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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Lua ➜ SplitSpeedwalk (a function done in LPEG)

SplitSpeedwalk (a function done in LPEG)

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Posted by WillFa   USA  (525 posts)  Bio
Date Sat 27 Jun 2009 08:04 AM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 09 Oct 2009 05:53 PM (UTC) by WillFa

So you have a super-long, nifty speedwalk that you included comments in. You want to be able to get at your comments in your Lua script.

GetMapperItem can retrieve your comments for you, but there's no SetMappingString. So you can't load your saved speedwalk into the Mapper.

EvaluateSpeedwalk strips the comments out.

What can ya do?

function SplitSpeedwalk(speedwalk)
    local P, C, Cs, V, Ct, Cg, S, Cc = lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.V, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.S, lpeg.Cc
    local digit, space = lpeg.digit,
    local function ExpandCounter (repeated, cmd) 
        local tmp = {} 
        repeated = math.max(1,tonumber(repeated))
        for i = 1,repeated do 
            tmp[#tmp+1] = cmd 
        return unpack(tmp) 
    local function er (c, i, lvl)
        error(string.format("Bad Speedwalk character near '%s' at position %d", c:sub(i, i), i) , 4 )
    local SWdirs = {n = "north", s = "south", e = "east", w = "west", 
                    u = "up", d = "down", f= GetInfo(19),                 }
    local Macros = {L = "lock ", O = "open ", C = "close ", K = "unlock ",} 
    local tmp = {}
    for k,_ in pairs(SWdirs) do 
        SWdirs[k:upper()] = SWdirs[k] 
        tmp[#tmp+1] = k
        tmp[#tmp+1] = k:upper()
    local DirChars = table.concat(tmp)
    tmp = nil
    local function SWmacros (x,y)
        return Macros[x] .. y 
    SpeedWalk = P{"grammar",
                grammar = Ct( ( V"comment"    +                 -- Capture to a table: {a comment} or
                                V"action"     +                 -- an action like LW or
                                V"repeatable" +                 -- a dir that might have a #: 2w 3(jump) e  or
                                space^1       )^0)              -- ignore white space, 0 or more captures. 
                             * (-1 + P(er)),                    -- match to end of string or error.
                comment = C(P"{" * (1-P"}")^1 * P"}"),          -- PCRE: (\{[^\}]+\})
                counter = C(digit^1) + Cc(1) ,                  -- match a number or default to 1 
                special = P"(" * C( (1- P")" )^1) * P")",       -- PCRE: \(([^\)]+)\)
                action  = Cg( C(S"LOCK") * V"dir")/SWmacros,    -- string.gsub(s, "([LOCK])([nsewudfNSEWUDF])", SWMacros) -- kinda
                dir     = Cs(S(DirChars) / SWdirs),             -- string.gsub(s, "([nsewudfNSEWUDF])", SWdirs)
                repeatable = Cg( V"counter" * space^0 *         -- similar to string.gsub(s, "(%d+)%s*([nse...])", ExpandCounter)
                               ( V"special" + V"dir" )) / ExpandCounter, -- but V"counter" is a lot more complex than (%d) :)
    return SpeedWalk:match(speedwalk)

This returns a table of the evaluated speedwalk, with comments still included. It is meant to replicate the behavior of GetMappingItem, not Evaluate Speedwalk. Speedwalks with special directions (forward/backward) will be parsed as "forward/backward", not just "forward".

**This has been modified after Erendir's post. I don't see a reason to save bad code for posterity. :)

Posted by Erendir   Germany  (47 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Sat 27 Jun 2009 05:48 PM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 27 Jun 2009 05:49 PM (UTC) by Erendir

Some fixes:

local P, C, Cs, V, Ct, Cg, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.V, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.S

and with grammar like this:

grammar = Ct( ( ( (V"counter")^-1 * ( V"special" + V"swmacro" + V"dir"  )
                  + V"comment" + lpeg.digit^1*P(er) )/ EvalCounter
                  +^1)^1) * (-1 + P(er)),

it'll be not more possibly to multiply comments ;)

Posted by WillFa   USA  (525 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Sat 27 Jun 2009 06:45 PM (UTC)
Good change!

Although, EvaluateSpeedwalk("4 s") is syntacticly valid - though it does look dumb.

I'll edit the original post with the fixes and changes.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #3 on Sat 27 Jun 2009 10:17 PM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 27 Jun 2009 10:20 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Looks like a fabulous idea! I love to see LPEG being used in new ways. I must admit when I added LPEG I didn't envisage all these novel ways it could help.

Let's test:

print (SplitSpeedwalk("5N 4W (ne/sw) (say open sesame/kick door) 5U 4(se/nw)"))  --> nil


I got that example from the EvaluateSpeedwalk help page.

It looks like the upper-case directions are throwing it out. EvaluateSpeedwalk accepts the upper-case directions like N, S, E, W.

The help text spells it out:


The directions recognised are: N:north, S:south, E:east, W:west, U:up, D:down.

Interestingly, it accepts LW (lock west) but not W on its own.

You might also want to build in support for the filler (f) character.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by WillFa   USA  (525 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Sat 27 Jun 2009 10:39 PM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 27 Jun 2009 11:48 PM (UTC) by WillFa

Nice catch Nick.

function SplitSpeedwalk(speedwalk)
    local P, C, Cs, V, Ct, Cg, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.V, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.S
    local repeated = 1
    local function SWcounter(x) repeated = math.max(1,math.min(x,99)) end
    local function EvalCounter (cmd) 
        local tmp = {} 
        for i = 1,repeated do 
            tmp[#tmp+1] = cmd 
        repeated = 1
        return unpack(tmp) 
    local function er (c, i) 
        error(string.format("Bad Speedwalk character near '%s' at position %d", c:sub(i, i), i) )
    local SWdirs = {n = "north", s = "south", 
                    w = "west", e = "east", 
                    u = "up", d = "down", 
                    f= GetInfo(19),
    local tmp = {}                    
    for k,_ in pairs(SWdirs) do 
        SWdirs[k:upper()] = SWdirs[k] 
        tmp[#tmp+1] = k
        tmp[#tmp+1] = k:upper()
    local DirChars = table.concat(tmp)
    tmp = nil
    local function SWmacros (x,y)
        local tmp= {L = "lock ", O = "open ", C = "close ", K = "unlock ",} 
        if tmp[x] and SWdirs[y:lower()] then
            return tmp[x] .. SWdirs[y:lower()] 
            error("Invalid Speedwalk Macro.")
    SpeedWalk = P{"grammar",
                grammar = Ct( ( V"comment" + 
                              (V"counter"^-1 *^0 * V"repeatable") +
                              (^1 )
                            )^1) * (-1 + P(er)),
                comment = C(P"{" * (1-P"}")^1 * P"}"),
                counter = C(lpeg.digit^1) /SWcounter,
                repeatable = ( V"special" + V"swmacro" + V"dir"  ) / EvalCounter,
                special = P"(" * C((1-P")")^1)* P")",
                swmacro = Cg( C(S"LOCK") * C(1))/SWmacros,
                dir = Cs(S(DirChars) / SWdirs),

    return SpeedWalk:match(speedwalk) or er(speedwalk,1)

Now parses

/tprint(SplitSpeedwalk([[3e 2 S 
       {Foo} 2(jump/fall)3LW ]]))

Correctly with:

9="lock west"
10="lock west"
11="lock west"

Just like GetMappingItem, this is meant to return "fwd/back" directions; the "jump/fall" isn't a bug.


Posted by Erendir   Germany  (47 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #5 on Sun 28 Jun 2009 04:19 AM (UTC)
a small "optimization":

                grammar = Ct( ( V"comment" + 
                              (V"counter"^-1 *^0 * V"repeatable") +
                              (^1 )
                            )^0) * (-1 + P(er)),


return SpeedWalk:match(speedwalk) or er(speedwalk,1)


Posted by WillFa   USA  (525 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #6 on Sun 28 Jun 2009 06:41 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sun 28 Jun 2009 06:42 AM (UTC) by WillFa

Good to know. I was expecting that I'd get a compiler error that the "Grammar could match on empty string".

Strangely enough, I can't seem to make a grammar that causes the error now. I've gotten them at times in the past.

(First post has current code again.)

Posted by Erendir   Germany  (47 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #7 on Sun 28 Jun 2009 12:26 PM (UTC)
>error that the "Grammar could match on empty string".
it's possible with lpeg.P(-1):match("") - no error
What You mean is the "loop body may accept empty string"-error, like
err = (lpeg.P(1)^0)^1

Posted by WillFa   USA  (525 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #8 on Sun 28 Jun 2009 11:46 PM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 09 Oct 2009 05:54 PM (UTC) by WillFa

I did not like the SWcounter function, and realized I could do it in lpeg. I got rid of 1 function and an upvalue by tweaking the grammar.

I also realized that EvalSW doesn't like things like "2LW".

I found a quirk in EvalSW; it silently changes "0w" to "w" or "1w". So that's emulated.

The error function has a level specified high enough to point to what called SplitSpeedwalk.

There's one new quirk in this function, "Lf" (Lock fillercommand) is valid syntax, though still a dumb thing for a user to do, like "0w", so I ain't fixin' it. :p

And now with commenty goodness of the lpeg for people that are curious what this gobbledygook means!

function SplitSpeedwalk(speedwalk)
    local P, C, Cs, V, Ct, Cg, S, Cc = lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.V, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.S, lpeg.Cc
    local digit, space = lpeg.digit,
    local function ExpandCounter (repeated, cmd) 
        local tmp = {} 
        repeated = math.max(1,tonumber(repeated))
        for i = 1,repeated do 
            tmp[#tmp+1] = cmd 
        return unpack(tmp) 
    local function er (c, i, lvl)
        error(string.format("Bad Speedwalk character near '%s' at position %d", c:sub(i, i), i) , 4 )
    local SWdirs = {n = "north", s = "south", e = "east", w = "west", 
                    u = "up", d = "down", f= GetInfo(19),                 }
    local Macros = {L = "lock ", O = "open ", C = "close ", K = "unlock ",} 
    local tmp = {}
    for k,_ in pairs(SWdirs) do 
        SWdirs[k:upper()] = SWdirs[k] 
        tmp[#tmp+1] = k
        tmp[#tmp+1] = k:upper()
    local DirChars = table.concat(tmp)
    tmp = nil
    local function SWmacros (x,y)
        return Macros[x] .. y 
    SpeedWalk = P{"grammar",
                grammar = Ct( ( V"comment"    +                 -- Capture to a table: {a comment} or
                                V"action"     +                 -- an action like LW or
                                V"repeatable" +                 -- a dir that might have a #: 2w 3(jump) e  or
                                space^1       )^0)              -- ignore white space, 0 or more captures. 
                             * (-1 + P(er)),                    -- match to end of string or error.
                comment = C(P"{" * (1-P"}")^1 * P"}"),          -- PCRE: (\{[^\}]+\})
                counter = C(digit^1) + Cc(1) ,                  -- match a number or default to 1 
                special = P"(" * C( (1- P")" )^1) * P")",       -- PCRE: \(([^\)]+)\)
                action  = Cg( C(S"LOCK") * V"dir")/SWmacros,    -- string.gsub(s, "([LOCK])([nsewudfNSEWUDF])", SWMacros) -- kinda
                dir     = Cs(S(DirChars) / SWdirs),             -- string.gsub(s, "([nsewudfNSEWUDF])", SWdirs)
                repeatable = Cg( V"counter" * space^0 *         -- similar to string.gsub(s, "(%d+)%s*([nse...])", ExpandCounter)
                               ( V"special" + V"dir" )) / ExpandCounter, -- but V"counter" is a lot more complex than (%d) :)
    return SpeedWalk:match(speedwalk)

p.s. this is why I take so long to code a plugin. I end up writing the same code 13 times. :\

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