With the addition of better plugin dependency support, I decided to write a new version of LoadPPI from scratch. This version no longer has the load-on-demand functionality (because it's no longer needed and was always rather hacky), and uses a combination of CallPlugin() and MUSHclient variables to execute a method in another plugin. It also makes it so that the public interface of a plugin - the methods that the plugin wants to expose through the PPI library - doesn't have to be duplicated for every supported language, because this version doesn't load the code and execute it directly. (The PPI library itself would need to be ported for each language, but that's all.)
Hopefully some of you find this script useful. Here's an example, and at the end is the source for ppi.lua itself.
Plugin 1 (client)
local PPI = require("ppi")
OnPluginListChanged = function()
local ppi = PPI.Load("7c08e2961c5e20e5bdbf7fc5")
if not ppi then
error("Dependency plugin not installed!")
ppi.SomeMethodHere(parameters, go, here)
Plugin 2 (service)
local PPI = require("ppi")
local function SomeMethodHere(parameters, go, here)
print(parameters, go, here)
PPI.Expose("SomeMethodHere", SomeMethodHere)
The PPI library itself manages the intermediate steps, though at the moment it only supports strings parameters directly. It would be nice to modify it to support numbers, booleans, and tables in some manner, but it's just strings for the moment.
As promised, here is the source for ppi.lua. I wrote it in a couple hours, so it's probably not as well written as I'd like, but there it is.
local PPI_list = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"})
-- Takes a table and returns all values at numeric indices.
-- Example:
-- Input: {1, 2, 3, "5", "7", "10"}
-- Returns: 1, 2, 3, "5", "7", "10"
local function ExplodeParams(tbl)
local param = table.remove(tbl, 1)
if #tbl > 0 then
return param, ExplodeParams(tbl)
return param
-- A 'thunk' is a delayed resolver function.
local function new_thunk(id, func_name)
return function(...)
local params = {...}
-- Prepare the arguments
for i=1,#params do
SetVariable("param" .. i .. "_" .. id, tostring(params[i]))
-- Call the method
SetVariable("method_" .. id, func_name)
CallPlugin(id, "PPI_" .. id .. "_PPI", GetPluginID())
-- Clean up the arguments
for i=1,#params do
DeleteVariable("param" .. i .. "_" .. id)
-- Gather the return values
local returns = {}
local i = 1
while GetPluginVariable(id, "return" .. i .. "_" .. GetPluginID()) ~= nil do
table.insert(returns, GetPluginVariable(id, "return" .. i .. "_" .. GetPluginID()))
i = i + 1
-- Have the other plugin clean up the return values
CallPlugin(id, "PPI_" .. id .. "_PPI_CLEAN", GetPluginID())
return ExplodeParams(returns)
-- If the requested function hasn't yet had a thunk created,
-- create a new thunk and return it.
local PPI_meta = {
__index = function(tbl, idx)
local thunk = new_thunk(PPI_list[tbl].id, idx)
tbl[idx] = thunk
return thunk
local PPI = {
-- Used to retreive a PPI for a specified plugin.
Load = function(plugin_id)
if not IsPluginInstalled(plugin_id) then
return false
local tbl = PPI_list[plugin_id]
if not tbl then
tbl = setmetatable({}, PPI_meta)
PPI_list[tbl] = {id = plugin_id}
PPI_list[plugin_id] = tbl
return tbl
-- Used by a plugin to expose methods to other plugins
-- through its own PPI.
Expose = function(name, func)
local myPPI = PPI_list[GetPluginID()]
myPPI[name] = func
-- create a PPI for this plugin
myPPI = {}
PPI_list[myPPI] = {id = GetPluginID()}
PPI_list[GetPluginID()] = myPPI
-- PPI request resolver
_G["PPI_" .. GetPluginID() .. "_PPI"] = function(id)
local myPPI = PPI_list[GetPluginID()]
local myID = PPI_list[myPPI].id
if not myPPI then
local params = {}
local i = 1
while GetPluginVariable(id, "param" .. i .. "_" .. myID) ~= nil do
table.insert(params, GetPluginVariable(id, "param" .. i .. "_" .. myID))
i = i + 1
local func_name = GetPluginVariable(id, "method_" .. myID)
local func = myPPI[func_name]
if not func then
local returns = {func(ExplodeParams(params))}
for i=1, #returns do
SetVariable("return" .. i .. "_" .. id, tostring(returns[i]))
-- Return value cleaner
_G["PPI_" .. GetPluginID() .. "_PPI_CLEAN"] = function(id)
local i = 1
while GetVariable("return" .. i .. "_" .. id) ~= nil do
DeleteVariable("return" .. i .. "_" .. id)
i = i + 1
return PPI