It's there, but I don't know what some of the fields mean or if the format is finalized.
From testing:
You can wear, remove, get and drop eq with the serial #.
You can't use the serial # to get something from a container (I hope this gets fixed)
You can't use keep or unkeep with the serial #.
Both the identify spell and command work with the serial #.
The lore command does not. (wish this would change)
shows your worn eq
Sample Output:
55984226,KG,a hallowed light,1,1,1,0,-1
shows what you have in inventory
you can also do invdata <container> and it will show what is in the container
Sample Output:
60125052,K,a @Gd@yrago@Gn @wmask,100,6,0,-1,-1
invdetails <serial>
get the details of a particular item
doesn't work for items in a container, you must get them out first (I wish this would change)
Example Output:
{invheader}55984226|1|Light|0|3|light|unique, glow, magic, bless, held, auctioned, recharged||||||
{statmod}Hit roll|3
{statmod}Damage roll|3
Object Types:
1: Light
2: Scroll
5: Weapon
6: Treasure
7: Armor
8: Potion
9: Furniture
10: Trash
11: Container
12: Drink Container
13: Key
14: Food
19: Pill
20: Portal
Bast |