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➜ MUSHclient
➜ VBscript
➜ Fire trigger if line doesn't show.
Fire trigger if line doesn't show.
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Posted by
| Jcet
USA (25 posts) Bio
| Fri 06 Sep 2002 08:35 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 06 Sep 2002 09:21 PM (UTC) by Jcet
| I've brought this up once before, but couldn't get it to work... but since MUSHclient and it's scripts have been updated, I've decided to ask again...
Basicly it's like this..
TECH BLOCK bonus! * is stunned! (line 1)
Combination! ( * ) (line 2)
Okay, now down to what I want it to do..
If line 1 shows up, and the next line is anything BUT line 2, it sends "roundhouse" to the world...
TECH BLOCK bonus! Jcet is stunned!
Combination! ( rp s r lp )
It wouldn't send roundhouse..
TECH BLOCK bonus! Jcet is stunned!
Your powerlevel has increased by 98!
But, there is another thing, I have a trigger set to read the line "Combination! ( * )", and run a script, that might somehow mess with the solution, if there is one..
I would greatly appreciate it if I could get a little help, or an idea how to do this..
Another thing is, sometimes it sends a blank line, instead of Your powerlevel has increased by *!
Thank you.
-Jcet |
See no good, hear no good, be no good, kill all good! | Top |
Posted by
| Sleaker
(24 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Sun 22 Sep 2002 12:47 AM (UTC) |
| make sure you have the keep evaluating box checking if you have multiple triggers trying to take the same line from the world. | Top |
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