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Forum codes

The optional use of "forum codes" in your posts lets you add formatting, similar to what can be done with HTML.

Codes are case-sensitive, you must write them as shown. eg. [B] will not work.

See below for how to literally include forum codes in your posts.

List of available codes


Enclose the text in [b] and [/b].
For example:

[b]this is in bold[/b]
gives: this is in bold


Enclose the text in [i] and [/i].
For example:

[i]this is in italic[/i]
gives: this is in italic


Enclose the text in [u] and [/u].
For example:

[u]this is in underline[/u]
gives: this is in underline


Enclose the text in [s] and [/s].
For example:

[s]this is struck-out[/s]
gives: this is struck-out


Enclose the text in [sub] and [/sub].
For example:

gives: H2O


Enclose the text in [sup] and [/sup].
For example:

E = mc[sup]2[/sup]
gives: E = mc2


Enclose the text in [quote] and [/quote].
For example:

[quote]this is a quote[/quote]

To attribute an author, add their name like this: [quote=Nick]
For example:

[quote=Nick]this is a quote[/quote]


Use [ol] at the start and [/ol] at the end of an ordered list (ie. a numbered list).

Use [ul] at the start and [/ul] at the end of an unordered list (ie. a bullet point list).

Use [li] for each list item inside the list.
For example:

 [li]An item
 [li]Another item
 [li]A third item

 [li]An item
 [li]Another item
 [li]A third item
  1. An item
  2. Another item
  3. A third item


Enclose the text in [code] and [/code].
For example:

[code]this is code[/code]
this is code

Code is monospaced and preserves line breaks and formatting (such as indentation).


Enclose the text in [mono] and [/mono].
For example:

[mono]this is monospaced[/mono]
gives: this is monospaced

The text is monospaced, however it wraps at the edge of the page.


To draw a horizontal line, use [hr].


To add non-breaking spaces, use [sp].

Using square brackets

In case you actually want to put '[b]' into your posts, you can precede the brackets with a backslash.

To display this Enter this
[ \[
] \]
\ \\

Non-recognised codes will just be displayed "as is" however it would be safer for future expansion to make sure that all square brackets are entered as described above.

[EDIT] tag

If you are planning to edit your post, you can indicate it has been edited by adding [edit].

For example:

[edit] Amended my post to clarify something.
gives: [EDIT] Amended my post to clarify something.

Additional "template" codes

You can enter various template codes, such as [faq] that expand out to small boxes inside the posting to alert readers to some problem, or give advice (eg. "read the FAQ!"). For more details about those see

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