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➜ MUSHclient
➜ VBscript
➜ const eAliasMenu = 8192 ' this alias appears on the alias menu
const eAliasMenu = 8192 ' this alias appears on the alias menu
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Posted by
| Krenath
USA (76 posts) Bio
| Mon 14 Jan 2002 06:41 AM (UTC) |
| const eAliasMenu = 8192 ' this alias appears on the alias menu
What does this mean? I'm not sure about what alias menu this could be referring to, since the only Alias menu I can find (Game/COnfigure/Aliases) will list all aliases whether or not they were created with this flag set. |
- Krenath from
bDv TrekMUSH
TOS TrekMUSE | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Mon 14 Jan 2002 07:45 AM (UTC) |
| See the release notes for version 3.14 ...
You can now make a custom menu of actions. To do this, add the desired actions as aliases, and check the "menu" box. Then hold down the control key, and left-mouse-click on the output window, and a menu will appear of the aliases you have selected (you can let go of the Control key once the menu appears). Choosing one of those menu items will send the alias response (which can be a speedwalk). There is a limit of 30 items that will appear on the menu. The menu items are named from the alias *label*, with underscores changed to spaces. These items are sorted into alphabetic order. Thus for example:
Alias: STORE
Send: 4n 3e w
Speed Walk: checked
Label: Go_To_Store
Menu: checked
In this case the menu item would be "Go To Store".
Any script associated with the alias will be executed. The alias will appear on the menu even if the "enabled" checkbox is not checked. Thus you can (if you wish) make up meaningless "match" text and uncheck "enabled" - thus making "menu-only" alias items.
If you bring up the menu by mistake, you can dismiss it by clicking outside the menu, or pressing the "Esc" key.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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