I'm trying to get the inventory miniwindow that was posted here to work, but I'm having problems as I don't know coding much. I'm sure that once I get help with this the knowledge will help with other miniwindows, anyways the mud output is giving me some trouble since it's different from the mud you use, what I need it to do is copy the whole list even after the prompt to continue (sometimes I have a big inventory).
Here's the mud inventory when I give the command.
<903/903hp 544/544m 427/854mv 179175/825xp>
You are carrying (Carry: 81/127, Weight: 495/597):
(Marble Quest) Cavcav's marble bag(not that kind of marble bag, perverts!)
(Glowing) (Humming) An Ebony Paintbrush
a hydra scale
A mechanic's utility belt
(Glowing) (Humming) an attack pod
(Glowing) An ore burner
( 2) an egyptian mace
(Glowing) (Humming) helm of Justice
( 2) Eyes of Seduction
the Royal Armor of Tear
(Humming) crimson dagger
(Glowing) (Humming) Raven's Cry
The Royal Cape of Tear
thigh-high boots
a bloody flail
(Glowing) (Humming) a western wood mace
(Glowing) (Humming) a red mace
(Glowing) (Humming) a massive spear named "Bloodseeker"
(Glowing) (Humming) Piercing Pin
Funky Ring
[Hit Return to continue]
You are thirsty. Got Milk?
You are hungry. You need food badly.
[Hit Return to continue]
a Bag of Holding
Indian Blanket
<903/903hp 544/544m 430/854mv 179175/825xp>
Here's your script you posted. I did get the starting line redone to trigger the script, but the "if not" line for checking if it is still in the inventory list needs allot more work. I ended up using " if not string.match (line, "^..... ") then " to match the items in the inventory, and it also grabs the items that have more than one, but it doesn't go through the prompt to continue the inventory (being a longer list), grab through the prompt, and ignore messages like "you are hungry/thirsty" for the output window.
require "wait"
wait.make (function () -- coroutine starts here
local win = GetPluginID () .. ":inventory"
local font = "f"
if not WindowInfo (win, 1) then
WindowCreate (win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0)
WindowFont (win, font, "Lucida Console", 9)
end -- if
-- request inventory
Send "inventory"
-- wait for inventory to start
local x = wait.match ("You are carrying (Carry: */*, Weight: */*):", 10)
if not x then
ColourNote ("white", "blue", "No inventory received within 10 seconds")
end -- if
local inv = {}
local max_width = WindowTextWidth (win, font, "Inventory")
-- loop until end of inventory
while true do
local line, wildcards, styles = wait.match ("*")
-- see if end of inventory
if not string.match (line, "^..... ") then
end -- if
-- save inventory line
table.insert (inv, styles)
-- work out max width
max_width = math.max (max_width, WindowTextWidth (win, font, line))
end -- while loop
local font_height = WindowFontInfo (win, font, 1)
local window_width = max_width + 10
local window_height = font_height * (#inv + 2) + 10
-- make window correct size
WindowCreate (win, 0, 0, window_width, window_height, 6, 0, ColourNameToRGB "#373737")
WindowRectOp (win, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 15 + 0x1000)
-- heading line
WindowText (win, font, "Inventory", 5, 5, 0, 0, ColourNameToRGB "yellow")
-- draw each inventory line
local y = font_height * 2 + 5
for i, styles in ipairs (inv) do
local x = 5
for _, style in ipairs (styles) do
x = x + WindowText (win, font, style.text, x, y, 0, 0, style.textcolour)
end -- for
y = y + font_height
end -- for each inventory item
WindowShow (win, true)
end) -- end of coroutine
How would I go about triggering it so it'll match everything in the list through the continue prompt, and ignore adding the prompt to continue and the "you are hungry/thirsty" messages in the output to the miniwindow? I do my best to try to figure it out myself before posting but I'm at a loss as to how to continue. Any help would be greatful! |