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➜ Problem Importing Worlds.
Problem Importing Worlds.
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Posted by
| Azoroth
(31 posts) Bio
| Sun 04 Nov 2007 07:22 PM (UTC) Amended on Sun 04 Nov 2007 07:39 PM (UTC) by Azoroth
| Ok, I've been using MUSH client for the last two years so I have a lot of settings and alot of aliases/triggers. I've done no changes to my settings recently, and when I went to connect to my mud like I usually do, I open my world and get this error: Unexpected format.
and this error: Line 8066: Unexpected end-of-file while looking for </send> (problem in this file)
Now, I've opened the world in wordpad and can see all my settings, is there anyway I can just copy and paste them in again? Since it's obviously having trouble importing.
Edit: Ok, I've been trying now to copy all the XML format into the MUSH notepad and then importing from clipboard, but it's saying there's a XML parsing error.
Also getting this on the clipboard: Line 8066: Unexpected end-of-file while looking for </send> (problem in this file) | Top |
Posted by
| Azoroth
(31 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Sun 04 Nov 2007 08:03 PM (UTC) |
| Hmm, I'm starting to think that maybe I will have to reconstruct my world file in order to get it working again? | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #2 on Sun 04 Nov 2007 08:33 PM (UTC) |
| It sounds like your file was truncated somehow - perhaps the disk was full when it was saved, or maybe the PC power got turned off at the wrong moment.
I hope you have backups, because beyond line 8066 sounds like it is gone.
You can recover the rest by terminating the file in a way that lets up to that line be processed. I would make a copy first to be on the safe side, and in that copy edit it with some text editor like Crimon Editor or UltraEdit.
Crimson Editor (free text editor):
Go to the end of the file (where the problem is) and you will probably find yourself half-way through a trigger, alias or something like this:
blah blah
<<---- End of file here, after <send> --->>
You need to delete the half-done alias (or whatever it is, and then add enough to let MUSHclient read in up to this point. If you are in the middle of an alias, it would be:
If you copy and paste here the last 20 or so lines if your file I could give more detailed instructions. However as I said, if the file is half-gone there is no way of getting it (the missing half) back unless you have backups somewhere.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Azoroth
(31 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Sun 04 Nov 2007 08:57 PM (UTC) |
| >
<send>do drink keg,drink keg,drop blank,get tongs,grip blank,pump
bellows,heat metal</send>
<send>do drink keg,drink keg,drop blank,get tongs,grip blank,pump
bellows,heat metal</send>
<send>do drink keg,pump bellows,heat metal</send>
<send>do drink keg,pump bellows
That's the last couple of lines. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #4 on Sun 04 Nov 2007 09:41 PM (UTC) Amended on Mon 05 Nov 2007 12:39 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| OK, well you can see some is missing, so if you have a backup I would use that. Otherwise, change what you have there to read:
<send>do drink keg,drink keg,drop blank,get tongs,grip blank,pump bellows,heat metal</send>
<send>do drink keg,drink keg,drop blank,get tongs,grip blank,pump bellows,heat metal</send>
<send>do drink keg,pump bellows,heat metal</send>
In other words, you are deleting that last, half-finished alias, and then wrapping up the file by closing the <aliases> and <muclient> tags.
Save that as something.MCL and then try opening that amended file. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Azoroth
(31 posts) Bio
| Reply #5 on Sun 04 Nov 2007 09:55 PM (UTC) |
| Worked perfectly! Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this helped :D I would of lost around 1000 aliases and 300 triggers :) Much appreciated Nick, for the simplicity as well as the very fast response! | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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