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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (22,982 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Sun 20 Jan 2002 05:19 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sun 20 Jan 2002 05:21 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon


The automapper shows a text map of the area (if desired). For example ...

Large Plaza [Mekali City] [Room 3000]
  You are in the middle of a wide square plaza, with streets running in all 
directions.  Crushed grey stone has been spread around on the ground to 
cover the dirt.  In the middle of the square is a huge stone disk, upon 
which stands the statue of a regal looking dwarf.  There are some trees and 
bushes along the edges of the plaza.  Small shops line the streets in all 
directions, and you see and hear many people in those directions.  

[Exits: north east south west]
     A trash can.
     A long wooden bench.
A laborer is here, trying to get his work done.
A citizen is here, looking about stressfully.
A citizen is here, looking about stressfully.
A laborer is here, trying to get his work done.
    I I C I I  
    | | | | |  
    | | | | |  
    I I C I I  

Here is the automap help ...

help automap
edit[ 1 - commands.txt]AUTO-MAPPER AUTOMAPPER
The automapper is an ASCII map display of the rooms in your proximity.  The 
mapper will display the rooms according to their sector type, as listed 
below.  The mapper makes getting to know the surrounding area simple, but it 
is still critical to read the room descriptions.  Some of the general 
features of the automapper are:

  * Rooms within the line of sight are displayed 
  * Range is affected by darkness 
  * Ability to display rooms in all directions, including these not in the
     cardinal directions 
  * Abilty to clear the screen and display the map each time you move 
  * Map automatically refreshes when a door is opened or closed 
  * Areas that have different map scales  

The mapper displays rooms according to their sector types, each with a 
character and color code.  Listed below is the available sectors: 
  I = inside                   ` = swimable water 
  C = city                     " = underwater 
  - = field                    - = noswim 
  + = forest                   . = air 
  ^ = hills                    = = swamp 
  % = mountain                 d = desert 
  @ = cave
Also noted ASCII characters # means that the map in that direction changes 
scale, like leaving mekali, the world map is on a different scale. The * in 
the middle of the map is you.

Here are a few commands related to the automapper: 
 map - displays the map for the room you are currently in.
 automap - toggles the automapper on or off, so you can see the map for 
  the room when you look or move. 
 mapclear - the screen is cleared overtime you look or move, displaying 
  the map at the top of the page. 
 nomapexits - the grey lines linking each room will not be displayed 

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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To show them in your local time you can join the forum, and then set the 'time correction' field in your profile to the number of hours difference between your location and UTC time.


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