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➜ Mock input for testing regex triggers?
Mock input for testing regex triggers?
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Posted by
| Kahenraz
(75 posts) Bio
| Mon 12 Sep 2016 12:32 PM (UTC) Amended on Mon 12 Sep 2016 12:33 PM (UTC) by Kahenraz
| Is there a way to send mock output to the world to test against complex regex matches?
Can't modify title. Should be mock output. :) | Top |
Posted by
| hogarius
USA (22 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Mon 12 Sep 2016 02:45 PM (UTC) Amended on Tue 13 Sep 2016 04:31 AM (UTC) by hogarius
| I think you're looking for the Simulate() function.
| Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #2 on Tue 13 Sep 2016 08:11 PM (UTC) |
| I usually use "Debug Simulated World Input" (Shift+Ctrl+F12) - see the Game menu. It's labelled Game -> Test Trigger ...
You can type multiple lines of input (use Ctrl+Enter for a newline) and there is a box at the top for entering special sequences like ANSI codes, MXP codes and Unicode. Make sure you have a final newline (blank line) after the test otherwise the trigger won't fire (yet).
For scripted testing the Simulate function could be used (this could be handy if you are testing the same thing many times). However the "Test Trigger" dialog remembers your last test, so you can re-test the same thing simply by doing Shift+Ctrl+F12 followed by Enter. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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