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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Plugins ➜ Miniwindow plugin - help window for Aardwolf

Miniwindow plugin - help window for Aardwolf

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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Mon 28 Jul 2008 06:21 AM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 28 Jul 2008 07:38 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

The plugin below illustrates using the new miniwindows concept in a plugin.

Miniwindows were released in version 4.34, see here for a copy:

It captures help pages and displays them over the main output. It demonstrates using hyperlinks in a miniwindow. In this case one for "Close" to close the window, "Next" and "Previous" if there are multiple pages, and "Copy" to copy the text to the clipboard.

To use, copy between the lines and save as Aardwolf_Help.xml in your Plugins folder.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>

   author="Nick Gammon"
   purpose="Shows help messages a popup window"

<description trim="y">
Redirects a help message to a mini window.


closehelp   --> dismiss help window  (or click on Close hyperlink)
showhelp    --> redisplay last help



<!--  Triggers  -->


   match="There is no help with that keyword."


   match="^help( .*)?$"
   match="remove help cache"

<!--  Script  -->


HELP_EXPIRY_TIME = 60 * 60 * 24 * 2 -- time to expire help in seconds (2 days)

TOPIC_REGEXP = "[-%a%d]+"

require "commas"   -- for trim function
require "serialize"  -- needed to serialize table to string
require "checkplugin"
require "getlines"

text_colour = 0x000000
border_colour = 0x00D7FF
hyperlink_colour = 0xE16941
background_colour = 0xE7FFFF
button_line_height = 20
max_lines_to_show = 40

current_help_topic = nil
helps = {}
help_lookup = {}
help_time = {}
help_text_lines = {}

hyperlink_functions = {}

function OnPluginBroadcast (msg, id, name, text)
  -- playing status
  if id == "f5b05e8826711cdb0d141939" then
    playing = text == "y"
  end -- if  

function remove_cache ()
  helps = {}
  help_lookup = {}
  help_time = {}
  ColourNote ("white", "blue", "Help topics removed from cache.")
end -- remove_cache

function Display_Line (line, text, id, colour)

local left = 5
local top =  (line - 1) * font_height + 1

  WindowText (win, id, text, left, top, 0, 0, colour)

end -- Display_Line

function close_help (name, line, wildcards)
  WindowShow (win, false)
end -- close_help

function re_show_help (name, line, wildcards)
  if #help_text_lines > 0 then
    draw_help_lines (1)
    ColourNote ("red", "", "No help recently received.")
  end -- if
end -- re_show_help

function hyperlink_close ()
  WindowShow (win, false)
end -- hyperlink_close

function draw_help_lines (start)

  -- clear window
  WindowRectOp (win, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, background_colour)
  -- DrawEdge rectangle
  check (WindowRectOp (win, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, border_colour))
  check (WindowLine (win, 0, button_line_top, 0, button_line_top, border_colour, 0, 1))
  local count = 0
  if start < 1 then
    start = 1
  end -- too low
  first_line_shown = start
  for i = start, start + max_lines_to_show do
    if i > #help_text_lines then
    count = count + 1
    Display_Line (count, help_text_lines [i], font_id, text_colour)
    last_line_shown = i
    if count >= max_lines_to_show then
  end -- for
  local right 
  local top = button_line_top + 2
  WindowDeleteAllHotspots (win)
  right = make_hyperlink ("Close", 10, top, hyperlink_close, "Dismiss this window")

  if start > 1 then
    right = make_hyperlink ("Previous", right + 10, top, hyperlink_previous, "Previous page")
    right = right + WindowTextWidth (win, hyperlink_font_id, "Previous") + 10
  end -- if

  if last_line_shown < #help_text_lines then
    right = make_hyperlink ("Next", right + 10, top, hyperlink_next, "Next page")
    right = right + WindowTextWidth (win, hyperlink_font_id, "Next") + 10
  end -- if
  right = right + 50
  right = make_hyperlink ("Copy", right + 10, top, hyperlink_copy, "Copy help to clipboard")
  local old_ascent = WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 2)
  local new_ascent = WindowFontInfo (win, hyperlink_font_id, 2)
  local ascent_diff =  new_ascent - old_ascent
  local msg = 'Type "closehelp" to dismiss.'
  local msg_len = WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, msg)
  WindowText (win, font_id, msg, 
              max_width - msg_len, top + ascent_diff, 0, 0, 0x82004B)
  WindowShow (win, true)
end -- draw_help_lines

function hyperlink_next ()
  draw_help_lines (last_line_shown + 1)
end -- hyperlink_next

function hyperlink_previous ()
  draw_help_lines (first_line_shown - max_lines_to_show)
end -- hyperlink_next

function hyperlink_copy()
  SetClipboard (table.concat (help_text_lines, "\r\n") .. "\r\n")
  ColourNote ("yellow", "black", "Help for " .. current_help .. " now on Clipboard.")
end -- hyperlink_next

function mousedown (flags, hotspotid)
  local f = hyperlink_functions [hotspotid]
  if f then
    f ()
  end -- function found
end -- mousedown

function make_hyperlink (text, left, top, action, hint)
local height = WindowFontInfo (win, hyperlink_font_id, 1)  
local right = left + WindowTextWidth (win, hyperlink_font_id, text)
local bottom = top + height

  WindowAddHotspot(win, text,  
                    left, top, right, bottom, 
                   "", -- mouseover
                   "", -- cancelmouseover
                   "", -- cancelmousedown
                   "", -- mouseup
                   1, 0)
  WindowText (win, hyperlink_font_id, text, left, top, right, bottom, hyperlink_colour)               
  hyperlink_functions [text] = action
  return right
end -- make_hyperlink                 

function show_help (topic)

  if not topic then
    ColourNote ("teal", "", table.concat (help_fallback, "\n"))
  help_text_lines = {}
  max_width = 0
  for line in getlines (helps [topic]) do
    table.insert (help_text_lines, line)
    max_width = math.max (max_width, WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, line)) 
  end -- for
  help_line_count = #help_text_lines
  lines_shown = math.min (help_line_count, max_lines_to_show)
  button_line_top = lines_shown * font_height + 5
  current_help = topic
  -- recreate the window the correct size
  WindowCreate (win, 
               0, 0,   -- left, top (auto-positions)
               max_width + 10,     -- width
               button_line_top + button_line_height,  -- height
               12,       -- auto-position: center all
               0,  -- flags
   draw_help_lines (1)

end -- show_help

function PrefixCheck (t, s)

   for k, v in pairs (t) do
      if string.match (k, "^" .. s) then -- prefix match, so "swo" matches "sword"
        return k, v
      end -- if name matches
    end -- checking table

   return nil  -- not found
end -- PrefixCheck

function no_such_help (name, line, wildcards)
  requested_topic = nil  -- can't get help on that
  current_help_topic = nil
  requested_topic = nil
  EnableTrigger ("multi_line_help", false)  -- no more lines to go
end -- no_such_help

-- here if they type HELP <something>
function get_help (name, line, wildcards)
  -- muck around finding what they want help on
  -- eg. help 'hand to hand'
  local topic = ""
  if wildcards [1] then
    topic = string.match (wildcards [1], "'(.-)'")
    -- eg. help hand to hand
    if not topic then
      topic = trim (wildcards [1])
    end -- no quotes
  end -- some wildcard
  -- eg. help
  if topic == "" then
    topic = "help"
  end -- help on its own
  -- lower-case for comparisons
  topic = topic:lower ()
  -- look for cached help
  -- direct lookup?  (exact match)
  if help_lookup [topic] and help_time [help_lookup [topic]] and
    (help_time [help_lookup [topic]] + HELP_EXPIRY_TIME) > os.time () then
    show_help (help_lookup [topic])
  end  -- found direct match
  -- scan for partial match
  local k, v = PrefixCheck (help_lookup, topic)
  if v and help_time [v] and
    (help_time [v] + HELP_EXPIRY_TIME) > os.time () then
    show_help (v)
  end  -- partial match
  -- no match, or expired? request it
  if not playing then
    ColourNote ("red", "", "Not currently able to request help from Aardwolf.")
    SendNoEcho ("help " .. topic)
  end -- if
  -- in case the help doesn't match what we asked for
  requested_topic = topic
end -- get_help

-- here to add another help cross-reference
function insert_help_topic (s)
   help_lookup [s:lower ()] = current_help_topic
   return ""
end -- insert_help_topic

-- here when help file has fully arrived, cache it in memory
function cache_help ()

  if not current_help_topic then
    requested_topic = nil
    ColourNote ("orange", "", table.concat (help_text, "\n"))
  end -- no help topic arrived
  -- one big block of text
  helps [current_help_topic] = table.concat (help_text, "\n")
  local topic = current_help_topic
  -- insert quoted words
  topic = string.gsub (topic, "'(.-)'", insert_help_topic)
  -- insert single words
  topic = string.gsub (topic, TOPIC_REGEXP, insert_help_topic)
  help_time [current_help_topic] = os.time ()
  -- if they typed "help mace" and got "help weapon" allow for that
  if requested_topic then
    -- is requested topic there now?
    local k, v = PrefixCheck (help_lookup, requested_topic)
    -- this is for cases like "help whip" which actually returns "help weapon"
    if not v then
      help_lookup [requested_topic] = current_help_topic
    end -- not there
  end -- wanted another word
  -- don't do it again
  requested_topic = nil
end -- cache_help

function capitalize (s)
  return string.sub (s, 1, 1):upper () .. string.sub (s, 2):lower ()
end -- capitalize 

-- help redirector
function help_redirect (name, line, wildcards, styles)
  EnableTrigger ("multi_line_help", true)  -- capture subsequent lines

  -- should only get this on an error
  if name == "help_end" then
    current_help_topic = nil
    requested_topic = nil
    EnableTrigger ("multi_line_help", false)  -- no more lines to go
  end -- if help_end
  if name == "help_start" then
    current_help_topic = nil
    help_text = {}
    help_fallback = {}
  elseif line == "{/help}" then
    EnableTrigger ("multi_line_help", false)  -- no more lines to go
    cache_help ()
    show_help (current_help_topic)
    -- exclude tag lines
    if not string.match (line, "^%{/?%a+%}$") then
      line = string.gsub (line, "^{helpkeywords}", "")
      local keywords = string.match (line, "^Help Keywords %: (.+)%.$")
      if not current_help_topic and keywords then
        current_help_topic = string.gsub (keywords, TOPIC_REGEXP, capitalize)
      end  -- have keywords line
      if current_help_topic then
        table.insert (help_text, (string.gsub (line, "\r", "")))
        table.insert (help_fallback, (string.gsub (line, "\r", "")))      
      end -- have topic 
    end -- not a tag
  end -- if

end -- function help_redirect 

function OnPluginInstall ()

  win = "z" .. GetPluginID ()
  font_id = "fn"
  hyperlink_font_id = "fh"
  font_name = "Dina"    -- the actual font
  hyperlink_font_name = "Arial"

  -- make win so I can grab the font info
  WindowCreate (win, 
                 0, 0, 1, 1,  -- 1 x 1 pixel
                 1,   -- position - irrelevant
                 0,   -- flags
                 background_colour)   -- background colour
  check (WindowFont (win, font_id, font_name, 8, false, false, false, false, 1, 49))  -- normal
  check (WindowFont (win, hyperlink_font_id, hyperlink_font_name, 9, true, false, true)) 

  font_height = WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 1)  -- height
  font_width = WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 6)  -- avg width
  assert (loadstring (GetVariable ("helps") or "")) ()
  assert (loadstring (GetVariable ("help_lookup") or "")) ()
  assert (loadstring (GetVariable ("help_time") or "")) ()

  if GetVariable ("enabled") == "false" then
    ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Warning: Plugin " .. GetPluginName ().. " is currently disabled.")
    check (EnablePlugin(GetPluginID (), false))
  end -- they didn't enable us last time
  OnPluginEnable ()  -- do initialization stuff
end -- OnPluginInstall

-- pull in telnet option handling
dofile (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 20) .. "telnet_options.lua")
function OnPluginConnect ()
  TelnetOptionOn (TELOPT_HELPS)
end -- function OnPluginConnect

function OnPluginClose ()
  -- if enabled
  if GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 17) then
    TelnetOptionOff (TELOPT_HELPS)
  end -- if enabled
end -- OnPluginClose

function OnPluginEnable ()
  -- if we are connected when the plugin loads, it must have been reloaded whilst playing
  if IsConnected () then
    OnPluginConnect ()
  end -- if already connected
  -- see if we are playing at install time
  playing = GetPluginVariable ("f5b05e8826711cdb0d141939", "playing") == "y"

end -- OnPluginEnable

function OnPluginDisable ()
  TelnetOptionOff (TELOPT_HELPS)
end -- OnPluginDisable

-- save_simple is for simple tables that do not have cycles (self-reference)
-- or refer to other tables

function OnPluginSaveState ()
  SetVariable ("helps", 
               "helps = " .. serialize.save_simple (helps))
  SetVariable ("help_lookup", 
               "help_lookup = " .. serialize.save_simple (help_lookup))               
  SetVariable ("help_time", 
               "help_time = " .. serialize.save_simple (help_time))               
  SetVariable ("enabled", tostring (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 17)))

end -- function OnPluginSaveState


- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Mon 28 Jul 2008 06:22 AM (UTC)

Example of it in operation:

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Keberus   (31 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Thu 07 Jan 2010 01:38 AM (UTC)
I finally got this plugin working on my mud. Now I was wondering, how would I capture the colors as shown in game. Looking at other plugins I know it likely involves a for loop, WindowText function, but I'm kinda lost on what's what. Is the for loop supposed to iterate through each individual character, get the style then put it in a variable called styles? Any help is greatly appreciated.


Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Thu 07 Jan 2010 01:48 AM (UTC)

Amended on Thu 07 Jan 2010 01:53 AM (UTC) by Twisol

Something like this, I imagine:

-- trigger callback
function foo(stuff, stuff, stuff, styles)
  local left = 0
  local font_height = WindowFontInfo(win, "font_id", 1)
  for _,v in ipairs(styles) do
    local width = WindowTextWidth(win, "font_id", v.text, false)
    -- background
    WindowRectOp(win, 2, left, 0, left + width, font_height, v.backcolor)
    -- foreground
    WindowText(win, "font_id", v.text, left, 0, 0, 0, v.textcolor, false)
    left = left + width

Untested, unfortunately. As it's only a demonstration, it's also rather limited (no text wrapping, only one line), but I hope it helps you out.

EDIT: To explain further, a trigger callback function written in Lua gets the three normal variables (which I can't remember the names/orders of and have decided to call "stuff"), and a fourth, 'styles'. This is a numeric-indexed table (a bog-standard array) with elements mapping to a particular stretch of styles in the text. Every change in the styles received, I believe, maps to a new record in the list. Each record also contains exactly the text that the styles apply to. All I'm doing above is stitching together each record visually, drawing its background and foreground, and moving the 'left' index forward as the line grows.

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #4 on Thu 07 Jan 2010 01:58 AM (UTC)
In principle, yes.

However the plugin actually saves all the help text until the end of the help, so it can calculate the window size, and also to reduce flicker.

You really need to save the "styles" from the trigger, rather than the "line" as the line is the raw text, and the styles have the colours.

Really, this is a variation on what I showed in the YouTube video I did the other day:

Template:post=9965 Please see the forum thread:

That was for inventory, but saving help is practically the same thing. Follow the steps outlined there and you should be close.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Keberus   (31 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #5 on Thu 07 Jan 2010 02:23 AM (UTC)

Amended on Thu 07 Jan 2010 02:24 AM (UTC) by Keberus

I tried your advice in a couple of different ways, but I seem to be doing something wrong still. Now all I see is "Trigger function "help_redirect" not found or had a previous error." when I try to use the help mini window. I think the problem is, I don't know which string I need to be pulling from to use for the for loops. Here's my current code for anyone who's interested. Gotta go for the night, I'll be back around tomorrow.

Thanks in advance,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #6 on Thu 07 Jan 2010 05:36 AM (UTC)
Your changes to my original are:

*** Aardwolf_Help_v2.txt	2010-01-07 17:12:39.000000000 +1100
--- Keberus.txt	2010-01-07 17:24:15.000000000 +1100
*** 3,9 ****
!    name="Aardwolf_Help_v2"
     author="Nick Gammon"
--- 3,9 ----
!    name="SWIG_Help_v2"
     author="Nick Gammon"
*** 63,68 ****
--- 63,69 ----
+    custom_colour="2"
*** 137,143 ****
  hyperlink_colour = 0xE16941
  background_colour = 0xE7FFFF
  button_line_height = 20
! max_lines_to_show = 40
  current_help_topic = nil
--- 138,144 ----
  hyperlink_colour = 0xE16941
  background_colour = 0xE7FFFF
  button_line_height = 20
! max_lines_to_show = 36
  current_help_topic = nil
*** 149,154 ****
--- 150,188 ----
  hyperlink_functions = {}
+ function dragmove(flags, hotspot_id)
+   -- find where it is now
+   local posx, posy = WindowInfo (win, 17),
+                      WindowInfo (win, 18)
+   startx, starty = WindowInfo (win, 14), WindowInfo (win, 15)
+   -- move the window to the new location
+   WindowPosition(win, posx - startx, posy - starty, 0, 2);
+   -- change the mouse cursor shape appropriately
+   if posx < 0 or posx > GetInfo (281) or
+      posy < 0 or posy > GetInfo (280) then
+     check (SetCursor ( 11))   -- X cursor
+   else
+     check (SetCursor ( 1))   -- hand cursor
+   end -- if
+ end -- dragmove
+ function dragrelease(flags, hotspot_id)
+   local newx, newy = WindowInfo (win, 17), WindowInfo (win, 18)
+   -- don't let them drag it out of view
+   if newx < 0 or newx > GetInfo (281) or
+      newy < 0 or newy > GetInfo (280) then
+      -- put it back
+     WindowPosition(win, origx, origy, 0, 2);
+   end -- if out of bounds
+ end -- dragrelease
  function OnPluginBroadcast (msg, id, name, text)
    -- playing status
*** 175,180 ****
--- 209,218 ----
  end -- Display_Line
  function close_help (name, line, wildcards)
+   SetVariable ("hwindowx", tostring (WindowInfo (win, 10)))
+   SetVariable ("hwindowy", tostring (WindowInfo (win, 11)))
+   SetVariable ("hwindowmode", tostring (WindowInfo (win, 7)))
+   SetVariable ("hwindowflags", tostring (WindowInfo (win, 8)))
    WindowShow (win, false)
  end -- close_help
*** 188,193 ****
--- 226,235 ----
  function hyperlink_close ()
+   SetVariable ("hwindowx", tostring (WindowInfo (win, 10)))
+   SetVariable ("hwindowy", tostring (WindowInfo (win, 11)))
+   SetVariable ("hwindowmode", tostring (WindowInfo (win, 7)))
+   SetVariable ("hwindowflags", tostring (WindowInfo (win, 8)))
    WindowShow (win, false)
  end -- hyperlink_close
*** 224,230 ****
    local top = button_line_top + 2
    WindowDeleteAllHotspots (win)
    right = make_hyperlink ("Close", 10, top, hyperlink_close, "Dismiss this window")
    if start > 1 then
--- 266,285 ----
    local top = button_line_top + 2
    WindowDeleteAllHotspots (win)
!   -- make a hotspot
!   WindowAddHotspot(win, "hs1",  
!                    0, 0, 0, 0,   -- whole window
!                    "",   -- MouseOver
!                    "",   -- CancelMouseOver
!                    "mousedown",
!                    "",   -- CancelMouseDown
!                    "",   -- MouseUp
!                    "Drag to move",  -- tooltip text
!                    1, 0)  -- hand cursor
!   WindowDragHandler(win, "hs1", "dragmove", "dragrelease", 0)   
    right = make_hyperlink ("Close", 10, top, hyperlink_close, "Dismiss this window")
    if start > 1 then
*** 274,279 ****
--- 329,339 ----
    if f then
      f ()
    end -- function found
+   -- find where mouse is so we can adjust window relative to mouse
+   startx, starty = WindowInfo (win, 14), WindowInfo (win, 15)
+   -- find where window is in case we drag it offscreen
+   origx, origy = WindowInfo (win, 10), WindowInfo (win, 11)
  end -- mousedown
*** 322,332 ****
    -- recreate the window the correct size
    WindowCreate (win, 
!                0, 0,   -- left, top (auto-positions)
                 max_width + 10,     -- width
                 button_line_top + button_line_height,  -- height
                 12,       -- auto-position: center all
!                0,  -- flags
     draw_help_lines (1)
--- 382,392 ----
    -- recreate the window the correct size
    WindowCreate (win, 
!                GetVariable ("hwindowx"), GetVariable ("hwindowy"),   -- left, top (auto-positions)
                 max_width + 10,     -- width
                 button_line_top + button_line_height,  -- height
                 12,       -- auto-position: center all
!                GetVariable ("hwindowflags"),  -- flags
     draw_help_lines (1)
*** 397,408 ****
    -- no match, or expired? request it
!   if not playing then
!     ColourNote ("red", "", "Not currently able to request help from Aardwolf.")
!     return
!   else
!     SendNoEcho ("help " .. topic)
!   end -- if
    -- in case the help doesn't match what we asked for
    requested_topic = topic
--- 457,468 ----
    -- no match, or expired? request it
! --  if not playing then
! --    ColourNote ("red", "", "Not currently able to request help from Aardwolf.")
! --    return
! --  else
! --    SendNoEcho ("help " .. topic)
! --  end -- if
    -- in case the help doesn't match what we asked for
    requested_topic = topic
*** 459,464 ****
--- 519,525 ----
  -- help redirector
  function help_redirect (name, line, wildcards, styles)
    EnableTrigger ("multi_line_help", true)  -- capture subsequent lines
+   local left = 0
    -- should only get this on an error
    if name == "help_end" then
*** 484,494 ****
        if not current_help_topic and keywords then
          current_help_topic = string.gsub (keywords, TOPIC_REGEXP, capitalize)
        end  -- have keywords line
        if current_help_topic then
!         table.insert (help_text, (string.gsub (line, "\r", "")))
!         table.insert (help_fallback, (string.gsub (line, "\r", "")))      
        end -- have topic 
      end -- not a tag
    end -- if
--- 545,564 ----
        if not current_help_topic and keywords then
          current_help_topic = string.gsub (keywords, TOPIC_REGEXP, capitalize)
        end  -- have keywords line
!       local x = 1
!       local y = font_height * 2;
!       for i, styles in ipairs (help_text) do
!           for _, style in ipairs(styles) do
!               x = x + WindowText (win, font, style.text, x, y, 0, 0, style.textcolour)  
!           end -- for
!       y = y + font_height
!       end -- for
        if current_help_topic then
!         table.insert (help_text, (string.gsub (styles, "\r", "") ))
!         table.insert (help_fallback, (string.gsub (styles, "\r", "") ))      
        end -- have topic 
      end -- not a tag
    end -- if
*** 501,516 ****
    win = "z" .. GetPluginID ()
    font_id = "fn"
    hyperlink_font_id = "fh"
    font_name = "Dina"    -- the actual font
    hyperlink_font_name = "Arial"
    -- make win so I can grab the font info
    WindowCreate (win, 
!                  0, 0, 1, 1,  -- 1 x 1 pixel
!                  1,   -- position - irrelevant
!                  0,   -- flags
                   background_colour)   -- background colour
    check (WindowFont (win, font_id, font_name, 8, false, false, false, false, 1, 49))  -- normal
    check (WindowFont (win, hyperlink_font_id, hyperlink_font_name, 9, true, false, true)) 
--- 571,605 ----
    win = "z" .. GetPluginID ()
    font_id = "fn"
    hyperlink_font_id = "fh"
!    local x, y, mode, flags = 
!       tonumber (GetVariable ("hwindowx")) or 0,
!       tonumber (GetVariable ("hwindowy")) or 0,
!       tonumber (GetVariable ("hwindowmode")) or 8, -- bottom right
!       tonumber (GetVariable ("hwindowflags")) or 0 
    font_name = "Dina"    -- the actual font
    hyperlink_font_name = "Arial"
    -- make win so I can grab the font info
    WindowCreate (win, 
!                  x, y, 1, 1,  -- 1 x 1 pixel
!                  mode,   -- position - irrelevant
!                  flags,   -- flags
                   background_colour)   -- background colour
+   -- make a hotspot
+   WindowAddHotspot(win, "hs1",  
+                    0, 0, 0, 0,   -- whole window
+                    "",   -- MouseOver
+                    "",   -- CancelMouseOver
+                    "mousedown",
+                    "",   -- CancelMouseDown
+                    "",   -- MouseUp
+                    "Drag to move",  -- tooltip text
+                    1, 0)  -- hand cursor
+   WindowDragHandler(win, "hs1", "dragmove", "dragrelease", 0) 
    check (WindowFont (win, font_id, font_name, 8, false, false, false, false, 1, 49))  -- normal
    check (WindowFont (win, hyperlink_font_id, hyperlink_font_name, 9, true, false, true)) 
*** 533,557 ****
  end -- OnPluginInstall
  -- pull in telnet option handling
! dofile (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 20) .. "telnet_options.lua")
! function OnPluginConnect ()
!   TelnetOptionOn (TELOPT_HELPS)
! end -- function OnPluginConnect
! function OnPluginClose ()
    -- if enabled
!   if GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 17) then
!     TelnetOptionOff (TELOPT_HELPS)
!   end -- if enabled
! end -- OnPluginClose
  function OnPluginEnable ()
    -- if we are connected when the plugin loads, it must have been reloaded whilst playing
!   if IsConnected () then
!     OnPluginConnect ()
!   end -- if already connected
    -- see if we are playing at install time
    playing = GetPluginVariable ("f5b05e8826711cdb0d141939", "playing") == "y"
--- 622,646 ----
  end -- OnPluginInstall
  -- pull in telnet option handling
! --dofile (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 20) .. "telnet_options.lua")
! --function OnPluginConnect ()
! --  TelnetOptionOn (TELOPT_HELPS)
! --end -- function OnPluginConnect
! --function OnPluginClose ()
    -- if enabled
! --  if GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 17) then
! --    TelnetOptionOff (TELOPT_HELPS)
! --  end -- if enabled
! --end -- OnPluginClose
  function OnPluginEnable ()
    -- if we are connected when the plugin loads, it must have been reloaded whilst playing
! --  if IsConnected () then
!   --  OnPluginConnect ()
! --  end -- if already connected
    -- see if we are playing at install time
    playing = GetPluginVariable ("f5b05e8826711cdb0d141939", "playing") == "y"
*** 559,565 ****
  end -- OnPluginEnable
  function OnPluginDisable ()
!   TelnetOptionOff (TELOPT_HELPS)
  end -- OnPluginDisable
  -- save_simple is for simple tables that do not have cycles (self-reference)
--- 648,655 ----
  end -- OnPluginEnable
  function OnPluginDisable ()
! --  TelnetOptionOff (TELOPT_HELPS)
!   WindowShow (win, false)
  end -- OnPluginDisable
  -- save_simple is for simple tables that do not have cycles (self-reference)
*** 576,585 ****
                 "help_time = " .. serialize.save_simple (help_time))               
    SetVariable ("enabled", tostring (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 17)))
  end -- function OnPluginSaveState
! </muclient>
--- 666,679 ----
                 "help_time = " .. serialize.save_simple (help_time))               
    SetVariable ("enabled", tostring (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 17)))
+   SetVariable ("hwindowx", tostring (WindowInfo (win, 10)))
+   SetVariable ("hwindowy", tostring (WindowInfo (win, 11)))
+   SetVariable ("hwindowmode", tostring (WindowInfo (win, 7)))
+   SetVariable ("hwindowflags", tostring (WindowInfo (win, 8)))
  end -- function OnPluginSaveState
! </muclient>

It seems to me you have take Twisol's suggestion a bit literally. In this part:

      local x = 1
      local y = font_height * 2;
      for i, styles in ipairs (help_text) do
          for _, style in ipairs(styles) do
              x = x + WindowText (win, font, style.text, x, y, 0, 0, style.textcolour)  
          end -- for
      y = y + font_height
      end -- for

      if current_help_topic then
        table.insert (help_text, (string.gsub (styles, "\r", "") ))
        table.insert (help_fallback, (string.gsub (styles, "\r", "") ))      

... you are saving the styles instead of the lines, as I suggested. However you are doing a WindowText right there. What you need to do is save the styles (as you have) and then modify Display_Line to display style runs rather than simple lines.

An example of this is the Display_Styled_Line function in this page:

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #7 on Thu 07 Jan 2010 05:38 AM (UTC)
You can also simplify all the stuff you added about dragging the window around, by using the movewindow module, as described here:

Template:post=9594 Please see the forum thread:

- Nick Gammon,

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To show them in your local time you can join the forum, and then set the 'time correction' field in your profile to the number of hours difference between your location and UTC time.


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