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Autosipper Help

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Posted by Kresslack   (70 posts)  Bio
Date Mon 10 Nov 2008 08:22 PM (UTC)
I haven't been able to find a good auto sipper for my Infernal on Achaea, and I've not the skill to make one. I found this one for the default Nexus client, and it works pretty well. I was wondering if someone could convert it to Mush or point me in the direction of a decent one for Mush. Thanks ahead of time.

<reflexbundle author="Vadi">
<group name="default">
<var name="currenthealth">0</var>
<var name="currentmana">0</var>
<var name="healbalance">1</var>
<var name="healthdifference">0</var>
<var name="manadifference">0</var>
<var name="maxhealth">0</var>
<var name="maxmana">0</var>
<var name="mosshealth">0</var>
<var name="mossmana">0</var>
<var name="siphealth">0</var>
<var name="sipmana">0</var>
<var name="tracking">1</var>
<alias name="hh">#if $priority {
#set priority 0
#echo [Vadi]: Swapped to mana priority.
} else {
#set priority 1
#echo [Vadi]: Swapped to health priority.}</alias>
<alias name="pp">#if $paused {
#set paused 0
#echo [Vadi]: Unpaused.
} else {
#set paused 1
#echo [Vadi]: Paused.}</alias>
<alias name="sipinstall">#set healbalance 1
#set priority 1
#set tracking 0
#set mossbalance 1
#echo Improved sipper installed, enjoy.</alias>
<alias name="tr">#if $tracking {
#set tracking 0
#echo [Vadi]: Tracking disabled.
} else {
#set tracking 1
#echo [Vadi]: Tracking health and mana changes.}</alias>
<trig name="{&lt;} Health : {d:currenthealth}/{d} Endurance : {d}/{d}{&gt;}">#set maxhealth $2
#set siphealth = $maxhealth-100
#set mosshealth = $maxhealth-800
<trig name="{&lt;} Mana : {d:currentmana}/{d} Willpower : {d}/{d}{&gt;}">#set maxmana $2
#set sipmana = $maxmana-300
#set mossmana = $maxmana-800</trig>
<trig name="{&lt;}The potion heals and soothes you.{&gt;}">#set healbalance 0
#highlight green</trig>
<trig name="{&lt;}You feel you health, mana and ego replenished.{&gt;}">#set mossbalance 0
#highlight green</trig>
<trig name="{&lt;}You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.{&gt;}">#set healbalance 1
#highlight green</trig>
<trig name="{&lt;}You may eat another sparkleberry.{&gt;}">#set mossbalance 1
#highlight green</trig>
<trig name="{&lt;}Your mind feels stronger and more alert.{&gt;}">#set healbalance 0
#highlight green</trig>
<trig name="{d}h, {d}m">#if $tracking {
#set healthdifference = $1 - $currenthealth
#set manadifference = $2 - $currentmana
#if $healthdifference&lt;0 and $manadifference&lt;0{
#echo ($healthdifference Health, $manadifference Mana)
} elsif $healthdifference&gt;0 and $manadifference&lt;0 {
#echo (+$healthdifference Health, $manadifference Mana)
} elsif $healthdifference&lt;0 and $manadifference&gt;0 {
#echo ($healthdifference Health, +$manadifference Mana)
} elsif $healthdifference&gt;0 and $manadifference&gt;0 {
#echo (+$healthdifference Health, +$manadifference Mana)
} elsif $healthdifference&gt;0 {
#echo (+$healthdifference Health)
} elsif $manadifference&gt;0 {
#echo (+$manadifference Mana)
} elsif $healthdifference&lt;0 {
#echo ($healthdifference Health)
} elsif $manadifference&lt;0 {
#echo ($manadifference Mana)}
#set currenthealth $1
#set currentmana $2
#if !$paused {
#if $healbalance=1 and $priority {
#if $currenthealth&lt;$siphealth {
sip health
#set healbalance 0.5
} elsif $currentmana&lt;$sipmana {
sip mana
#set healbalance 0.5
} elsif $healbalance=1 {
#if $currentmana&lt;$sipmana {
sip mana
#set healbalance 0.5
} elsif $currenthealth&lt;$siphealth {
sip health
#set healbalance 0.5
#if $mossbalance=1 and ($currenthealth&lt;$mosshealth or $currentmana&lt;$mossmana) {
outr moss
eat moss
#set mossbalance 0.5}

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