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Pages: 1
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #15 on Wed 13 Jun 2007 10:06 PM (UTC) |
| |
Posted by
| Isthiriel
(113 posts) Bio
| Reply #16 on Sat 16 Jun 2007 08:40 AM (UTC) Amended on Sat 16 Jun 2007 01:36 PM (UTC) by Isthiriel
| Martijn, the reference implementation of Python (as of 2.5) has coroutines (as an extension of generators). However the nature of generators in Python means that you can't use the exact structure Nick has for lua.
Lua's yield apparently yields all the way out to the encompassing coroutine.resume() call, whereas Python's yield only yields to the containing block, while the function call containing the yield "returns" a generator object encapsulating the function's current execution state.
So the support code looks like:
coroutine_l = {}
coroutine_i = 0
# wraps is a helper-decorator for writing decorators
# it updates __name__, __dict__ and __doc__ as appropriate
from functools import wraps
# decorator for coroutine magic, taken from PEP 342
def wait_coroutine(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
global coroutine_i, coroutine_l
id = "coroutine_%s_%08x" % (f.__name__, coroutine_i)
coroutine_i += 1
g = f(*args, **kw)
coroutine_l[id] = g
return g
return wrapper
def coroutine_resume(id):
global coroutine_i, coroutine_l
assert coroutine_l.has_key(id), "Could not find '%s' in list of coroutines." % id
g = coroutine_l[id]
del coroutine_l[id] # remove the old id from the list
# the generator will get a new id if it hasn't stopped
s =
except StopIteration: # generator has stopped execution
else: # lodge new oneshot timer
id = "%s%08x" % (id[:-8], coroutine_i)
coroutine_i += 1
coroutine_l[id] = g # give the generator a new id
# this is necessary as we are currently in the
# execution of the old timer still so we can't
# reuse the timer name :)
s = int(s)
ss = s % 60
mm = (s / 60) % 60
hh = s / 3600
f = world.AddTimer(id, hh, mm, ss, '',
eEnabled | eOneShot | eReplace | eTemporary,
assert f == eOK, "Could not AddTimer in coroutine_resume(): %s, %d" % (id, f)
And our actual "coroutine":
def my_alias(name, line, wildcards):
world.Note("prepare heal")
yield 1 # wait for 1 sec
world.Note("cast heal")
yield 2
world.Note("eat bread")
yield 3
Stackless Python ([url][/url]) has even more coroutine-y goodness :) | Top |
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