| As I was playing around trying to test Blainer's inventory plugin, I thought it was time to upgrade the health-bar plugin.
The improved version below shows your health, mana and movement in a miniwindow. The miniwindow can be dragged around the screen to wherever you want it. If you are fighting it shows the enemy's health as well (hopefully your health is higher than the enemy's), and the name of the enemy you are fighting. If the name is too long to fit it is truncated at the nearest space, and three dots inserted to show the name is not all there.
This plugin also uses the "stats detector" plugin, so you also need this file:
The "Stats detector" plugin uses telnet negotation, so you also need this file:
In a standard MUSHclient installation these three files should to into this directory:
C:\Program Files\MUSHclient\worlds\plugins\Aardwolf\
To install, copy between the lines below, paste into a text editor document, and save as Aardwolf_Health_Bar_Miniwindow.xml. Then install that into MUSHclient using the File menu -> Plugins (along with the Stats_Detector.xml plugin).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>
author="Nick Gammon"
purpose="Shows stats in a mini window"
<description trim="y">
Install this plugin to show an info bar with HP, Mana,
and Movement points shown as a bar.
The window can be dragged to a new location with the mouse.
<!-- Script -->
require "checkplugin"
FONT_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "darkred"
BORDER_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "#553333"
function mousedown(flags, hotspot_id)
-- find where mouse is so we can adjust window relative to mouse
startx, starty = WindowInfo (win, 14), WindowInfo (win, 15)
-- find where window is in case we drag it offscreen
origx, origy = WindowInfo (win, 10), WindowInfo (win, 11)
end -- mousedown
function dragmove(flags, hotspot_id)
-- find where it is now
local posx, posy = WindowInfo (win, 17),
WindowInfo (win, 18)
-- move the window to the new location - offset by how far mouse was into window
WindowPosition(win, posx - startx, posy - starty, 0, 2);
-- change the mouse cursor shape appropriately
if posx < 0 or posx > GetInfo (281) or
posy < 0 or posy > GetInfo (280) then
check (SetCursor ( 11)) -- X cursor
check (SetCursor ( 1)) -- hand cursor
end -- if
end -- dragmove
function dragrelease(flags, hotspot_id)
Repaint () -- update window location
-- find where window is now
local newx, newy = WindowInfo (win, 10), WindowInfo (win, 11)
-- don't let them drag it out of view
if newx < 0 or newx > GetInfo (281) or
newy < 0 or newy > GetInfo (280) then
-- put it back
WindowPosition(win, origx, origy, 0, 2)
end -- if out of bounds
window_left = newx -- remember for saving state
window_top = newy
window_mode = 0
window_flags = 2 -- absolute position
end -- dragrelease
function DoGauge (sPrompt, Percent, Colour)
local Fraction = tonumber (Percent)
if Fraction > 1 then Fraction = 1 end
if Fraction == 0 then return end
local width = WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, sPrompt)
WindowText (win, font_id, sPrompt,
GAUGE_LEFT - width, vertical, 0, 0, FONT_COLOUR)
WindowRectOp (win, 2, GAUGE_LEFT, vertical, WINDOW_WIDTH - 5, vertical + GAUGE_HEIGHT, WindowInfo (win,9) ) -- fill entire box
local gauge_width = (WINDOW_WIDTH - GAUGE_LEFT - 5) * Fraction
-- box size must be > 0 or WindowGradient fills the whole thing
if math.floor (gauge_width) > 0 then
-- top half
WindowGradient (win, GAUGE_LEFT, vertical, GAUGE_LEFT + gauge_width, vertical + GAUGE_HEIGHT / 2,
Colour, 2)
-- bottom half
WindowGradient (win, GAUGE_LEFT, vertical + GAUGE_HEIGHT / 2, GAUGE_LEFT + gauge_width, vertical + GAUGE_HEIGHT,
end -- non-zero
-- show ticks
local ticks_at = (WINDOW_WIDTH - GAUGE_LEFT - 5) / (NUMBER_OF_TICKS + 1)
-- ticks
for i = 1, NUMBER_OF_TICKS do
WindowLine (win, GAUGE_LEFT + (i * ticks_at), vertical,
GAUGE_LEFT + (i * ticks_at), vertical + GAUGE_HEIGHT, ColourNameToRGB ("silver"), 0, 1)
end -- for
-- draw a box around it
check (WindowRectOp (win, 1, GAUGE_LEFT, vertical, WINDOW_WIDTH - 5, vertical + GAUGE_HEIGHT,
ColourNameToRGB ("lightgrey"))) -- frame entire box
vertical = vertical + font_height + 3
end -- function
function draw_bar ()
-- find where it is now
local posx, posy, mode, flags = WindowInfo (win, 10),
WindowInfo (win, 11),
WindowInfo (win, 7),
WindowInfo (win, 8)
local height = WINDOW_HEIGHT
local line1 = string.format ("Level %i. %s", stats.level, stats.doing)
if stats.enemy_percent ~= "9999" then
height = height + 20
line1 = stats.doing
end -- if
WindowCreate (win,
posx, posy, WINDOW_WIDTH, height,
-- make a hotspot
WindowAddHotspot(win, "hs1",
0, 0, 0, 0, -- whole window
"", -- MouseOver
"", -- CancelMouseOver
"", -- CancelMouseDown
"", -- MouseUp
"Drag to move", -- tooltip text
10, 0) -- movement cursor
WindowDragHandler(win, "hs1", "dragmove", "dragrelease", 0)
-- Edge around box rectangle
check (WindowCircleOp (win, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, BORDER_COLOUR, 0, 2, 0, 1))
vertical = 6 -- pixel to start at
local width = WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, line1)
local add_dots = false
-- truncate if too long
while width > (WINDOW_WIDTH - GAUGE_LEFT - 5) do
-- get rid of last word
local s = string.match (" " .. line1 .. "...", "(%s%S*)$")
if not s or #s == 0 then break end
line1 = line1:sub (1, - (#s - 2)) -- except the last 3 dots but add the space
width = WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, line1 .. " ...")
add_dots = true
end -- while
if add_dots then
line1 = line1 .. " ..."
end -- if
WindowText (win, font_id, line1,
GAUGE_LEFT, vertical, 0, 0, FONT_COLOUR)
vertical = vertical + font_height + 3
DoGauge ("HP: ", stats.hp_percent / 100, ColourNameToRGB "darkgreen")
if stats.enemy_percent ~= "9999" then
-- enemy name: stats.enemy
DoGauge ("Enemy: ", stats.enemy_percent / 100, ColourNameToRGB "darkred")
end -- if fighting
DoGauge ("Mana: ", stats.mana_percent / 100, ColourNameToRGB "mediumblue")
DoGauge ("Move: ", stats.moves_percent / 100, ColourNameToRGB "gold")
WindowShow (win, true)
end -- draw_bar
function OnPluginBroadcast (msg, id, name, text)
if msg == 1 and id == "8a710e0783b431c06d61a54c" then
-- get all variables
stats = GetPluginVariableList("8a710e0783b431c06d61a54c")
draw_bar ()
end -- stats changed
function OnPluginInstall ()
win = GetPluginID ()
font_id = "fn"
font_name = "Fixedsys" -- the actual font
window_left, window_top, window_mode, window_flags =
tonumber (GetVariable ("windowx")) or 0,
tonumber (GetVariable ("windowy")) or 0,
tonumber (GetVariable ("windowmode")) or 7, -- middle right
tonumber (GetVariable ("windowflags")) or 0
-- make miniwindow so I can grab the font info
check (WindowCreate (win,
window_left, window_top, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT,
window_mode, -- top right
0x000000) )
-- give main world window time to stabilize its size and position
DoAfterSpecial (5, "check_map_position ()", sendto.script)
check (WindowFont (win, font_id, font_name, 9, false, false, false, false, 0, 0)) -- normal
font_height = WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 1) -- height
if GetVariable ("enabled") == "false" then
ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Warning: Plugin " .. GetPluginName ().. " is currently disabled.")
check (EnablePlugin(GetPluginID (), false))
end -- they didn't enable us last time
OnPluginEnable () -- do initialization stuff
end -- OnPluginInstall
function OnPluginEnable ()
end -- OnPluginEnable
function OnPluginDisable ()
WindowShow (win, false)
end -- OnPluginDisable
function OnPluginSaveState ()
SetVariable ("enabled", tostring (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 17)))
SetVariable ("windowx", tostring (window_left))
SetVariable ("windowy", tostring (window_top))
SetVariable ("windowmode", tostring (window_mode))
SetVariable ("windowflags", tostring (window_flags))
end -- OnPluginSaveState
function check_map_position ()
-- check miniwindow visible
if window_left < 0 or window_left > GetInfo (281) or
window_top < 0 or window_top > GetInfo (280) then
window_left, window_top = 0, 0 -- reset to top left
window_mode = 7
window_flags = 0
end -- if not visible
WindowPosition (win, window_left, window_top, window_mode, window_flags)
end -- check_map_position
[EDIT] Updated on 9th July 2009 to fix problems with whether it remembered its window position correctly. The updated version is 1.5.
If your version does not appear on the screen, even after moving around, you probably have the older one.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |