| Following on from my plugin I did a while ago ( the plugin below shows a nice miniwindow "help screen" (see screen shots in next post).
This no longer requires a dummy world file, and is thus easier to install and use. Although the text shown is specific to Aardwolf, you can very simply edit the help to show help for any MUD.
For example, these lines show the help on skills:
spells = {
{ name = "Skills", desc = "List of skills." },
{ name = "Spells", desc = "List of spells." },
{ name = "Spells spellup", desc = "List of spellups (buffs)." },
{ name = "Spells combat", desc = "List of combat abilities." },
{ name = "Affects", desc = "Current affects (buffs) on you." },
} -- end spells
Simply changing them to something else would show different help. The format is:
- name = <whatever you type>
- desc = <an explanation>
The plugin has the following features:
- Can be dragged around by the title bar
- If you type "helplist" it toggles the window on and off. You could make a macro key bring the help up (eg. F2).
- Help is grouped into categories. Clicking on the category name expands or contracts that category, to make it easier to fit on smaller screens.
- Shift-clicking any category name expands or contracts all categories.
- The help words shown in (underlined) bright green, or bright yellow are sent to the MUD immediately if you click on them. For example, click on "Consider all" and it sends that to the MUD, to save you typing it.
- The words shown in (underlined) orange show help on that subject if you click on them. For example if you click on "HUNT" it sends "help hunt".
To save and install the Helplist_Miniwindow plugin do this:
- Copy between the lines below (to the Clipboard)
- Open a text editor (such as Notepad) and paste the plugin into it
- Save to disk on your PC, preferably in your plugins directory, as Helplist_Miniwindow.xml
- Go to the MUSHclient File menu -> Plugins
- Click "Add"
- Choose the file Helplist_Miniwindow.xml (which you just saved in step 3) as a plugin
- Click "Close"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>
author="Nick Gammon"
purpose="Makes a helper window with hyperlinks"
<description trim="y">
Creates a window with various helpful commands in it, hyperlinked.
Type 'helplist' to toggle the display of the window on and off.
<!-- Aliases -->
active = not active
if active then
make_helper_window ()
WindowShow (win, false)
end -- if
require "serialize" -- needed to serialize table to string
require "movewindow"
require "commas"
-- CONFIGURATION ---------------------------------------------------
local INDENT = 20
local GAP = 5
local TEXT_GAP = 5
local BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 0x000028
local WINDOW_HEADING = "Help"
local HEADING_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "yellow"
local TITLE_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "lime"
local DESCRIPTION_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "white"
local HELP_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "goldenrod"
local DOTS_COLOUR = 0x23325C
expanded = {} -- which ones we expanded
active = true
-- ONE TABLE PER GROUP ITEM ---------------------------------------
spells = {
{ name = "Skills", desc = "List of skills." },
{ name = "Spells", desc = "List of spells." },
{ name = "Spells spellup", desc = "List of spellups (buffs)." },
{ name = "Spells combat", desc = "List of combat abilities." },
{ name = "Affects", desc = "Current affects (buffs) on you." },
} -- end spells
movement = {
{ name = "Areas", desc= "Shows all areas in a level range." },
{ name = "Recall", desc= "Returns you to Aylor Grand Temple." },
{ name = "Speedwalks", desc= "Available speedwalks." },
{ name = "Mobdeaths", desc= "Shows most frequently killed mobs (monsters) " },
{ name = "Mobkills", desc= "Shows the mobs that most often kill players. " },
{ name = "Areadeaths", desc= "Shows areas with at least one mob killed. " },
{ name = "Areakills", desc= "Shows the mobs that most often kill players overall. " },
{ name = "Find all", desc= "Shows nearby places of interest in the city. " },
{ name = "Bigmap", desc= "Outdoors (not in an area), shows a large map." },
{ name = "Look", desc= "Look around current room." },
{ name = "Exits", desc= "See room exits." },
} -- end movement
todo = {
{ name = "Goals", desc = "See a list of quests you have open." },
{ name = "Quest Info", desc = "Show information about current quest" },
{ name = "Train", desc = "Show training costs for each of your stats." },
{ name = "Raceinfo", desc = "Show training costs modifiers for your race." },
{ name = "Exp", desc = "Experience you have, and need to level up." },
} -- end todo
-- Information about you
mystuff = {
{ name = "Score", desc = "Important information about your character." },
{ name = "Inventory", desc = "What is in your bags." },
{ name = "Equip", desc = "What you are wearing." },
{ name = "Hunger", desc = "Hunger and thirst." },
{ name = "Config", desc = "Your configuration options." },
{ name = "List", desc = "List what is for sale, if at a shop." },
{ name = "Worth", desc = "Shows your gold, bank balance, etc." },
{ name = "Myrank", desc = "Things you have done." },
} -- end mystuff
combat = {
{ name = "Consider all", desc = "Compare your own strength to others in the room." },
{ name = "Scan", desc = "Show characters in the immediate area." },
{ name = "Study", desc = "Show health of all characters in the room." },
{ name = "Where", desc = "Shows players nearby (or 'WHERE <mob>' to find a mob)." },
{ name = "Flee", desc = "Attempt to run away during combat. Costs experience." },
{ name = "Wimpy", desc = "Set character to auto flee when low on hit points." },
{ name = "Ownedwhere", desc = "Shows items you own, including your corpses." },
{ name = "Read page6", desc = "Shows popular low-level areas." },
} -- end combat
comms = {
{ name = "Channels", desc = "See a list of all channels available." },
{ name = "Friend", desc = "See your friends." },
{ name = "Info", desc = "View/Toggle Game info channels." },
{ name = "Quiet", desc = "Temporarily turn channels off/on (toggle)." },
{ name = "Socials", desc = "List socials in game." },
{ name = "Random", desc = "Use a random social." },
{ name = "Forums", desc = "See available message forums." },
{ name = "Note", desc = "Read next unread note." },
{ name = "Clist", desc = "Show list of clans." },
{ name = "Who", desc = "Show who is on Aardwolf." },
{ name = "Who helper", desc = "Show players prepared to help you." },
{ name = "CatchTells", desc = "Stores all tells sent to you (toggle)." },
{ name = "Replay", desc = "Displays all saved/caught tells." },
} -- end comms
help = {
{ name = "Contents", desc = "Show help by category." },
} -- end help
-- GROUPS OF HELP --------------------------------------------------------
-- groups of related things - one item per help category
groups = {
{ name = "Spells and skills", list = spells,
extrafunc =
function ()
ShowText ("To get spells and skills training, do ")
ShowHyperlink ("recall")
ShowText (" and then ")
ShowHyperlink ("run u6ne")
extrahelp = { "Train", "Practice", "Learned", "Showspell", "Allspells"},
}, -- end Spells and skills
{ name = "Movement", list = movement,
extrahelp = { "coordinates", "world", "shortmap", "maptags", "explored", "enter" },
}, -- end Movement
{ name = "To do / improvements", list = todo,
extrahelp = { "Eat", "Drink", "Gulp", "Run", "Find", "aq", "Listen", "www", "rules" },
}, -- end To do
{ name = "Information about you", list = mystuff,
extrahelp = { "Appraise", "Identify", "Value", "Buy",
"Sell", "Bid", "Auction", "Deposit", "Withdraw",
"Experience", "Alignment", "Get", "Drop",
"Wear", "Wield", "Hold", "Remove", "Object Flags",
"Qp", "Tp", "Newhelp", "Where" },
}, -- end Information
{ name = "Combat", list = combat,
extrafunc =
function ()
ShowText ("To get healed, cured or restored, do ")
ShowHyperlink ("recall")
ShowText (", ")
ShowHyperlink ("run 3e")
ShowText (" and then ")
ShowHyperlink ("heal")
extrahelp = { "Healing", "Death", "Cr", "Cast",
"Sleep", "Wake", "Group", "pk", "hunt"},
}, -- end Combat
{ name = "Communications", list = comms,
extrahelp = { "Tell", "Reply", "Ignore", "Whois", "Warinfo",
"Say", "Emote", "Note", "Subscribe", "Forum",
"afk", "deaf", "ignore", "rank" },
}, -- end Communications
{ name = "Help", list = help,
extrafunc =
function ()
ShowText ("Type 'HELP <subject>' for help, 'HELP SEARCH <word>' to search for a word.")
local line1_x = x
-- start a new line
y = y + font_height
ShowText ("Type 'INDEX <x>' for help on words beginning with x.")
x = math.max (x, line1_x) -- make sure we return the maximum width we took
return 2 -- we showed 2 lines
}, -- end Help
} -- end groups
-- END CONFIGURABLE STUFF ---------------------------------------------------------
function click_hyperlink (flags, hotspotid)
local item = tonumber (hotspotid)
local text = hyperlinks [item]
if not text then return end
if IsConnected () then
Send (text)
ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Cannot send '" .. text .. "' - not connected.")
end -- if
end -- click_hyperlink
function click_group (flags, hotspotid)
expanded [hotspotid] = not expanded [hotspotid]
-- shift+click = expand or contract all of them
if (flags, 0x01) ~= 0 then
for k, g in ipairs (groups) do
expanded [] = expanded [hotspotid]
end -- for each group
end -- if
make_helper_window ()
end -- click_hyperlink
function ShowText (text, colour)
colour = colour or ColourNameToRGB "silver"
WindowText (win, font_id, text, x, y, 0, 0, colour)
x = x + WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, text)
end -- ShowText
function ShowHyperlink (text, colour, help_hyperlink)
colour = colour or ColourNameToRGB "yellow"
local hyperlink_text
local lower_text = text:lower ()
if help_hyperlink then
hyperlink_text = "help " .. lower_text
text = text:upper ()
hyperlink_text = lower_text
end -- if
local width = WindowText (win, font_id_ul, text, x, y, 0, 0, colour)
table.insert (hyperlinks, hyperlink_text)
local item = #hyperlinks
local balloon
if help_hyperlink then
balloon = "Click to get help on:\t" .. lower_text
balloon = "Click to send:\t" .. lower_text
end -- if
WindowAddHotspot (win, item, x, y, x + width, y + font_height,
"", -- MouseOver
"", -- CancelMouseOver
"", -- MouseDown
"", -- CancelMouseDown
"click_hyperlink", -- MouseUp
1, -- Cursor
0) -- Flag
x = x + WindowTextWidth (win, font_id_ul, text)
end -- ShowHyperlink
function ShowExtraHelp (tbl)
ShowText ("Also see ")
local also_see_end = x
table.sort (tbl, function (a, b) return a:upper () < b:upper () end )
local total = #tbl
for i, item in ipairs (tbl) do
if i ~= 1 then
if i == total then
ShowText (" and ")
ShowText (", ")
end -- if
end -- not first one
local seperator
local seperator_width = 0
if i < total then
if i == (total - 1) then
seperator = " and "
seperator = ", "
end -- if
seperator_width = WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, seperator)
end -- not last one
if (x + WindowTextWidth (win, font_id_ul, item)+ seperator_width) > (window_width - TEXT_GAP) then
x = also_see_end -- line up under "Also see"
y = y + font_height -- new line
end -- if line too long
ShowHyperlink (item, HELP_COLOUR, true) -- is help item
end -- for each item
y = y + font_height
end -- ShowExtraHelp
function GetExtraHelpLines (tbl)
local lines = 1 -- at least one line
local x = TEXT_GAP + WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, "Also see ")
local also_see_end = x
table.sort (tbl, function (a, b) return a:upper () < b:upper () end )
local total = #tbl
for i, item in ipairs (tbl) do
local seperator
if i < total then
if i == (total - 1) then
seperator = " and "
seperator = ", "
end -- if
x = x + WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, seperator)
end -- not last one
if (x + WindowTextWidth (win, font_id_ul, item)) > (window_width - TEXT_GAP) then
x = also_see_end -- line up under "Also see"
lines = lines + 1 -- new line
end -- if line too long
x = x + WindowTextWidth (win, font_id_ul, item)
end -- for each item
return lines
end -- GetExtraHelpLines
function show_a_group (g)
local triangle_size = 8
local points
local balloon
if expanded [] then
balloon = "Click to hide"
points = string.format ("%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i",
TEXT_GAP, y + 2, -- top left
TEXT_GAP + triangle_size, y + 2, -- top right
TEXT_GAP + triangle_size / 2, y + triangle_size) -- bottom (in middle)
balloon = "Click to expand"
points = string.format ("%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i",
TEXT_GAP + 2, y + triangle_size + 2, -- top left
TEXT_GAP + 2, y + 2, -- bottom left
TEXT_GAP + 2 + triangle_size / 2, y + triangle_size / 2 + 2) -- right (in middle)
end -- if
-- disclosure triangle
WindowPolygon(win, points, HEADING_COLOUR, 0, 1, HEADING_COLOUR, 0, true, true)
x = x + WindowText (win, font_id,, x, y, 0, 0, HEADING_COLOUR)
WindowAddHotspot (win,, TEXT_GAP, y, x, y + font_height,
"", -- MouseOver
"", -- CancelMouseOver
"", -- MouseDown
"", -- CancelMouseDown
"click_group", -- MouseUp
1, -- Cursor
0) -- Flag
y = y + font_height
if not expanded [] then
end -- don't show anything else
-- may as well put commands in alphabetic order
table.sort (g.list, function (a, b) return <; end)
-- show each one
for k, v in ipairs (g.list) do
ShowHyperlink (, TITLE_COLOUR)
WindowLine(win, x + 2, y + ascent, INDENT + max_title_width + GAP - 2, y + ascent, DOTS_COLOUR, 2, 1)
x = INDENT + max_title_width + GAP
y = y + font_height
end -- for loop
-- anything extra in this group?
if g.extrafunc then
g.extrafunc ()
y = y + font_height
end -- call function to do special stuff
-- additional table of things to put "help" in front of
if g.extrahelp then
ShowExtraHelp (g.extrahelp)
end -- table of additional things
-- show additional string
if g.extrastr then
y = y + font_height
end -- extra string to show
-- blank line between groups
y = y + font_height
end -- show_a_group
function make_helper_window ()
hyperlinks = {}
local lines = 0
max_title_width = 0
max_description_width = 0
window_width = 0
local last_one_expanded = false
for k, g in ipairs (groups) do
if expanded [] then
lines = lines + #g.list + 2 -- one for heading, plus one line each, and one for blank line
if g.extrafunc then
lines = lines + (g.extrafunc () or 1)
window_width = math.max (window_width, x + TEXT_GAP)
end -- if
if g.extrastr then
lines = lines + 1
window_width = math.max (window_width, WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, g.extrastr) + INDENT)
end -- if
-- measure each one
for k, v in ipairs (g.list) do
max_title_width = math.max (max_title_width, WindowTextWidth (win, font_id,
max_description_width = math.max (max_description_width, WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, v.desc))
end -- for loop
last_one_expanded = true
lines = lines + 1
window_width = math.max (window_width, WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, + HEADING_INDENT + TEXT_GAP)
last_one_expanded = false
end -- if
end -- for each group
window_width = math.max (window_width, INDENT + max_title_width + GAP + max_description_width + TEXT_GAP)
-- now we know the width, see how many extra lines are needed
for k, g in ipairs (groups) do
if g.extrahelp and expanded [] then
lines = lines + GetExtraHelpLines (g.extrahelp)
end -- if
end -- for each group
-- don't need final blank line if that part was expanded
if last_one_expanded then
lines = lines - 1
end -- if
window_height = (lines + 1) * font_height + TEXT_GAP * 2
-- recreate the window the correct size
WindowCreate (win,
window_width, -- width
window_height, -- height
WindowDeleteAllHotspots (win)
movewindow.add_drag_handler (win, 0, 0, 0, font_height, 1)
-- draw drag bar rectangle
WindowRectOp (win, 2, 0, 0, 0, font_height + TEXT_GAP, 0x8CE6F0)
-- heading
y = WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 4)
x = (window_width - WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, WINDOW_HEADING)) / 2
ShowText (WINDOW_HEADING, 0x000000)
y = TEXT_GAP + font_height
for k, g in ipairs (groups) do
show_a_group (g)
end -- for each group
-- DrawEdge rectangle
WindowRectOp (win, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 15)
WindowShow (win, true)
end -- make_helper_window
function IntroduceOurselves ()
Tell ("Type ")
Hyperlink ("helplist", "", "", "yellow", "")
Note (" for some helpful information about Aardwolf.")
end --
function OnPluginInstall ()
win = GetPluginID ()
local fonts = utils.getfontfamilies ()
if fonts.Dina then
font_size = 8
font_name = "Dina" -- the actual font
font_size = 10
font_name = "Courier"
end -- if
font_id = "help_font" -- our internal name
font_id_ul = "help_font_ul" -- our internal name
windowinfo = movewindow.install (win, 6)
-- make miniwindow so I can grab the font info
check (WindowCreate (win,
1, 1,
WindowFont (win, font_id, font_name, font_size, false, false, false, false, 0, 49) -- normal
font_height = WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 1) -- height
ascent = WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 2)
descent = WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 3)
font_width = WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 6) -- avg width
WindowFont (win, font_id_ul, font_name, font_size, false, false, true, false, 0, 49) -- normal
if GetVariable ("enabled") == "false" then
ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Warning: Plugin " .. GetPluginName ().. " is currently disabled.")
check (EnablePlugin(GetPluginID (), false))
end -- they didn't enable us last time
assert (loadstring (GetVariable ("expanded") or "")) ()
OnPluginEnable () -- do initialization stuff
end -- OnPluginInstall
function OnPluginEnable ()
make_helper_window ()
end -- OnPluginEnable
function OnPluginDisable ()
WindowShow (win, false)
end -- OnPluginDisable
function OnPluginSaveState ()
SetVariable ("enabled", tostring (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 17)))
movewindow.save_state (win)
SetVariable ("expanded",
"expanded = " .. serialize.save_simple (expanded))
end -- OnPluginSaveState
- Nick Gammon, | Top |