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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Plugins ➜ Aardwolf stats window plugin

Aardwolf stats window plugin

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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Sun 13 Jul 2008 02:02 AM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 14 Jul 2008 10:28 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

The plugin below shows a stats window, which shows various stats, like your strength, intelligence, hit points, who you are fighting, and so on. The original was written by Onoitsu2, and it has since been modified by Lasher from Aardwolf, and myself.

To use it, download the code below and save as Aardwolf_Stats.xml in the Aardwolf subdirectory below your Plugins directory. If you haven't used any Aardwolf plugins before you may need to make the Aardwolf directory.

Alternatively, RH click the link below and choose "Save Link As" (or "Save Linked File As") to save the linked file.

This plugin also uses the "stats detector" and "create a world" plugins, so you also need these files:

The "Stats detector" plugin uses telnet negotation, so you also need this file:

In a standard MUSHclient installation these three files should to into this directory:

C:\Program Files\MUSHclient\worlds\plugins\Aardwolf\

An easy way of installing all the required plugins is to install the "plugin installer" described below, and then let it load everything else for you:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>
<!-- Saved on Sunday, October 15, 2006, 5:29 AM -->
<!-- MuClient version 3.74 -->

   purpose="Displays the Stats on Aardwolf within another window"
   date_written="2006-10-15 05:27:29"
<description trim="n">
Aardwolf_Stat_SeparaterLUA Help File

This Plugin is used to redirect stats displayed on Aardwolf
into another window (Open World File). The default window is
"Stats". If you change that, you will need to modify
the world name variable.

To turn the stat capture on/off, use 'Aardstat on|off'




line_count = nil

require "getworld"
require "checkplugin"

worldname = "Stats"
folder = "Aardwolf"

function OnPluginBroadcast (msg, id, name, text)
  if msg == 1 and id == "8a710e0783b431c06d61a54c" then
    Stat_Start ()
  end -- stats changed

function Stat_Start(sName,sLine,wildcards)
  local statwin = get_a_world(worldname, folder)
  local stats = GetPluginVariableList ("8a710e0783b431c06d61a54c")
  local  statcol = "#eeeeee";
  local  labelcol= "#00d6d6";
  local  goldlcol="#d6d600";
  if not statwin then
    ColourNote("white", "red", "AardStat 'Send To' Window (" .. worldname .. ") NOT Open!")
    EnablePlugin (GetPluginID (), false)  -- disable ourselves
  end -- if we have a stat window
   --- Clear existing input.
   --- Just a blank line, better way? no
   statwin:Note ("")
   formatStat (statcol, statwin, stats.str, stats.base_str, 
              "Strength     : ", false);
   statwin:Tell ("   ");
   formatPool (statwin, stats.hp, stats.max_hp,
              "Health  : ", true);
   formatStat (statcol, statwin,, stats.base_int, 
              "Intelligence : ", false);
   statwin:Tell ("   ");
   formatPool (statwin, stats.mana, stats.max_mana,
              "Mana    : ", true);

   formatStat (statcol, statwin, stats.wis, stats.base_wis, 
              "Wisdom       : ", false);
   statwin:Tell ("   ");
   formatPool (statwin, stats.moves, stats.max_moves,
              "Moves   : ", true);
   formatStat (statcol, statwin, stats.dex, stats.base_dex, 
              "Dexterity    : ", true);

   formatStat (statcol, statwin, stats.con, stats.base_con, 
              "Constitution : ", false);
   statwin:Tell ("   ");
   formatSingle (statcol, statwin, stats.hitroll,
              "Hitroll : ", true);

   formatStat (statcol, statwin, stats.luck, stats.base_luck, 
              "Luck         : ", false);
   statwin:Tell ("   ");
   formatSingle (statcol, statwin, stats.damroll,
              "Damroll : ", true);
   statwin:Note ("")

   statwin:ColourNote (
      labelcol, "", "Exp to Level : ", 
      statcol,  "", string.format ("%5d     ", stats.to_level), 
      labelcol, "", "Level   : ",
      "#00ee00", "", string.format ("%5d", stats.level));
   statwin:ColourNote (
      labelcol, "", "Alignment    : ", 
      statcol,  "", string.format ("%5d     ", stats.align), 
      labelcol, "", "Gold    : ", 
      "#eeee00","", string.format ("%5d",;

   statwin:Note ("")

   colorBar ("Health", stats.hp_percent,    statwin);
   colorBar ("Mana",   stats.mana_percent,  statwin);
   colorBar ("Moves ", stats.moves_percent, statwin);

   statwin:Note ("")
   statwin:ColourNote ("#eeeeee", "", stats.doing);
   --- Enemy percent 9999 is hax for 'no enemy' :)
   if  (stats.enemy_percent ~= "9999") then
     colorBar ("Enemy", stats.enemy_percent, statwin);

end -- Stat_Start

--- Format display of a stat/base
function formatStat(statcol, w, current, base, label, cr)
  sepcol = "#00d6d6";
  str = {
    sepcol,  "", label, 
    statcol, "", string.format("%3d",current),
    sepcol,  "", "/",
    statcol, "", string.format("%-3d",base)
  if cr then
    w:ColourNote (unpack(str));
    w:ColourTell (unpack(str));

--- Format display of a 5d stat, probably a better way to combine these two
function formatPool(w,current,base,label,cr)
  statcol= "#eeeeee";
  sepcol = "#00d6d6";
  str = {
    sepcol,  "", label,
    statcol, "", string.format("%5d",current),
    sepcol,  "", "/",
    statcol, "", string.format("%-5d",base)};
  if cr then
    w:ColourNote (unpack(str));
    w:ColourTell (unpack(str));

--- Format display of a single stat.
function formatSingle(statcol, world,current,label,cr)
  sepcol = "#00d6d6";
  str = {sepcol,"black",label,statcol,"black",string.format("%5d",current)};
  if cr then

-- Draw colored bars based on percentage input.
function colorBar (label, pct, world)

  -- show at most 7 x #
  local function show_blocks (color, number)
    world:ColourTell (color, "", string.rep ("#", math.min (number, 7)))
    return number - 7
  end -- function

  local blocks = pct / 3

  world:ColourTell ("#eeeeee", "",
              string.format ("%-7s: (%3i%%) ", label, pct))

  local colors = { "#880000",   -- red
                   "#d6d600",   -- yellow
                   "#d2d2d2",   -- gray
                   "#ffffff",   -- white
                   "#00d600" }  -- green

  for i = 1, #colors do
    if blocks <= 0 then
      break  -- all done
    blocks = show_blocks (colors [i], blocks)
  end -- for

  world:Note "" -- wrap up line
end -- function colourBar

function OnPluginInstall ()

  if GetVariable ("enabled") == "false" then
    ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Warning: Plugin " .. GetPluginName ().. " is currently disabled.")
    check (EnablePlugin(GetPluginID (), false))
  end -- they didn't enable us last time
  OnPluginEnable ()  -- do initialization stuff
end -- OnPluginInstall

function OnPluginEnable()
  -- ensure world file exists
  CallPlugin ("35dfdbf3afc8cbf60c91277c", "CreateWorldFile", folder .. "," .. worldname)
  local w = get_a_world (worldname, folder)
  if w then
    w:DeleteOutput ()
    w:Note "Stats will appear here."
    w:SetOption ("do_not_show_outstanding_lines", 1)
    w:SetCommandWindowHeight (0)  -- no command window
    w:SetWorldWindowStatus (3) -- restore it     
  end -- no world
  -- check our stats detector is there
  checkplugin ("8a710e0783b431c06d61a54c", "Stats_Detector.xml")
end -- OnPluginEnable

function OnPluginDisable()
  local w = get_a_world (worldname, folder)
  if w then
    w:SetWorldWindowStatus (2) -- minimize it on disable
  end -- if 
end -- OnPluginDisable

function OnPluginSaveState ()
  SetVariable ("enabled", tostring (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 17)))
end -- OnPluginSaveState



- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Sun 13 Jul 2008 02:03 AM (UTC)

Example of plugin in operation:

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Bottomfeeder   (42 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Mon 21 Jul 2008 09:51 PM (UTC)
I'm loving this meeting of the minds between Mush and Aard. These plugins and the actual Aardwolf client are some of the tightest and most skillfully implemented tools for mudding that I've seen on ANY client.

Keep up the fantastic work!

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To show them in your local time you can join the forum, and then set the 'time correction' field in your profile to the number of hours difference between your location and UTC time.


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