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➜ PennMUSH
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➜ Watchdog process for Win32?
Watchdog process for Win32?
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Posted by
| Krenath
USA (76 posts) Bio
| Tue 25 Feb 2003 07:31 PM (UTC) |
| I'm looking for a utility that can monitor the pennmush.exe process and send a start request if it notices that pennmush.exe has terminated.
I certainly don't mind if it's a generic utility that monitors any specified process.
Anyone know of such a thing? |
- Krenath from
bDv TrekMUSH
TOS TrekMUSE | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Tue 04 Mar 2003 12:34 AM (UTC) |
| See PortTester |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Krenath
USA (76 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Fri 21 Mar 2003 03:08 PM (UTC) |
| Thanks. I'll definitely give this a try.
Windows XP actually has a built-in tab under properties for services which allows you to select what the operating system should do when the service terminates.
Unfortunately, PennMUSH's tendency to make a copy of itself, start the copy, and terminate the original confuses XP's recovery options. It'll start a second copy of the MUSH which will then remain running in the background.
I've briefly considered commenting out the code that causes Pennmush to copy itself and run the copy, but that's the very thing that makes it possible to compile a new version and @shutdown/restart
Since we're tinkering with the hardcode now and again, but prefer to keep the MUSH up when we're not around, we may just force pennmush to run as pennMUSH.exe and tolerate the need for a reboot when upgrading code. It's better than being down for eight hours if I'm away from the machine. |
- Krenath from
bDv TrekMUSH
TOS TrekMUSE | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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