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Posted by
| Rok
(41 posts) Bio
| Mon 20 Aug 2001 08:14 AM (UTC) |
| Wow... First off I love the page, and all the help you give out to us. Well You said for help installing... and I've got a big problem installing mine! I don't know where to get it! Where do I get the software? Did you write it? How much is it to register? What's up dude? |
The always thankful
(~Hey you~) | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Mon 20 Aug 2001 10:01 AM (UTC) |
| The forum software is at:
It is not really a one-click install, but inside the archive is a file INSTALL which describes the process.
I have only tested in on a Unix web host, using Apache, MySQL server (for the database which holds the messages) and PHP version 4, which handles the commands that make the pages appear.
You would need that at a minimum.
Yes, I wrote it, because I couldn't find another forum that did what I wanted. :)
There is no registration fee, it is released under the GPL (GNU Public License).
I hope the install file is fairly self-explanatory, if you have problems please let me know so I can improve that file.
Let me know when you have it up so I can visit it. :)
Once you get it running let me know, there are some updated files that will improve its functionality a bit, for example an improved search method. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Rok
(41 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Mon 20 Aug 2001 06:39 PM (UTC) |
| All righty! I'll let you know, I'm kinda bogged down in lots of stuff like developing the webpage, still working on scripting and building the areas... *phew* but I'm hoping to have this done in a couple of days! We will see, and I'll let you know! |
The always thankful
(~Hey you~) | Top |
Posted by
| Rok
(41 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Thu 23 Aug 2001 04:50 AM (UTC) Amended on Thu 23 Aug 2001 04:54 AM (UTC) by Rok
| Well... Hmm... I must not have the stuff needed to install the software because, I don't know, or don't have what it takes to even install the tgz extension. Well I'll keep at it. |
The always thankful
(~Hey you~) | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #4 on Thu 23 Aug 2001 08:14 AM (UTC) |
| You can unzip the file with Winzip, however it is really designed to work on Unix (Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD etc.).
You might be able to get it to work on a Windows server, because MySQL and PHP are available for Windows, but I can't say how much work that would be. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Rok
(41 posts) Bio
| Reply #5 on Fri 24 Aug 2001 07:34 AM (UTC) Amended on Fri 24 Aug 2001 08:31 AM (UTC) by Rok
| Doh! sorry, brain fart.. alrighty, I got it now and am currently working on it. I'm just going to follow the directions and see if it works. Right now I have webspace on,
Ok, Now I'm having serious problems.... First off it took me quite a while to find a server that would allow me to upload the .php files. When I got to the .sql file it wouldn't let me upload it. So I can't find a site the allows both .php and .sql. That is just the first of my troubles. For some reason when I try to open up a .php file it opens it in a program called "Picture it publishing!" then an error message pops up saying "C:\......\common.php" (or whatever file I try) cannot be opened. I tried to open the webpage : edittable.php but my computer just wanted to Download it, not open it, is there any other way to open it? And also my computer doesn't recognize the .sql files either. Very possibly, it is just me not knowing (or not thinking) so I'm going to call a night, and tackle it again tomorrow. But in the mean time my final questions are:
1. Do you know of a site that will allow me to upload .php files and .sql files?
2. What do I use to edit .php\.sql files?
3. Why is it that at 1:30 in the morning my caffinee buzz wears off? =)
Untill next time! |
The always thankful
(~Hey you~) | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #6 on Sat 25 Aug 2001 10:48 PM (UTC) |
| I'm really not sure what you mean by a server that would "allow" you to upload php or sql files. The idea is you upload the forum_1.0.tgz to your web host provider. Then you unzip it and work from there.
In any case, a server should "allow" you to upload any file. Whether it can use them is another matter.
The sql files are merely input to mysql as described in the 'install' file.
The php files are used by PHP to provide dynamic content.
If, when you open the php files the server just tries to display or download them, then that server does not have PHP enabled. If PHP is enabled then Apache (the web server) calls the PHP program, which executes the code in those files.
A lot of servers would support MySQL and PHP, for example the one this web site is on, - there is a button on the bottom of every page that leads to them.
To edit the sql and php files use any text editor, eg. Notepad. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Stormpunk
USA (3 posts) Bio
| Reply #7 on Tue 04 Sep 2001 12:28 AM (UTC) |
| I love your forum stuff. This should provide enough MySQL commands for me to study for quite a while.
I had some trouble getting it to work at first. That problem was remedied after discovering that the MySQL server wasn't running. Your install file was easy enough to read and I don't think anybody should have too much trouble with it.
You speak of a new search function, where does one find this great thing.
I have no news to report on usability on other platforms as my host is running Slakware with Apache and PHP4.
The url for my message board is
I currently wait for another domain and once that is in, then I'll have a new url, but, in the meantime, it is proof that it works.
| Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #8 on Tue 04 Sep 2001 05:06 AM (UTC) |
| I think the only file you need to change is this one:
Download this file:
Then gunzip it, and put the resulting file (bbsearch.php) on top of the existing one of the same name.
This will give you the searching capability that this forum has (being able to search for this AND that OR the-other).
I couldn't test your forum - the site appeared to be down. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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