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Standard MXP tags

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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (22,975 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Fri 08 Jun 2001 03:00 AM (UTC)

Amended on Tue 24 Jan 2006 08:43 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon


This page describes the various element names which are built-into MUSHclient.

Open tags

"Open" tags can be used in either "open" or "secure" mode. They are intended for use in (amongst other places) chat lines, so that players can colour or emphasise their own chats.

Each of these has an opening and closing tag. In other words, after using <b> you should have </b> to cancel the effect of the <b>.

Name Arguments Purpose
bold none Bold text.


<bold>This is in bold</bold> and this isn't.

b none Same as <bold>.


<b>This is in bold</b> and this isn't.

underline none Underline text.


<underline>This is underlined</underline> and this isn't.

u none Same as <underline>.


<u>This is underlined</u> and this isn't.

italic none Italic text.


<italic>This is italic</italic> and this isn't.

i none Same as <italic>.


<i>This is italic</i> and this isn't.

em none Emphasise text - same as <italic> at present.


<em>This is emphasised</em> and this isn't.

color FORE=text_colour
Sets text and/or background colour.


<color fore=cornsilk back=blue>This is cornsilk on blue</color>

or, to achieve the same effect:

<color cornsilk blue>This is cornsilk on blue</color>

You can specify just one or the other:

<color fore=coral>Text colour is now coral.</color>
<color back=darkslateblue>Background colour is now darkslateblue</color>

You can also use RGB codes:

<color fore='#fff8dc' back='#0000ff'>This is cornsilk on blue</color>

The colour names and RGB use is described on MXP Colours.

c FORE=text_colour
Same as <color>.
s none Strikethrough. Not implemented.
strike none Strikethrough. Not implemented.
strong none Strong - same as <bold>.
small none Small text. Not implemented.
tt none Terminal text. Not implemented.
font COLOR=text_colour,style
Change colour and style of text.

Colour names are the same as for <color> above.

Style can be one of;

  • blink
  • italic
  • underline
  • bold
  • inverse


<font color=cornsilk,bold,italic back=blue>This is bold italic cornsilk on blue</font>

The colour names and RGB use is described on MXP Colours.

Secure tags

"Secure" tags can be used only in "secure" mode. They are intended for use by the MUD server to provide hyperlinks, and other useful features.

Name Arguments Purpose
frame n/a Break screen into frames. Not implemented.
dest n/a Send text to a frame. Not implemented.
image n/a Display an image. Implemented by generating a hyperlink, which, if clicked on, opens the image in your default web browser. This is intended as a "fall back" for important images, like maps.
filter n/a See MXP spec. Not implemented.
a HREF=link

Creates an underlined hyperlink that the player can click on to either go to a web page, or send an email. The HREF argument must start with either "http://" or "mailto:".


<a href="http://www.gammon.com.au">Go to Gammon Software Solutions Home Page</a>

<a href="mailto:nick@some-email-address.com">Send an email to Nick</a>

h1 none Heading level 1. Same as <bold>.
h2 none Heading level 2. Same as <bold>.
h3 none Heading level 3. Same as <bold>.
h4 none Heading level 4. Same as <bold>.
h5 none Heading level 5. Same as <bold>.
h6 none Heading level 6. Same as <bold>.
hr n/a Horizontal rule. Draws a horizontal line in the output window.
nobr none Non-breaking newline. Same as <br>.
p n/a Paragraph break. Starts a new line. Possibly in future versions might be used for automatic conversion of fixed-length lines into paragraphs.
script n/a Sends a script to the client. Not implemented because of its dangerous nature, and difficulty of finding a script language that would be compatible amongst various clients. However for compatibility with other clients text between <script> and </script> is discarded.
send HREF=link HINT=hint PROMPT

Creates an underlined hyperlink that the player can click on to carry out some action.

The default behaviour is for the action to be sent to the MUD (eg. "go north"), however if PROMPT is specified the action is placed in the client's command window for modification before sending (eg. "tell Nick ...").

This is a very powerful feature, which allows MUDs to provide hyperlinks for clicking on, rather than players having to memorise lots of commands.

Send without arguments

In the simple case, <send> without arguments merely sends whatever is between <send> and </send> to the MUD. eg.


In the above case, clicking on the hyperlink sends "West" to the MUD.

Send with HREF

You can send different text to what the player sees by using HREF. eg.

<send href=West>West - The Second Floor Landing</send>

In this case, the player sees "West - The Second Floor Landing" as a hyperlink, however if they click on it the word "West" is merely sent to the MUD.

Send with HINT

You can set up a "mouse-over" hint that appears if the player moves the mouse over the hyperlink. eg.

<send href=West hint="Go to the second floor landing">West - The Second Floor Landing</send>

In this case, the player sees "Go to the second floor landing" in a little popup window if they move the mouse over the hyperlink.

Creating a popup menu

You can also create a pop-up menu that appears if the player right -mouse clicks on the link. You do that by separating the various possible words to be sent to the MUD by the vertical bar character - "|".

If the player left-mouse clicks the first item on the list (the default) is automatically sent. This will also appear in bold in the menu if you right-mouse click.

By using HINT you can also specify the text of each item in the menu. If you also want a mouse-over hint then you need to provide that first. For all this to work properly, the number of hint items should be equal to, or one greater-than, the number of commands to be sent. eg.

<send "help shop|buy bread|buy meat|buy fish" hint="RH click for items to purchase|Help|Bread - $20|Meat - $30|Fish - $15">Click here to shop</send>

There is currently a limit of 30 items that you can put into the menu. Additional ones will be ignored.

Send with PROMPT

By using the keyword PROMPT you can cause the text to be not sent immediately, but rather to be put into the client's command buffer. This would be useful for things like player names, where you might want to send them a "tell" or similar.

<send "tell &text; |mail &text;|whisper &text; " hint="RH click to contact &text;|Tell &text; something|Send mail to &text;|Whisper to &text;" PROMPT>Gweonnyn</send>

This example also illustrates use of the special entity "&text;". If you use that inside an element's arguments, the word "&text;" is replaced by the text between <send> and </send>.

What this means is that if the player clicks on the menu link with the right-mouse button they would see (in this example):

  • Tell Gweonnyn something
  • Send mail to Gweonnyn
  • Whisper to Gweonnyn

Making your own elements with SEND in them

Because the player's name is not inside the definition itself, then you can simplify life for yourself by defining your own element, like this:

<!ELEMENT player '<send "tell &text; |mail &text;|whisper &text; " hint="RH click to contact &text;|Tell &text; something|Send mail to &text;|Whisper to &text;" PROMPT>'>

The element definition only needs to be sent once, at the start of the session.

Now, all you have to do (for example, in a WHO list), is use the newly defined tag "player" like this:


This is short and simple. You could do similar things with items in shops, inventories, and so on.
sound n/a Play a sound. Not implemented.
music n/a Play some music. Not implemented.
br none Start a newline (break).


This is one line</br>
This is another one.

This is a "command" tag, thus there is no </br> tag.

username none

Sends the current player's name to the MUD.

The player name is defined in the "Connecting" configuration screen.

This is a "command" tag, thus there is no </username> tag.

This is intended for the MUD server to automatically find out your character's name at logon time.

user none

Same as <username>.

password none

Sends the current player's password to the MUD.

The password is defined in the "Connecting" configuration screen.

This is a "command" tag, thus there is no </password> tag.

This is intended for the MUD server to automatically find out your character's password at logon time. The password must be sent in the first 10 lines of text sent to the MUD, otherwise this command is disabled as a security precaution.

pass none

Same as <password>.

relocate n/a Relocates to another MUD. Not implemented.
version none Sends the MUSHclient and MXP version number to the MUD. This is to help servers work out which client and version is connected.

This is a "command" tag, thus there is no </version> tag.

reset none Closes any open tags. Sets output colour to white on black. Cancels underline, bold, italic, etc.

This is a "command" tag, thus there is no </reset> tag.

Some tags not implemented

Tags marked as "not implemented" are recognised by MUSHclient, but no special processing takes place when they are found. Where the arguments are listed as "n/a" (not applicable) it is because the tag hasn't been implemented yet, so the argument list hasn't been finalised.

The reason some of them haven't been implemented is that, for speed reasons, MUSHclient only uses a single font. Tags like <h1>, <h2> and so on required different font sizes, and would be difficult to implement using the current design.

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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