-------------- MUSHclient summary --------------
MUSHclient version: 4.61
Compiled: Sep 11 2010.
Time now: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 6:22 PM
Operating system: Windows XP
Libraries: Lua 5.1.4, PCRE 8.10, PNG 1.4.3, SQLite3 3.7.2, Zlib 1.2.5
World name: 'Ansalon', ID: 360a77c95b9b2ba3b44680ed
-- Scripting --
Script language: Lua, enabled: yes
Scripting active: yes
Script file: C:\WINDOWS\Media\AnsalonScripts.lua
Lua sandbox is 127 characters, DLL loading allowed: NO
Scripting prefix: '/'. External editor in use: NO.
Scripting for: 4.234196 seconds.
-- Triggers, aliases, timers, variables --
** Triggers: 1 in world file, triggers enabled: yes. [Triggers]
0 enabled, 0 regexp, 0 attempts, 0 matched, 0.000000 seconds.
** Aliases: 218 in world file, aliases enabled: yes. [Aliases]
218 enabled, 68 regexp, 402831 attempts, 239 matched, 0.599568 seconds.
** Timers: 2 in world file, timers enabled: yes. [Timers]
0 enabled, 0 fired.
Timers checked every 0.1 seconds.
** Variables: 2. [Variables]
-- MCCP --
MCCP not active.
-- Plugins (Processing order) --
ID: 520bc4f29806f7af0017985f, 'Hyperlink_URL2', Enabled [Tr]
ID: dc8cb4a314674db813c12c90, 'Reconnecter', Enabled [Al Ti]
ID: e49156f49854904ea8b90223, 'Inventory_Miniwindow_Demo', Enabled [Al Ti Va]
ID: 565dae21eb816a2fdb8d50f9, 'Chat_Capture_Miniwindow', Enabled [Tr Al Va]
ID: 71a90acddb14f784437b8b80, 'Summary', Enabled [Al]
** Plugins: 5 loaded, 5 enabled.
-- Comms --
Connect phase: 8 (Open). NAWS wanted: NO
Received: 3605099 bytes (3520 Kb)
Sent: 222492 bytes (217 Kb)
Received 4888 packets, sent 4640 packets.
Total lines received: 62873
This connection: Sent 4640 lines, received 32707 lines.
Telnet (IAC) received: DO: 0, DONT: 0, WILL: 2, WONT: 2, SB: 0 [Telnet]
-- MXP --
MXP active: NO, Pueblo mode: NO, Activated: On command
MXP tags received: 0
MXP entities received: 0
MXP errors: 0
-- Commands --
Commands in command history: 1000
Speed walking enabled: yes. Speed walking prefix: $
Command stacking enabled: yes. Command stack character: '&'
Accelerators defined: 0
-- Miniwindows --
Window: '565dae21eb816a2fdb8d50f9', at (444,130,1001,540), shown: NO
width: 557, height: 410, position: 0, hotspots: 6, fonts: 2, images: 0
Window: 'e49156f49854904ea8b90223:inventory', at (662,0,1001,142), shown: yes
width: 339, height: 142, position: 6, hotspots: 0, fonts: 1, images: 0
Window: 'e49156f49854904ea8b90223_inventory', at (0,0,0,0), shown: NO
width: 0, height: 0, position: 6, hotspots: 0, fonts: 1, images: 0
** Miniwindows: 3 loaded, 1 shown.
-- Output window --
Output pixels: width 1001, height: 544, font width: 8, font height: 15
can show 125 characters, wrapping at column 125, height 36 lines.
Output buffer: 62897 of 250000 lines.
-- Miscellaneous --
Logging: NO, tracing: NO
** SQLite3 databases: 0
Sound buffers in use: 0
---------------------- End summary ----------------------
match="You learn from your mistakes, and your @skill skill. improves. (*)"
if %1 >= tonumber (GetVariable "skill_limit") then
Send "switch skill"
end -- if
<variable name="skill">shield
remove curse
cure disease</variable>
<variable name="skill_limit">75</variable>