| To help with making miniwidows become easier to use, I have taken a break from writing plugins to write a helper module, that makes writing plugins easier. :-)
This module implements the code I used for the inventory plugin (see: and moves part of it into a helpful external module.
The intention of this code is for providing for "mouse-over" windows, that you simply look at (like information about the current inventory item). There is no provision for hyperlinks or hotspots. However for the case of simply wanting to do a nice colourful popup window, this should be helpful.
A screenshot is in the next post in this thread.
The major feature of the popup window is that it resizes itself to exactly contain the text within it. In order to achieve that, it needs to have the entire text provided in advance, so it can calculate the number of lines (to get the height) and the maximum line width (to get the width).
To do this, you simply make a table, and by using table.insert, insert the text in the table in the order in which you want it to appear. To allow for coloured text I have implemented support for the Aardwolf colour codes (eg. @R = bold red, @g is normal green), so you simply imbed these codes into the text where required.
If you want to add additional colours, simply choose a letter that is not in use (eg. "z") and add it to the table like this:
mw.colour_conversion.z = 0xDEC4B0 -- (lightsteelblue)
Now you could use @z as a colour code as well as the existing ones.
A bit of preliminary setup is required, as indicated in the comments. To save time, and allow for player configuration, you define in advance what the font names and font sizes are going to be, and load them into the required miniwindow. At this stage the window is not shown, so this is simply preparing it for use later on.
There is also provision for aligning the window to the right (so you could make it appear to the left of a mouse-click, rather than to the right of it), and aligning to the bottom. In both cases these calculations have to be done inside mw.popup, as we don't know, until they are calculated, the width and depth of the window.
There is a "capitalize" option - I wanted this so that items like "a rusty sword" would display as "A rusty sword" - however you can't just capitalize them in advance, as the descriptions I received from the MUD might have colour codes in them. For example, you don't want to convert "@ga rusty sword" into "@Ga rusty sword" because you have changed the colour, not the word "a".
-- mw.lua
-- Helper functions for miniwindows
-- Author: Nick Gammon - 8th September 2008
Exposed functions are:
mw.colourtext - show a string with imbedded colour codes
mw.colour_conversion - table with colour codes in it - add more if you want
mw.strip_colours - remove colour codes from a string
mw.popup - make a popup window
Example of making a popup window:
require "mw"
-- SET UP FOR POPUP WINDOWS - define colours, add fonts, make window id
-- (DO THIS ONCE ONLY, eg. in OnPluginInstall)
-- our window frame/background colours
border_colour = 0xCCD148
background_colour = 0x222222
-- a unique ID
infowin = GetPluginID () .. ":info"
-- font IDs
font_id = "popup_font"
heading_font_id = "popup_heading_font"
font_size = 8
-- use 8 pt Dina or 10 pt Courier
local fonts = utils.getfontfamilies ()
-- choose a font that exists
if fonts.Dina then
font_name = "Dina"
elseif fonts ["Lucida Sans Unicode"] then
font_name = "Lucida Sans Unicode"
font_size = 10
font_name = "Courier"
end -- if
-- load fonts - mouseover window
WindowCreate (infowin, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) -- make 1-pixel wide window
-- install the fonts (49 is modern / fixed pitch)
WindowFont (infowin, font_id, font_name, font_size, false, false, false, false, 0, 49)
WindowFont (infowin, heading_font_id, font_name, font_size + 2, false, false, false, false, 0, 49)
-- what to say - one line per table entry, with imbedded colour codes
info = { "@Ctesting 1 2 3",
"@GThis is a heading",
"Line @Mwith @Bmultiple @Rcolours",
heading = "@MHello, @Yworld"
left, top = 40, 50
align_right = false
align_bottom = false
capitalize = true
-- show it
mw.popup (infowin, -- window name to use
heading_font_id, -- font to use for the heading
font_id, -- font to use for each line
heading, -- heading text
info, -- table of lines to show (with colour codes)
left, top, -- where to put it
border_colour, -- colour for round rectangle line
background_colour, -- colour for background
capitalize, -- if true, force the first letter to upper case
align_right, -- if true, align right side on "Left" parameter
align_bottom) -- if true, align bottom side on "Top" parameter
module (..., package.seeall)
local BLACK = 1
local RED = 2
local GREEN = 3
local YELLOW = 4
local BLUE = 5
local MAGENTA = 6
local CYAN = 7
local WHITE = 8
-- colour styles (eg. @r is normal red, @R is bold red)
-- @- is shown as ~
-- @@ is shown as @
-- This table uses the colours as defined in the MUSHclient ANSI tab, however the
-- defaults are shown on the right if you prefer to use those.
colour_conversion = {
k = GetNormalColour (BLACK) , -- 0x000000
r = GetNormalColour (RED) , -- 0x000080
g = GetNormalColour (GREEN) , -- 0x008000
y = GetNormalColour (YELLOW) , -- 0x008080
b = GetNormalColour (BLUE) , -- 0x800000
m = GetNormalColour (MAGENTA) , -- 0x800080
c = GetNormalColour (CYAN) , -- 0x808000
w = GetNormalColour (WHITE) , -- 0xC0C0C0
K = GetBoldColour (BLACK) , -- 0x808080
R = GetBoldColour (RED) , -- 0x0000FF
G = GetBoldColour (GREEN) , -- 0x00FF00
Y = GetBoldColour (YELLOW) , -- 0x00FFFF
B = GetBoldColour (BLUE) , -- 0xFF0000
M = GetBoldColour (MAGENTA) , -- 0xFF00FF
C = GetBoldColour (CYAN) , -- 0xFFFF00
W = GetBoldColour (WHITE) , -- 0xFFFFFF
-- add custom colours here
} -- end conversion table
-- displays text with colour codes imbedded
-- win: window to use
-- font_id : font to use
-- Text : what to display
-- Left, Top, Right, Bottom : where to display it
-- Capitalize : if true, turn the first letter into upper-case
function colourtext (win, font_id, Text, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, Capitalize)
if Text:match ("@") then
local x = Left -- current x position
local need_caps = Capitalize
Text = Text:gsub ("@%-", "~") -- fix tildes
Text = Text:gsub ("@@", "\0") -- change @@ to 0x00
-- make sure we start with @ or gsub doesn't work properly
if Text:sub (1, 1) ~= "@" then
end -- if
for colour, text in Text:gmatch ("@(%a)([^@]+)") do
text = text:gsub ("%z", "@") -- put any @ characters back
if need_caps then
local count
text, count = text:gsub ("%a", string.upper, 1)
need_caps = count == 0 -- if not done, still need to capitalize yet
end -- if
if #text > 0 then
x = x + WindowText (win, font_id, text, x, Top, Right, Bottom,
colour_conversion [colour] or GetNormalColour (WHITE))
end -- some text to display
end -- for each colour run
return x
end -- if
if Capitalize then
Text = Text:gsub ("%a", string.upper, 1)
end -- if leading caps wanted
return WindowText (win, font_id, Text, Left, Top, Right, Bottom,
colour_conversion [DEFAULT_COLOUR] or GetNormalColour (WHITE))
end -- colourtext
-- take a string, and remove colour codes from it (eg. "@Ghello" becomes "hello"
function strip_colours (s)
s = s:gsub ("@%-", "~") -- fix tildes
s = s:gsub ("@@", "\0") -- change @@ to 0x00
s = s:gsub ("@%a([^@]*)", "%1")
return (s:gsub ("%z", "@")) -- put @ back
end -- strip_colours
function popup (win, -- window name to use
heading_font_id, -- font to use for the heading
font_id, -- font to use for each line
heading, -- heading text
info, -- table of lines to show (with colour codes)
Left, Top, -- where to put it
border_colour, -- colour for round rectangle line
background_colour, -- colour for background
capitalize, -- if true, force the first letter to be upper case
align_right, -- if true, align right side on "Left" parameter
align_bottom) -- if true, align bottom side on "Top" parameter
A prerequisite is to create the window first and load the two fonts into it.
This only needs to be done once, and as it may take a bit of code to select a font that actually
exists, I prefer to not do it here.
Example code:
infowin = GetPluginID () .. ":info"
font_id = "popup_font"
heading_font_id = "popup_heading_font"
font_size = 8
-- use 8 pt Dina or Lucida Sans, or 10 pt Courier
local fonts = utils.getfontfamilies ()
if fonts.Dina then
font_name = "Dina"
elseif fonts ["Lucida Sans Unicode"] then
font_name = "Lucida Sans Unicode"
font_size = 10
font_name = "Courier"
end -- if
-- load fonts - mouseover window
WindowCreate (infowin, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) -- make 1-pixel wide window
-- install the fonts (49 is modern / fixed pitch)
WindowFont (infowin, font_id, font_name, font_size, false, false, false, false, 0, 49)
WindowFont (infowin, heading_font_id, font_name, font_size + 2, false, false, false, false, 0, 49)
assert (WindowInfo (win, 1), "Window " .. win .. " must already exist")
assert (WindowFontInfo (win, heading_font_id, 1), "No font " .. heading_font_id .. " in " .. win)
assert (WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 1), "No font " .. font_id .. " in " .. win)
local font_height = WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 1)
local font_leading = WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 4) + WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 5)
local heading_font_height = WindowFontInfo (win, heading_font_id, 1)
-- find text width - minus colour codes
local infowidth = 0
local infoheight = 0
-- calculate heading width and height
if heading and #heading > 0 then
infowidth = WindowTextWidth (win, heading_font_id, strip_colours (heading))
infoheight = heading_font_height
end -- have a heading
-- calculate remaining width and height
for _, v in ipairs (info) do
infowidth = math.max (infowidth, WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, strip_colours (v)))
infoheight = infoheight + font_height
end -- for
infowidth = infowidth + (2 * BORDER_WIDTH) + -- leave room for border
WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 6) -- one character width extra
infoheight = infoheight + (2 * BORDER_WIDTH) + -- leave room for border
font_leading + -- plus leading below bottom line,
10 -- and 5 pixels top and bottom
if align_right then
Left = Left - infowidth
end -- if align_right
if align_bottom then
Top = Top - infoheight
end -- if align_bottom
WindowCreate (win,
Left, Top, -- where
infowidth, -- width (gap of 5 pixels per side)
infoheight, -- height
4, -- position mode: can't be 0 to 3
2 + 4, -- absolute location + transparent
TRANSPARENCY_COLOUR) -- background (transparent) colour
WindowCircleOp (win, 3, -- round rectangle
border_colour, 0, BORDER_WIDTH, -- solid line
background_colour, 0, -- solid
5, 5) -- diameter of ellipse
local x = BORDER_WIDTH + WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 6) / 2 -- start 1/2 character in
local y = BORDER_WIDTH + 5 -- skip border, and leave 5 pixel gap
-- heading if wanted
if heading and #heading > 0 then
colourtext (win, heading_font_id, heading, x, y, 0, 0, capitalize)
y = y + heading_font_height
end -- have a heading
-- show each line
for _, v in ipairs (info) do
colourtext (win, font_id, v, x, y, 0, 0, capitalize)
y = y + font_height
end -- for
-- display popup window
WindowShow (win, true)
end -- popup
- Nick Gammon, | Top |