new character on Aetolia and with gmcpdebug set to level 1, I see this every time the MUD sends something:
Char.Vitals { "hp": "343", "maxhp": "343", "mp": "357", "maxmp": "357", "ep": "615", "maxep": "615", "wp": "600", "maxwp": "600", "nl": "0", "xp": "0", "maxxp": "5001", "blood": "100", "bleeding": "0", "blind": "0", "deaf": "0", "prone": "1", "cloak": "0", "fangbarrier": "0", "flying": "0", "herb": "1", "salve": "1", "pipe": "1", "elixir": "1", "moss": "1", "tree": "1", "renew": "1", "affelixir": "1", "focus": "1", "soul": "100", "residual": "0", "madness": "0", "status": "living", "balance": "1", "equilibrium": "1", "left_arm": "1", "right_arm": "1", "wield_left": "", "wield_right": "", "class": "ascendril", "mounted": "0", "burrowed": "no", "string": "H:343/343 M:357/357 E:615/615 W:600/600 NL:0/100 " }
It doesn't look to me like it is sending a subset of the data. Also for you to use the plugin you need to have your own plugin that receives the data. So I'm not sure what you are trying to do, what you expect to happen, and what is actually happening. |