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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Plugins ➜ StatusGauge COMponent and the AutoHealer plugin

StatusGauge COMponent and the AutoHealer plugin

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Posted by Ked   Russia  (524 posts)  Bio
Date Thu 13 May 2004 06:14 PM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 19 May 2004 02:39 PM (UTC) by Ked

My lengthy quest for a wxPython COM object that can be used with Mushclient has finally been resolved by wxPython developers, who've finally changed the library's initialization mechanism to where you don't need to act like a thief when importing wx in a secondary thread. To commemorate that heroic effort on their part I've quickly finished the component and wrapped it up with a StatusGauge plugin for interfacing to it from Mushclient, and a new and improved version of the AutoHealer plugin for Achaea, which now supports the OnPluginPartialLine event, has a better prompt regexp, and can use the StatusGauge to display health and mana. Please read the plugins' descriptions and the readme file included in the archive here:

If you have problems downloading it, then you can use the links from this post:

[EDIT] Those links are no longer valid, use the Geocities address above.

Posted by Scypio   Poland  (50 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Fri 10 Sep 2004 03:17 PM (UTC)
StatusGauge doesnt really work for me.. I installed Python 2.3.4 (from, win32all from the site you pointed in the readme file, and wxPython, first the current version:, and now the previous (couldnt find the 2.5.1 one, the wxPython site pointed to SourceForge where I only got the
The problem is that the SG window is blank - there are no bars. All I see is the caption, the title, and the outline of the window. The inside is grey. I tried to 'gauge.update' with several arguments, and never got any response from the SG (although I'm 100% sure that the statgauge.update sub is being called with the right arguments). Also, I didnt touch the init settings, left them at default. This might be caused by different version of wxPython used.. although I have no idea if that is indeed the case.
Another problem is that the gauge doesnt seem to close properly - when I close the world window the SG window remains open. So when I open the world window again, I get an exception and MUSHC crashes. Also, sometimes the gauge.close alias doesnt seem to work - running it seems to have no effect whatsoever.

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